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She's merely required to rp failing the action, not fail it in a way that benefits you. You get the auto for the other stuff if she hasn't rped it already, but if she rped the spy attack failing that's fine with me. 


I see Yawoo had a different opinion on it. However, I'm not going to spend time working on this when you, Eva, clearly said you weren't at all willing to negotiate and seemed to be unwilling to negotiate when Zoot tried to help as well. Meaning, screw it, deal with the cards as they play and get moving on this.


Mara's post is fine with me, but here is the kicker...


All future spy attacks by all persons in this rp must have rp to begin the spy attack and rp to complete it. 1 post to set it up, 1 post to complete it. 


If any of you want a spy roll please go through the motions of setting it up in a preparatory post and link it with your screen shot. 


The benefit of the doubt no longer exists for anyone in this specific role play.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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I see Yawoo had a different opinion on it. However, I'm not going to spend time working on this when you, Eva, clearly said you weren't at all willing to negotiate and seemed to be unwilling to negotiate when Zoot tried to help as well. Meaning, screw it, deal with the cards as they play and get moving on this.

Sorry, but this is some petty reason. If you don't want to do GM work, then don't accept nominations, but just because I, who is not at all obliged to give anyone any land, am saying that I don't negotiate with asshattery as it comes from Mara, that should not constitute any excuse for GMs not to deal with it. It's a responsibility that is not always nice and it should not be cherry-picking the actual workload among the ton of issues that arise in this RP. But ok, I'll respond to Mara in a few hours.

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Well then.. I didn't realize the drone was part of a riot. 


So the drone can still crash as rped but C-4? No.


All future examples of military equipment from the civilian rioters is going to need some sort of IC justification as well. 


And the spy rolls will be carried out as I specified above. 

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Well then.. I didn't realize the drone was part of a riot. 


So the drone can still crash as rped but C-4? No.


All future examples of military equipment from the civilian rioters is going to need some sort of IC justification as well. 


And the spy rolls will be carried out as I specified above. 

You also didn't read that post either, TBM... these are very specifically not rioters using this equipment. I've been setting them up the entire RP. They're borderline full-military. C-4 is easy to make, if you've got the guides - which can be procured in a disturbing number of places. Ditto fire bricks, acid-based igniters... all from household material.


@MGL - I'm working on the casualties now. Probably be up in a few minutes.

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Military forces aren't created in the midst of a riot. Neither is C-4 created in the middle of a riot either even if it can be homemade and it certainly isn't whipped up on the fly.


You went from this:


The tear gas did little to affect the crowd, most of whom were wearing sealed goggles of one sort or another at this point, and almost all of whom had a water-soaked rag about their noses and mouths, if not just regular filter masks used for construction and other work. The fact of the matter was that the protesters far, far outnumbered the oppressors. The first Royal soldier to attempt to hit a protester with a baton found it ripped out of his hands the protester in question, a local martial arts instructor, who passed the weapon back into the crowd. The crowd then continued to advance, as peacefully as ever, but any attempt at brutality on the soldiers' part was overwhelmed by sheer force of numbers. If a rifle actually turned on the citizens and began to fire... well, it would be most unfortunate, for the soldiers.




Meanwhile, the footage of unarmed protesters being beaten brutally by armed soldiers was broadcast across the entirety of the North American continent. But the unarmed protesters weren't alone in the city.

"Hammer to all Forge implements, Hammer to Forge, sound off."

"Tongs, in position."

"Anvil, in position."

"Shears, in position."

"Billows, in position." So on and so the list went, as a man in a highrise listened to the radio clipped to his armor. There were twenty teams of five, and with the other nineteen checked in, he settled back behind his binoculars and watched, waiting for the proper moment.

"This is Hammer, all Forge elements, acquire targets and wait for my signal." And then he watched.


The M118 Nightstalker was a 20mm, electronically fired, programmable munitions system. The M400 HEFRAG 20mm was a programmable munition, capable of being used as an anti-infantry or anti-aircraft weapon, at the operator's choice. It was, in essence, a FlaK round. The round flew downrange, and at 910 meters from its starting point, exploded in midair - two feet above the soldiers' heads, spraying them with high-speed fragment



Before that you posted:


Given that no armored vehicles or military aircraft were currently present in the area, the Royal Bullies found nothing to confiscate, and the meetings continued electronically unabated.



Leading me to believe you have absolutely zilch IC justification for any military equipment of any sort. Neither did you do any sort of prep work for whipping up your batch of C-4. 


Back to where we started, all future military equipment is going to need some ic justification.



Now you can argue or get off the pot and RP.  


Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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Military forces aren't created in the midst of a riot. Neither is C-4 created in the middle of a riot either even if it can be homemade and it certainly isn't whipped up on the fly.


You went from this:







Before that you posted:




Leading me to believe you have absolutely zilch IC justification for any military equipment of any sort. Neither did you do any sort of prep work for whipping up your batch of C-4. 


Back to where we started, all future military equipment is going to need some ic justification.



Now you can argue or get off the pot and RP.  




In that first bit you quoted, I did mention there were others involved who wanted to make sure the protest was kept unmolested by any means necessary. Here, let me dig it up...



But while the protesters took peacefully to the streets for the independence of their home, others gathered inside the higher floors of the city's buildings, watching on with video cameras rolling, others still with an extremely prejudiced intent to keep the protest peaceful - and unmolested by the Farawayans. If the Royals wanted to put down this wave of popular feeling, they would have to initiate a bloodbath of unarmed civilians to do so.


Edited by Mara Lithaen
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So, may I ask where you take your ammunition from? Or better even, where do you get the food to feed all your people and provide trinking water? I bet you got loads of secret underground storages holding hundreds of tons of these... I mean, looting supermarkets for food, would make sense, having food to feed the hundreds of thousands without a single RP... Are you Jesus?

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I never mentioned having the food to feed the rioters - just the militants. Who also brought their own ammunition.


Stop nitpicking and fucking RP. You're whining about less than 200 armed militants versus an army of hundreds of thousands. Get real.

Edited by Mara Lithaen
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I never mentioned having the food to feed the rioters - just the militants. Who also brought their own ammunition.


Stop nitpicking and fucking RP. You're whining about less than 200 armed militants versus an army of hundreds of thousands. Get real.


well that's not very polite, please conduct yourself with proper decorum in this forum.

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I never mentioned having the food to feed the rioters - just the militants. Who also brought their own ammunition.


Stop nitpicking and fucking RP. You're whining about less than 200 armed militants versus an army of hundreds of thousands. Get real.

Well, who's the one that constantly needs to get reminded that certain things don't work and that they need some casualties? I do not think it is me who needs to get real most. But I guess that all these civilians will sit within the confines of Madison and starve, rather than surrender.

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The group behind the besieging army kept their heads low, staying in the shadows and brush, utilizing any and all cover they could find to avoid detection as they drew within range for their Javelin launchers to be effective.

I say that this is pretty much stating their location, therefor you just got annihilated by an artillery barrage. Or what do the GMs say?


Mara, you do yourself no favor by forcing me to constantly adress this institution. It is pretty much this why I refuse to have any negotiation, because this is just unreasonable, immature and neither does it change your chances of winning this conflict, nor will it get you enough sympathy that anyone would back down.

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I dunno.. I'm of half a mind to start demanding you both start drawing maps and making exact lists of what men and equipment you have. Mostly though the level of OOC hostility between you two is making this a very pointless situation for me as there is no give in either of you.

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If you look at the thread, I made a crude map of my lines. If you look at the thread, I made a link to my Military thread, with detailed lists of what armies got what divisions with what regiments. Then I made listings of what soldier strength and artillery the divisions had, as well as what kind of armor and AA-weaponry. I made no thorough description of mortars or the likes, as I see them as infantry weaponry. I for my part see myself rather covered in terms of numbers and maps. It is Mara who's obscuring some numbers and most of her movements by generalising her movements.


Just for record, the armies directly at the siege:

  • Northern Army
  • 1st Reserve Army
  • 2nd Reserve Army

Armies that support the siege but are not directly at the siege perimeter:

  • 3rd Reserve Army
  • 4th Reserve Army

So, what do you want of me? Also, why on earth should I yield even one square millimetre of my territory to someone, who from the onset of this conflict has decided to be nothing but a pain? Neither am I some saint, nor do I even think of rewarding this obstructive behaviour.

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I'm thinking more like you guys using a very detailed street map and stating your movements from location to location in black and white with how you get from A to B and the route you take to get there. This takes most of the ambiguity away from the situation. It's up to you guys if you want to do that, I think it'll make for a better rp over the long run. 


Also, I'm thinking you two should start time stamping your posts down to the minute.. this rp is going to probably move by minutes not hours once the real stuff starts hitting the fan. That'll go a long ways in determining who can justify what.


It's a lot of work but it'll make things way easier for everyone to understand and make fair rulings on. 

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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I'm thinking more like you guys using a very detailed street map and stating your movements from location to location in black and white with how you get from A to B and the route you take to get there. This takes most of the ambiguity away from the situation. It's up to you guys if you want to do that, I think it'll make for a better rp over the long run. 


Also, I'm thinking you two should start time stamping your posts down to the minute.. this rp is going to probably move by minutes not hours once the real stuff starts hitting the fan. That'll go a long ways in determining who can justify what.


It's a lot of work but it'll make things way easier for everyone to understand and make fair rulings on. 


You just became my favorite GM >.>

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Well, it's not like I'm assaulting the city. Currently, I'm firing smoke grenades at it, while the sole engagement is Mara sneaking outside my defensive lines (which are in the fields surrounding Madison, with a map already in existence). And I leave it to others to assault Madison, as I personally just wait till there is no more way of justifying any supply with food.

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Evangeline, my only statement of where my troops were is a mention that they were far enough to need binoculars to make any of you out. The way I wrote it should have indicated somewhere on the horizon, not close enough to be caught by a stupid patrol. You assumed my movements, when I in no way said that they were yet close enough to be spotted by patrols, though I did go out of my way to mention that they were doing their damnedest not to be spotted. I never assumed you were so incompetent as to leave your ass flapping in the wind, so don't assume I'm so incompetent as to brush up against 150,000 troops with 48 in the rear force without a spyroll to make sure I hit something vital.


Tidybowl, as I have repeatedly stated, I have give in me. I have given. I'm just trying to get a damned nation here, and Eva's being a bitch. All this is is returning the favor.

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Given I'm patrolling the whole state, due to martial law and having troops there apart from those in Madison, there isn't really much of an argument.


On the other side, don't claim to be the victim of the great anti-Mara coalition. From the moment Voodoo vanished you made a ridiculous claim, which we, as established powers cut to a more reasonable size. Now we offered you land at the conference, but you seemingly don't value outr offer, else you wouldn't challenge the order as it was agreed upon. After all, according to the borders established ICly, you are rebelling in my country, not in yours. And in case you did not notice, I may be the one person you are fighting the most, but at least for this rebellion you are pretty much the sole IC entity thinking it is legitimate action in North America, so do you really want to kid anyone into believing this would help you gain a country?

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