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Return of the Umbrella Corporation

Zoot Zoot

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Alice Wesker was sat behind the desk in the Office of the palace in Montevideo. On both sides of her hung the flags of the Umbrella Corporation. Infront of her sat a briefcase full of papers. Looking up at the cameras she begins to speak.

[i]"Nations of the world. I am Alice Wesker. King Rafael of the former Reino do Riograndense e Uruguay has chosen to drop all claims to the throne after his people in the north of the country, rose up in open rebellion against his rule. This briefcase contains the signed document and the fomer King is safe, residing in a country estate outside of Montevideo. I also have recipts in this briefcase documenting his excessive lifestyle and blatant disregard for the poorer, disadvantaged people in the North. As I speak, Umbrella Corporation Divisions are working with local Governments to overcome this problem. The Umbrella Corporation is presently establishing a Disaster Relief Agency, a National Research Lab, and I am personally undertakening steps to reform the Social Security System.

I am well aware many nations believe the Umbrella Corporation to be evil, responsible for the first genocide of the Falklands Islands, and by extension, the fall of the second incarnation of the Islands under my own rule by not containing the viral outbreak released by the previous incarnation of this Corporation. Well. The man responsible, Albert Wesker is dead. He is buried in the foothills of Uruguay, at a location I will reveal should people seek proof of his death. I also have full a post mortem report available.

I seek to clear this Corporations name of the crimes my Father commited. My last item of evidence comes in the form of a second briefcase. This briefcase holds documents, records and memo's from my father ordering the creation of the Patriots, a secondary branch of Tricell, the Patriots were blamed for destroying the Falklands. They were not. It was Tricells fault. Tricell Pharmacaeuticals. The former mother company to the Umbrella Corporation.

It is by the will of the people that the Umbrella Corporation rules and I have no problems with independant parties coming to investigate that claim. Over the next month, I will be extending the branch of diplomacy to many Nations and I must make it clear, that I do not care for the ideals your countries are Governed with, be they Communist, Socialist or others. I believe that if the people are happy with their Government, it is not my place to hold a grudge for political ideals. I urge the international community to recognise this Government."[/i]

Basically, I am going back to the Umbrella Corporation. I have finished one story and now I am starting a new one. I put heavy emphasis on the legal issues in regards to the legaility of the Government to make it clear, its all legal. I have also ensured that I have all the paperwork, data, bodies and signatures to make it legal and clear Umbrella Corps name in regards to its history. I have no problem RPing with people who want to see the proof of the documents, or the happiness of the people with Umbrella Corp leading the way.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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[i]The Republic of Texas recognizes the new government as of now. We are happy to see a brief, peaceful power change - other nations can learn from this. So long as [s]you don't screw anything up[/s] the government sticks to the will of the people, we are content with Umbrella Corporation.[/i]

Matt Damon
[b]Secretary of State of Texas[/b]

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The Grand Principality of Vicidalia expresses its disappointment due to the monarchies end, but has even greater hopes that the Umbrella Corporation is far more willing to repair the ties with our country.

With regards,
[i]Charlotte de Nouvelle-Châteaudun[/i]
Ministre des Affaires Étrangeres, Commerciales et Coloniales

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Messages of thanks were sent to the Nations who had responded to the change in Government. However, the response to Vicidalia was different.
It read;

[quote]I am well aware of your Governments oppressive and hard handed response to protests in your Nation, including the use of live ammunition. That is something the former King mentioned to me during one of my meetings with him at his new home. I am not willing to enter diplomatic relations with such a regime. As such, I must inform you that all diplomats from your Nation are barred, all shipping from Vicidalia is not permitted to traverse Umbrella Corporation maritime territories including our Exclusive Economic Zone. Our airspace is closed to all Vicidalian air assets.

In short, I am cutting all diplomatic and economic ties to your country and should the Grand Princess ever come to my borders, she will be arrested and face trial for the unlawful killing of her people under the Umbrella Corporation Bill of Human Rights.
Alice Wesker[/quote]

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The Union of Arctica does not recognize the authority of the Umbrella Corporation as the legitimate representative of the people it claims to govern, nor does the Union accept as a legitimate governing body an organization that is only answerable to its shareholders and executive board, especially an organization like Umbrella that is alleged to have committed atrocities in the past.

Arctica calls for free and fair democratic elections to determine the will of the people as a means of selecting a leadership that has the best interests of the population at heart.

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[quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1324866183' post='2886409']
The Union of Arctica does not recognize the authority of the Umbrella Corporation as the legitimate representative of the people it claims to govern, nor does the Union accept as a legitimate governing body an organization that is only answerable to its shareholders and executive board, especially an organization like Umbrella that is alleged to have committed atrocities in the past.

Arctica calls for free and fair democratic elections to determine the will of the people as a means of selecting a leadership that has the best interests of the population at heart.

OOC on the iPhone so the reply will be short...ish


Private Response to the Union of Arctica

We previously broadcast on our public news station, a series of reforms have taken place in regards to Government. Umbrella has created the Umbrella Party and nationalised the Corporation. Elections will be taking place in the New Year as per the new law. Secondly in conjunction, a new law was passed allowing the creation of political parties, each of which is permitted to run for Government in elections.

In regards to past atrocities, Chancellor Wesker has documented proof which clears the Corporations name that was taken from her late Father, war criminal Albert Wesker.
As previously stated, we have no qualms about releasing these documents to those who wish to examine them.

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