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The South American Unity Summit

Isaac MatthewII

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Article I: Defence

A)The signatories of this treaty will defend each other in the even of a foreign nation trying to extend into South America via attacking a South American nation in the treaty. This defense can be militarily or through money or aid but is encouraged to be through military.

B)In the case of a signatory attacking another nation each signatory can defend them in any way they want but realize they are not necessarily backed by all signatories.

C)In the event that a signatory attacks another signatory it is considered a violation of the treaty and the offensive signatory may be kicked from the treaty and anyone in the treaty may help out their fellow signatory.

D)In the event that a foreign nation extorts a member of the treaty via some form of payment in exchange for safety from attack it is considered an act against all members of the treaty and action may be taken on a case by case basis.

Article II: Attack

A)In the case of a member attacking a nation not in the treaty they have full right to do so and all signatories have the right to aid in any way as long as there is a unanimous vote to do so and will not be considered an act of all treaty holders unless publicly stated as so.

B)In the event of a nation in the treaty attacking a foreign power for extortion, pure economic means (no reason for war other then personal gain) or for the destruction of another nation for no reason then the treaty does not support them.

Article III: Information sharing

A)All nations in this treaty agree to share information considered as dangerous to fellow members to the respective nation and to all signatories if necessary.

Article IV: Technology sharing

A)All nations in the treaty have an open sharing opportunity meaning that between nations any technology or information can be shared including military or economic.

Article V: Trade

A)All signatories agree to open their borders to all fellow nations for trade and if they refuse must give just cause.

B) All nations have the right to decide whether or not to open their borders to let fellow signatories through for trade routs but it is encouraged to do so.

C)If a nation is found trading something that is considered illegal in the nation that is being traded through the action of the offended nation may take whatever action it deems necessary within the bounds of this treaty in response.


that is what we have so far if there are any objections state them now if not you may sign the treaty now.

[OOC:thanks didnt notice that]

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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"I think, we can agree on that."

Signed for Vicidalia,

[i]Charlotte de Nouvelle-Châteaudun, representant of her Highness, Louise Françoise I de Vicidalia[/i]

OOC: Could you center the image, give Article IV a bit of space between the title and the text and say routes in Article V, B? Else, it's a good treaty.

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"If you do not mind, I would like to refine the wording just a little bit."
He then got to work on changing the treaty as she thought it would be appropriate, soon enough delivering the following version to the assembled representatives.

[size="6"]The Union of South American Nations[/size][/center]

[center][b]Preamble:[/b] We, the sovereign nations signing this treaty, in order to form a stable organization, ensure peace and security, and extend a sphere of prosperity onto the continent of South America, do hereby establish this mutual treaty of military and political cooperation.
For unity, protection, peace and prosperity, we have come together to form the Union of South American Nations, [b]USAN[/b]. [/center]

[u][b][size="5"]Article I:[/u] Sovereignty[/size][/b]
[b]I.a)[/b] Each of the nations bearing a signature on this treaty hereby declares that they will uphold the values and honor of said signatories' sovereignty. They agree not to invade, interfere in internal affairs, or oppress the other signatory that partakes in this treaty.

[u][b][size="5"]Article II:[/u] Intelligence and Non-Aggression[/size][/b]
[b]II.a)[/b] None of the undersigned shall engage in hostile acts against the other. Hostile acts are defined as actions which have the intention to harm the other nation. In the event such acts happen, the nation at fault is expected to pay equal reparations, if requested.
[b]II.b)[/b] If any nation has or acquires intelligence about a threat to another signatory, it is their duty to inform them. Sharing intelligence about happenings in each nation's respective regions of South America is highly encouraged, but not necessary.

[u][b][size="5"]Article III:[/u] Military Cooperation[/size][/b]
[b]III.a)[/b] Signatories agree to defend one another in the event that one comes under attack. This includes financial, political, and military assistance to the best of the signatories’ abilities.
[b]III.b)[/b] In the case of a member attacking a nation not in the treaty they have full, sovereign right to do so with a proper Casus Belli (Just War).
[b]III.c)[/b] Should signatories choose to engage in Just offensive warfare they may request assistance but first must inform designated representatives of the other signatories prior to the conflict, over private channels to request assistance, unless presented with urgent national security threats.
[b]III.d)[/b] The designated representatives are required to maintain operational security once informed of the planned military action whether they agree to participate or not.
[b]III.e)[/b] In the event of a Just War, all signatories have the right to aid in any way they deem appropriate as long as there is an unanimous vote to do so. This support will not be considered an act of all treaty holders unless publicly stated as such.
[b]III.f)[/b] In the event of a signatory attacking a foreign power for extortion, purely economic means or for the destruction of that nation, without a valid Casus Belli and for no true reason, the treaty does not support them.
[b]III.g)[/b] In the event of foreign nation attacking or extorting a South American non-member in exchange for safety from attack it may be considered an act against all members of this treaty and action may be taken on a case by case basis.

[u][b][size="5"]Article IV:[/u] On Technological Advancement[/size][/b]
[b]IV.a)[/b] A better world through technology is a belief shared by all signatories of this document. In spirit of this belief signatory parties agree to assist eachother, where appropriate in the development and advancement of technologies, at their individual discretion. A public forum for technology is to be established to enable the free sharing and development of ideas between the peoples of all nations.

[u][b][size="5"]Article V:[/u] Trade[/size][/b]
[b]V.a)[/b] All signatories agree to abolish tariffs for trade with other signatories.
[b]V.b)[/b] Each signatory may open and close their borders to immigrants and emigrants as they wish, though opening them is encouraged.
[b]V.c)[/b] If a signatory is found moving a substance or good that is considered illegal into or through another signatory's territory, the offended nation may confiscate these goods and demand appropriate reparations.

[u][b][size="5"]Article VI:[/u] New Membership[/size][/b]
[b]VI.a)[/b] The undersigned may invite new membership into the treaty by a full quorum (at least 80 percent of the membership) voting in the affirmative and no no votes.
[b]VI.b)[/b] New Membership must certify that it has no agreements which conflict with membership within South American Unity.
[b]VI.c)[/b] Deception and diplomatic agreements not disclosed to the rest of the membership of South American Unity may be considered grounds for voiding membership approval and possible grounds for sanctions.

[u][b][size="5"]Article VII:[/u] Precedence[/size][/b]
[b]VII.a)[/b] The USAN takes precedence over all other treaties, past, present and future. No other treaty takes precedence over this one.

[u][b][size="5"]Article VIII:[/u] Cancellation[/size][/b]
[b]VIII.a)[/b]In the event this treaty cannot last, and one nation does not see fit to continue it, that party may enact a cancellation period. This period will last for 168 hours (7 days), during which the treaty is fully active until the 168 hours are up, then this treaty shall be rendered as void between it and the others.

"What do you think?"

Edited by Lynneth
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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1323614125' post='2873869']
Although a compleate change of layout wording and logo is not appriciated I will sign again.
"I firmly believe it is for the better. This treaty is far more detailed in military matters compared to your draft, and allows for little uncertainty.
That said, I shall sign it, of course."

[b]Signed for the Transitional Republic of Guyana, [/b]
[i]Alexander Leclerc[/i]
Second Speaker

"Please submit your signatures unless you would like further amendments."

Edited by Lynneth
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"With this done, I believe we can make this treaty public, unless the representative from the Winter Contingency would like to sign, or someone in this room would prefer to object and keep this treaty low-key.
If no objections are raised, I will proceed to make it public in around 24-48 hours."

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"With no objections, I will announce this monumental treaty to the world in a short while.
Thank you all for coming, and especially the Gentlement of Gallifrey for hosting this summit."

With this, Alexander left the room, to return to Guyana and subsequently announce the treaty.

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