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Brazillian Freedom OOC thread

Zoot Zoot

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Taken from the first response, posted by Isaac on behalf of JJ.

[quote]The Commander in Chief of the Solaran Armed Forces walked into the King's room. "Sir, we have been attacked by The Umbrella Corporation. All our first response RADAR systems are down. Most of our other RADAR systems are being scrambled, so we only have a little insight of what is happening. What we do know is that a force of more than [b]75,000 troops are amassing [/b]at the Southern Border, and our navy is being destroyed. Most of our S-400s managed to get away unharmed, but a good 556 of our S-400s were either destroyed or damaged beyond repair. [b]When the enemy planes were detected, the S-400s let loose, but the attack came too late. What should we do?" King Simon slouched back and sat for a long time before asking his question. "What is the status of the navy?" the Commander sighed and gave the bad news. "All four of our landing ships and one of our Cruisers are down. The remaining Cruiser, both Battleships, and Destroyers are fighting for their lives. They have detected a ring of 5 submarines, and we are launching both our heavy and light torpedoes, using the SONAR and other on board guidance systems. Do you have any more orders?"[/b] King Simon told him "Tell them to fire any BrahMos missiles at any enemy ships that come by, and keep launching torpedoes. I am declaring DEFCON 1. I also have some more orders. Station 150,000 soldiers armed with FN SCARs and Desert Eagles in the trenches in our southern borders along with some of those [b]'human tanks' you have been talking about. Make sure they have a chain gun and a Desert Eagle each. They all must have body armor as well. Also move in 1,500 tanks. 750 of them must be m1 Abrams tanks, and the other 750 will be the Leopard 2A6 Kampipanzer. Bring in 1,200 Main Hell Guns. Make sure the artillery and tanks are hidden well, and don't forget to build dummy positions. If possible, put the artillery underground to protect them against air strikes. To protect from air strikes, roll in 750 of those S-400 Triumfs, the 40N6 version.[/b] Keep a couple of Predator B and Predator C drones nearby. I will get the BrahMos missiles to fire when needed. We have a good amount in that area. Also use AWACS and their infrared scopes to collect whatever information we can and to scramble whatever RADAR they have in the area. Once that is completed, the air strike I sent will come in and bomb the enemy troops. Don’t forget to launch HARM missiles to take out the enemy RADAR! Station 200 F/A-37 Talons to protect our Southern Border as well. After this is finished, order an artillery barrage by our Main Hell Guns. In the coast, I will have no choice but to fire some missiles at the ships and hope that they get destroyed. I do not want any of them to have a chance to land on our beaches and cause havoc. The remaining ships will have to do their best to avoid destruction, otherwise we will not be able to defend a large part of the coast for a year, even if we win. That is all Commander." After writing down the king’s orders, the commander went to implement them.

Some Time Later....

[b]Southern Border

150,000 soldier were dug in waiting for their command. They kept cleaning their SCARs, Desert Eagles, chain guns, whatever they had. They new that they were well protected with a good number of M1 Abrams, Leopard 2A6 Kampipanzer, S-400 Triumfs, and Main Hell Guns around, so the morale was as high as it has ever been. The RADAR that was in the area were
<JoelJames> sending out its radio waves trying its best to make sure that no vehicles or soldiers were coming in their direction. When some of the soldiers started drifting off, they heard a faint humming sound coming from above them....[/b]

[b]Airspace of the Southern Border

48 B-1 Lancers equipped with BrahMos missiles, HARM missiles and a fair number of bombs were being escorted by 96 of the famed F/A-37 Talons to blow the enemies out of their encampments. To confuse the enemy, they split into cells of 3 bombers and 6 fighters, making it a total of 16 cells. The planes were far enough from eachother so that they could not alert enemy RADAR. First, they fired their radio destroying HARM missiles to knock out enemy RADAR, so they could not fight back as well. Once this deed was accomplished, the cells started bombing the enemy soldiers and other machines of war with their bombs and their BrahMos air variant missiles. Once the deed was finished and the planes peeled off back to base, the roar of artillery shells could be heard coming from the north. As they landed, you could hear explosions and screams of pain from the enemy soldiers as they writhed in pain. After some time, the guns were silenced. The shells stopped falling. People only hoped that it was worth it. To protect the border, 200 F/A-37 Talons were sent to protect it.[/b]


After receiving their orders, the ships resumed doig what they were doing-trying to survive. Torpedoes were being fired, and now with the clearance, BrahMos missiles were being fired to destroy the surface ships. When the sailors on these ships looked up, they could see the land-based BrahMos missiles arc through the air and hit the enemy surface ships. With this, the morale on board shot up. Sailors were working harder than ever to protect their beloved nation. They could see enemy ships sinking below the waves, and they started cheering. They may be outnumbered better than 2 to 1, but they were not about to give up and die.[/quote]

First point - I am not amassing soldiers, as seen here, I am already crossing the border, this makes some of the other things I hvae bolded also quite difficult/impossible to due depending on how its done.

[quote]Operation Rolling Thunder

Shortly after the first aerial attacks begin

J-STARs and UAVs ranging from high altitude global hawks to unit operated mini-UAVs provided imaging intelligence to give forward assaulting units information on enemy locations and order of battle giving them an edge against the defending units. Armored cavalry and mechanized reconnaissance companies were ordered to begin advancing. Rear line Self Propelled Artillery batteries fired air burst shells against infantry units while armored companies would be engaged by armor penetrating shells. Main battle tanks would lead assaults, they would move in zig zag patterns during their advance while activating their ECM pods jamming anti-armor missile systems.

Mechanized recon companies of scimitar II's and warrior III's vehicles assaulted areas where imaging intelligence did not find armor vehicles. Like with the Challenger III MBTs, the Scimitars used ECM pods to prevent missile lock ons. Enemy infantry would be further surpressed by rear line air burst mortar batteries. Warrior ATVs moved to take the high ground and insert sniper-firing teams. The Northern Army all began making their way in division strength across the border, one hundred thousand soldiers moved at a lightening pace with heavy armour and mechanised infantry units leading the way. The Air division of each corps was sending forward its Apache Longbow attack helicopters to support ground operations.[/quote]

As for the navy, my surface ships have not engaged any warships, only hunter killer subs would have attacked Solarian warships. However, i am curious as to how they were detected, tracked and then fired at without any RP'd method of detection during the RP. LOLdetection of submarines isnt paticularly smiled on.

Third point, the movement of such a force and getting them in place and manning defences WHILST being invaded, bombed and bombarded is a godmod. Especially as JJ previously specified he had no forces near his southern border in his news thread as seen [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=107898&view=findpost&p=2891678"]here[/url]. Furthermore, all three of my operations began within minutes of eachother, as specified in my post, which essentially negates pretty much his entire post.

In specific regards to his airborne section, that entire force would be under attack by the sheer weight in numbers from my own airforce which is conducting strike missions and air superiority missions in the area as stated in my post, along with specifically mentioning the attacking of airbases and runways with cratering munitions.

Finally, no casualties casualties from my air attacks or ground attacks are posted. My entire post, seperated into three operations, all began, within minutes of eachother in a surprise attack.

I would appreciate these points being addressed and editted.

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What I've told Zoot:

18:59 Kankou 150 AA emplacements have been made along the patrol zone <- what time sequence is this?
18:59 Kankou 40 B-2 spirit bombers all patrol the Solarin position on the border. <- you don't use bombers to patrol
19:00 Kankou F/A 37 <- The Talon? Get real.
19:01 Kankou All regristered the same heat signature wether dummy or not to further throw off their enemies <- BS, unless he had already RPed out placing heaters in those dummies
19:01 Kankou had multiple bomb shelters in the case of an air raid and very few things short of a nuclear penetrating bomb could really get through. <- !@#$%^ry
19:01 Kankou All emplacements have RADAR jamming equipment as well to further confuse their enemies. <- WTF? Does he have some infinite budget?
19:02 Kankou All airborne divisions were activated so all airborne troops are ready to respond within an hour to be dropped in as reinforcements as well as the troops al ready in Solarin borders that aren't in the southern border. <- just how many !@#$@#$ planes does he have in the air?

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1326781051' post='2901372']
right try to be constructive not insulting
It was a personal query that I had to rush because of work. Here's the full version:

- 150 AA emplacements have been made along the patrol zone: Okay, how much time has it passed for you to establish that many emplacements without making everyone in the region know what the hell you were doing? Are these AA mobile? Are they the big AA guns? Just what are they?

- 40 B-2 spirit bombers all patrol the Solarin position on the border: You don't use bombers to patrol. Need I say more?

- F/A 37: Using the fictional futuristic Talon when you have what, year 2000 tech? I wouldn't even go into the problems of the BS Talon. You simply don't have the tech.

- All regristered the same heat signature wether dummy or not to further throw off their enemies: Unless you had already RPed out placing heaters/engines in those dummies, you're basically wasting money.

- had multiple bomb shelters in the case of an air raid and very few things short of a nuclear penetrating bomb could really get through: DO you realize just how much work is needed to make such bunkers? No shelters has that much protection unless located at least a 100 meters into the ground, either into solid rock or under tons of concrete. Just when have you RPed such a thing?

- All emplacements have RADAR jamming equipment as well to further confuse their enemies: Do you have some infinite budget? Each military jammer costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, and given Zoot's technology, you'll need extremely powerful ones that are most likely into the millions.

- All airborne divisions were activated so all airborne troops are ready to respond within an hour to be dropped in as reinforcements as well as the troops al ready in Solarin borders that aren't in the southern border: just how many freaking planes do you have in the air? THe only way you're going to have a response time of one hour is if the planes were already in the air. Are you saying you have at least one thousand aircrafts above you?

Summary: Your post is just plain godmode.

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Chainguns? Really? With tripod and a crew of at least two, I hope. These are normally mounted on either a lafette or a vehicle. And no amount of reasonable body armor helps your troops from getting shot by snipers. Overall, I'll give you the constructive criticism to just not recruit them, as they are a waste. Or at least, no damn body armor, apart from a steel helmet against grenade splitter.

A Desert Eagle also may be a nice pistol, but I pity your troops carrying that heavy stuff around. you don't need this big a handgun to shoot soldiers on the battlefield.

The tank is called Kampfpanzer. There is no Kampipanzer. Just so you know for the future.

And now I'd like to know what artillery shells and bombs you are using, as well as the stats for your 'famed Talon'.

Can you tell me how you get the logistical effort done to make all this big movements in this little time?

Else, I'm with Zoot and Kankou.

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[i]- 150 AA emplacements have been made along the patrol zone: Okay, how much time has it passed for you to establish that many emplacements without making everyone in the region know what the hell you were doing? Are these AA mobile? Are they the big AA guns? Just what are they?[/i]

[b]Answer: The artillery could have been air dropped in, also the AA are small towed emplacements/vehicles them selves.[/b]

[i]- 40 B-2 spirit bombers all patrol the Solarin position on the border: You don't use bombers to patrol. Need I say more? [/i]

[b]Answer: I can protect my troops with whatever I please, in this case bombers can be used to support troops. ever herd of an air strike?[/b]
- F/A 37: Using the fictional futuristic Talon when you have what, year 2000 tech? I wouldn't even go into the problems of the BS Talon. You simply don't have the tech.[/i]

[b]Answer: The talon was a tech deal from a nation with 3,000 tech. I will talk with hin about stats later I apologize for not putting those up.

[i]- All regristered the same heat signature wether dummy or not to further throw off their enemies: Unless you had already RPed out placing heaters/engines in those dummies, you're basically wasting money.[/i]

[b]Answer: I can spend money where I please really.
[i]- had multiple bomb shelters in the case of an air raid and very few things short of a nuclear penetrating bomb could really get through: DO you realize just how much work is needed to make such bunkers? No shelters has that much protection unless located at least a 100 meters into the ground, either into solid rock or under tons of concrete. Just when have you RPed such a thing?[/i]

[b]Answer: Right that was a miss comm, basically they can resist a basic air raid.[/b]

[i]- All emplacements have RADAR jamming equipment as well to further confuse their enemies: Do you have some infinite budget? Each military jammer costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, and given Zoot's technology, you'll need extremely powerful ones that are most likely into the millions.[/i]

[b]Answer: Every nation has radar jamming equipment especially if they have AWACS which come hand in hand.[/b]
[i]- All airborne divisions were activated so all airborne troops are ready to respond within an hour to be dropped in as reinforcements as well as the troops al ready in Solarin borders that aren't in the southern border: just how many freaking planes do you have in the air? THe only way you're going to have a response time of one hour is if the planes were already in the air. Are you saying you have at least one thousand aircrafts above you?[/i]

[b]Answer: to clarify 9,200 are ready to take off, the rest are ready to get in the planes when they come back[/b]

Summary: Basically not descriptive enough.

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[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1326783313' post='2901391']
Chainguns? Really? With tripod and a crew of at least two, I hope. These are normally mounted on either a lafette or a vehicle. And no amount of reasonable body armor helps your troops from getting shot by snipers. Overall, I'll give you the constructive criticism to just not recruit them, as they are a waste. Or at least, no damn body armor, apart from a steel helmet against grenade splitter.

A Desert Eagle also may be a nice pistol, but I pity your troops carrying that heavy stuff around. you don't need this big a handgun to shoot soldiers on the battlefield.

The tank is called Kampfpanzer. There is no Kampipanzer. Just so you know for the future.

And now I'd like to know what artillery shells and bombs you are using, as well as the stats for your 'famed Talon'.

Can you tell me how you get the logistical effort done to make all this big movements in this little time?

Else, I'm with Zoot and Kankou.

Most of those are directed at JJ but il tell you that a mispelling is no reason to not support him but whatever. And agreed on the tank troops IDK what that is. Also it will be edited for the time thing that was a misunderstanding.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1326805357' post='2901479']
[i]- 150 AA emplacements have been made along the patrol zone: Okay, how much time has it passed for you to establish that many emplacements without making everyone in the region know what the hell you were doing? Are these AA mobile? Are they the big AA guns? Just what are they?[/i]

[b]Answer: Godmode because you would need to breach my attacking fighters which are trying to gain air superiority.b]

[i]- 40 B-2 spirit bombers all patrol the Solarin position on the border: You don't use bombers to patrol. Need I say more? [/i]

[b]Answer: Suit yourself.[/b]
- F/A 37: Using the fictional futuristic Talon when you have what, year 2000 tech? I wouldn't even go into the problems of the BS Talon. You simply don't have the tech.[/i]

[b]Answer: They might be made by a 3000 tech nation, but he needs to RP their maintenance.

[i]- All regristered the same heat signature wether dummy or not to further throw off their enemies: Unless you had already RPed out placing heaters/engines in those dummies, you're basically wasting money.[/i]

[b]Answer: You did no prior RP for this preparation, and so is void.[/b]

[i]- had multiple bomb shelters in the case of an air raid and very few things short of a nuclear penetrating bomb could really get through: DO you realize just how much work is needed to make such bunkers? No shelters has that much protection unless located at least a 100 meters into the ground, either into solid rock or under tons of concrete. Just when have you RPed such a thing?[/i]

[b]Answer: Right that was a miss comm, basically they can resist a basic air raid.[/b]

[i]- All emplacements have RADAR jamming equipment as well to further confuse their enemies: Do you have some infinite budget? Each military jammer costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, and given Zoot's technology, you'll need extremely powerful ones that are most likely into the millions.[/i]

[b]Answer: Missing the point entirely. My EW and ECW is far stronger than your own, so your trying to light wet matches.[/b]

[i]- All airborne divisions were activated so all airborne troops are ready to respond within an hour to be dropped in as reinforcements as well as the troops al ready in Solarin borders that aren't in the southern border: just how many freaking planes do you have in the air? THe only way you're going to have a response time of one hour is if the planes were already in the air. Are you saying you have at least one thousand aircrafts above you?[/i]

[b]Answer: to clarify 9,200 are ready to take off, the rest are ready to get in the planes when they come back[/b]

Summary: Godmod, ignoring my post entirely, lack of explanation.

Corrected that for you.

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Actually dont say it is a quote from me when its not.

Secondly do I really need to RP strapping some $#%^&ng space heaters to my artillery.Also whats wrong with bomber support? He said the maintenance will be done in his nation as well as the training. I can show logs if that's necessary. Also it doesnt matter if you are jamming my radar is I jam yours on the same squawk then strength just means range really.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1326805357' post='2901479'][b]Answer: The artillery could have been air dropped in, also the AA are small towed emplacements/vehicles them selves.[/b][/quote]
Somewhat difficult, but I'll pass this one.

[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1326805357' post='2901479'][b]Answer: I can protect my troops with whatever I please, in this case bombers can be used to support troops. ever herd of an air strike?[/b][/quote]
Zoot, make sure to knock out these useless birds.

[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1326805357' post='2901479'][b]Answer: The talon was a tech deal from a nation with 3,000 tech. I will talk with hin about stats later I apologize for not putting those up.[/b][/quote]
No. You're not using them.

[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1326805357' post='2901479'][b]Answer: I can spend money where I please really.[/b][/quote]
Within reality. Therefore, no.

[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1326805357' post='2901479'][b]Answer: Right that was a miss comm, basically they can resist a basic air raid.[/b][/quote]

[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1326805357' post='2901479'][b]Answer: to clarify 9,200 are ready to take off, the rest are ready to get in the planes when they come back[/b][/quote]

Edited by Kankou
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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1326806195' post='2901486']
Actually dont say it is a quote from me when its not.

Secondly do I really need to RP strapping some $#%^&ng space heaters to my artillery.Also whats wrong with bomber support? He said the maintenance will be done in his nation as well as the training. I can show logs if that's necessary. Also it doesnt matter if you are jamming my radar is I jam yours on the same squawk then strength just means range really.

Your jamming gear isnt as strong as mine. I have RP'd indepth specifics on electronic warfare, you, have not. I have RP'd indepth an intergrated air defence network using air, sea and land based mediums. You have not. Your Taolons are useless and I wont be recognising them as equal to my own fighters, for the reason that they had near to know RP put into them, and so yeah. Not very good.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1326806455' post='2901488']
Somewhat difficult, but I'll pass this one.

Zoot, make sure to knock out these useless birds.

No. You're not using them.

Within reality. Therefore, no.



Sooo I cant use my fighters because...why again?

Those birds are not useless when they are protected and you have no right to wipe my entire air force.

It really would not cost much to put some thermal heaters on, a few hundred thousand at the extreme most.

also the 9,200 troops is not BS, 100 c-130 x 92 men that it can hold = 9,200

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1326783313' post='2901391']
Chainguns? Really? With tripod and a crew of at least two, I hope. These are normally mounted on either a lafette or a vehicle. And no amount of reasonable body armor helps your troops from getting shot by snipers. Overall, I'll give you the constructive criticism to just not recruit them, as they are a waste. Or at least, no damn body armor, apart from a steel helmet against grenade splitter.

[b]I see your point and I will fix this. There will be no more mobile tank soldiers and I will put the chain gun out of commission[/b]

A Desert Eagle also may be a nice pistol, but I pity your troops carrying that heavy stuff around. you don't need this big a handgun to shoot soldiers on the battlefield.

[b]I like the Desert Eagle, but I will look into this[/b]

The tank is called Kampfpanzer. There is no Kampipanzer. Just so you know for the future.

[b]Thanks. [/b]

And now I'd like to know what artillery shells and bombs you are using, as well as the stats for your 'famed Talon'.

[b]OK, will work on the stats for all of them.[/b]

Can you tell me how you get the logistical effort done to make all this big movements in this little time?
[b]I wish[/b]

Else, I'm with Zoot and Kankou.

Summary: I REALLY messed up.

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