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The South American Unity Summit

Isaac MatthewII

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First Speaker Roxas of the Winter Contingency would attend the meeting. Since the long retreat from the mainland he had yet to return to the Empire's former holdings. The scattered population had long relocated or been otherwise displaced by the wave of immigrants that flushed the continent. It would be extremely prudent for the successor to the HAE to make meaningful contact with the regional powers that arose from the barren corpse of the hemisphere. He sat and awaited the beginning of the conference.

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The representative of her Highness, Louise Francoise I de Vicidalia, Charlotte, Comtesse de Nouvelle-Chateaudun arrived in a government plane of Vicidalia in Citadel. Using a rented limosine, she came to the meeting and took a seat in the conference room.

Altough Vicidalia had its fair share of problems on its own, to not attent the summit would just add to them. Vicidalia, as a monarchy on the 'continent of republics' had to secure its position. Security was important, however it was also important to prepare the stage for Vicidalia to take care of its problems without any intervention from the outside.

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To represent the oldest of the continent's Republics, the Second Speaker Alexander Leclerc attended the summit for Guyana This was a great opportunity to potentially give the continent an aim to strive for, whatever it might be.
Cooperation was a must, at the very least, lest foreign nations might attempt and subvert the liberated continent.

Edited by Lynneth
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Welcome to Gallifrey diplomats, royalty. We meet here to discuss a mutual defence and trade treaty. This treaty would not only unite our continent but also make us safer and more prosperous. This would involve openting up borders to all signatories to allow trade and tourism. An agreement of common defence needs to be made aswell. I now open the floor to any comments or sugestions.

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Charlotte, Comtesse de Nouvelle-Chateaudun raised her hand and stood up.

"Isn't still one country left out here? I don't see any Clustanians. I hope they got the invitation. As for general questions, under what conditions are we supposed to defend others?"

Then she sat down again, waiting for a response.

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Klaus Honecker walked into the assembly, although he appeared to be a bit late. He moved towards his seat as his robe, barely touching the floor, dragged just behind him. His attire would probably make him stand out among the assembled crowd, particularly his white robe emblazoned with the Clustanian Provisional Government's 'Hymnnos' script for Harvestasya's name. The carefully thread gold tie that connected both ends of the robe beneath his neck would also likely show off. He was here to do more than just discuss politics with South American equals, however, and was to leave an impression that would hopefully last.

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"With the last of the representatives having arrived I would like to support the motion for a treaty of defense and economic cooperation. All our nations are still young, and there is much to be done before true stability may be reached, but this process can be helped along if we all pledge to defend one another in the case of a foreign nation attempting to extend their influence onto the continent.
Something that we need to discuss, however, is when a South American nation opens aggressions against a foreign nation; what would be the best course of action in your opinion?"

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"Our time as masters of this continent is over," First Speaker Roxas began without preamble, "and we refuse to participate in any wars of foreign aggression even in the name of preemptive action against the continent as a whole. That being said," he smiled with immense sadness, "it is in our best interests to see life blossom where once it was scorched away. On a personal and national level it would do out souls good to see new blood flourish where so much old was spilled."

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The treaty would defend all signatories in the event of an outside power trying to expand its rights into
South America.The treaty would only protect preplmptive strikes if proper evidence is supliwled but will not protect nations that act on their own to attack someone else. Economic aid may still be suplied in any event unless sanctioned by all signatories.

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Charlotte, Comtesse de Nouvelle Chateaudun was still a bit sceptical about such a treaty, and she made no secret out of it, if one was able to read faces.

"Well, I hope such a treaty also means no aggression between South American states. Vicidalia and I guess most others of you as well wouldn't appreciate it if external foes were warded off, just so internal ones can take over. And how to decide what a legit reason is or isn't?"

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"Non-aggression should naturally be included in the treaty, I say. Regarding preemptive strikes, I would rather not see them used, regardless of reason. Though if they must be included, they should be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
What about technological cooperation, or intelligence sharing? Perhaps we could also construct a SOSUS network around the continent? There are many endeavours worthy pursuing for the sake of cooperation and unity."

Edited by Lynneth
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After facturing in the answers, Charlotte was rather pleased with them.

"I believe if we also find the treaty in a formal written down document to encompass these points, Vicidalia could sign the treaty. Though, we would like to voice our disagreement with any pre-emptive strike possibility."

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Klaus Honecker readied his voice, and began to air what he viewed as his 'disagreements' and 'agreements' with the proposed bits.

[i]"I believe my own country's provisional government would view such an amendment as a joke. It should not be considered in a simple case of pre-emptive strikes against the continent, but rather, it should rally those on the continent against any un-warranted aggression. Whether we wish to write this as optional or mandatory is up to the signatories that are here today, however. As for technology sharing, making such a thing mandatory would be impossible. There are some technological secrets, mostly military-related, that most nations would prefer to keep to themselves and not spread to others. Other than that? An information sharing network, maybe even creating some kind of joint intelligence command would be an excellent idea to put forth."[/i]

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Charlotte coughed and looked at Mr. Honecker.

"Well, information sharing is something where Vicidalia would like to point out that we'f prefer to only share information between governments. It is not in our interest that someone would use such a clause as a legitimation of circumventing the government policies on the press. But is Clustania approving of a SOSUS system?"

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"Regarding the 'Information cooperation', that would only be intelligence relating to the continent's security, I suppose. And even then only if your intelligence agency believes that the intelligence is relevant to the other nations.
You could thus withhold the location of secret missile bases, for example, while you would have to alert your allies about foreign submarines attempting to sneak into your EEZ, or even into your national waters."

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We are discissing the treaty right now one will be posted once we all agree on all of the points. On the issue of technology ajd intell sharing nobody is asking for national secrets if there is anything that you believe as your nations private information and it is not a threat to other signatories then by all means keep it OPSEC. But if it is a danger to your fellow signatories then it needs to be told to the nation in question.

[OOC:I want to make a nice shiny one like the MJ treaty, also Lynneth can you make a map of all of the parties in the discussion as kind of a UN like thing?]

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"We could always make the technological cooperation voluntary. Guyana, for example, would gladly share blueprints for its advanced thorium-based nuclear fission power plants, enabling any who take the offer up to generate, compared to most other methods, environmentally very friendly electricity."

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