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The GM's Court


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The only reason I posted as such, Eva, was because his attack assumed that he'd be able to overwhelm my defenses. I'm not giving him the opportunity to cause mass-casualties without any response from my people, forcing me to fight him. I just don't operate that way. You will not force me to fight you if I don't choose to. Blowing my folks up for no good reason forces me to.


Also, Yawoo... I've CRASHED a home-made drone before. (Home made: $2000 dollar drone) It was barely damaged, after a 120 foot drop at 30mph... which is considerably higher and faster than the drone in the thread was going at the time.

Try writing a novel then.


He made the attack and you are to rp reasonable casualties, that's the end of it.

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Unfortunately Mara I think that you need to accept some responsibility here rather than do the angry thing.  The issue here is if you go for land someone else wants they can fight you for it, that is there choice.  You either need to persuade them not to fight or fight them back.  Neither's accomplished by berating them.  

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Welp, somehow people got goofy and elected me as a GM. Anything here I need to know about before my term starts? If it starts? I am going to be a GM right? I sort of can't believe 8 other people were dumb enough to vote for me. 


So yeah.. any business needing to be attended to right away with ongoing rp? 

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10th of April, so it's the 5th day since then. She made one more post that day, but only a placeholder for action that never occured. She seems to wait for something to be complete and responded to, but neither was her spyroll result RP updated, nor did she RP anything else. She mostly complained that I started firing with my artillery and said I would only get an auto-advance after 10 days, but I doubt that is up to Mara to decide how long I need to wait.

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Eva, when you began firing on my protesters with rubber bullets and I opened fire in return, it became a shooting engagement and the auto-advance procedure is well known - 10 days. Also, I'm still bloody waiting on YOUR placeholder action above mine to be complete so I can respond without you slipping a mickey in.


Also, you cheeky wench, there were only three capitalized words in my placeholder post.

Edited by Mara Lithaen
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How about you edit your result from the spy attack, so I can edit my placeholder? Because that's the reason for the placeholder. And if you want to protest, keep it to yourself, if you read this thread, you know that your RPing out of your two failures was deemed unacceptable. So it is actually you prolonging this stupid conflict.


Next, after I retreated from the town itself, the troops were disengaged. I took casualties while doing so, but you did not follow, so it stopped being an active engagement, until such a time that the fire restarted, which it only did when I started bombarding you with artillery.


The policy for auto-advances is 4-7 days, depending on circumstances as far as I was told by the GMs. And what's even more well-known than that duration is that it's the GM team judging when an auto-advance is to be given, it is not up to you.


Lastly, I can understand your frustration over being kicked off of my lawn, but this is no reason to curse like this. But it is good to see that your characters are mocking mine about not being as noble... Now go on and fix your response to your failures, so we can resolve this as soon as possible and you can look for a new patch of land. I was told Melech is looking for a new neighbour.

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I'd need to discuss that with Shammy and Centurius first. When was the last time she posted an action?


I thought the GM elections didn't finish until Midnight tonight?


Ah well, either way, its pretty much you and Cent, I'm kind of ICly involved in this (I got mercs inbound on Madison), so as per standard regs, I need to recuse myself from ruling in this.


Just to tell ya'.

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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 I'm collecting information and trying to come to some sort of informed state of mind. Not sure when Cent and I will agree on a decision. 


questions to be answered:


1) MGL, how many missiles did you fire, did you know exactly what you were shooting at, and what exactly were you shooting at?

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 I'm collecting information and trying to come to some sort of informed state of mind. Not sure when Cent and I will agree on a decision. 


questions to be answered:


1) MGL, how many missiles did you fire, did you know exactly what you were shooting at, and what exactly were you shooting at?

I've got two squadrons of F-35s in the SEAD force making for a total of 24 aircraft.  Each is carrying four HARMs, two AMRAAMs and eight GBU-53s making for a total of 96 x HARMs, 48 x AMRAAMs and 192 GBU-53s.  The force exclusively attacked air defenses, including active radars and all visible SAM launcher's and air defense vehicles.  Her radar's were activated so I'd be able to identify them and I have her force under surveillance by UAVs and RF-21s so I should be able to identify what's what and target them and pass that along to the strike force via the battle network.  The F-35s also have their own Electro-Optical Targeting System which, to my understanding, combines a camera, FLIR and a laser designator allowing the individual aircraft to pick out targets.  My attack targeted and was meant to overwhelm her air defenses, I didn't specify how much ordnance I used but I suppose I can make a clarification for that.  Two HARMs per active radar, one GBU-53 per identified air defense vehicle and one AMRAAM per blimp.  I'm not looking for complete destruction but I feel that at the very least fairly heavy damage would result from the attack.

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So this is what I understand I'm ruling on with Centurius:


1) Auto for Eva

2) The drone being rped by Eva if Mara isn't going to do it (I'm not sure how much I like this idea).Am 

3) Casualties for Mara from MGLs attack. 


Am I missing anything?

You got it completely.

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Hey mara, any chance you're gonna get around to amending your damages in my thread?


Yeah, when I get the opportunity... unfortunately, between training and classes of all sorts I'm fairly time-strapped this week. If you'll give me til Thursday, I have some time then.

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Rhodes stood in the well-protected parking garage, at the foot of a
ramp, the explosives-laden drone in her hand as the operator, standing
some twenty feet away, hit a button on the semi-directional transmitter,
the engine on the back of the little aircraft spooling up to maximum
thrust in mere moments. She made a quick hop-step, holding the drone as
one would a javelin or spear, and she threw it as hard as she could. It
gained air and speed - right up to the point that an overlooked wire in
the engine compartment came undone, the engine cutting out, and the
drone smacked into the garage wall, falling to the ground - thankfully,


Rhodes cursed to herself, and ran forward to check it. The C4 block
on the nose was undamaged, but when she opened up the engine
compartment, she discovered the problem, and paused a moment to glare at
the other member of their engineering team, the one who'd been
responsible for the engines, before holding up the loose wire. He
grimaced sheepishly.


"Thankfully it didn't explode, and this is an easy fix." she said,
muttering to herself. Hammer looked on, impatience written on his face.


"How long will this take to fix?"


"An hour, tops." The engine-maker said. "I must not have soldered that on properly."


"Get to it."


While the pair were walking away, both wings and one of the stabilizers fell off, a long crack apparent on the casing.


"Um... call it tomorrow."


So, instead of a few hours it now is a day. I don't call this a reasonable outcome. This isn't a fix, it's just easing the problem (that her failed spyroll is easy to fix and that she escapes retaliatory action). But the issue remains and I request the GMs to either grant me an auto or to find a solution to what happens to this drone.


And then people wonder that I don't negotiate with Mara.

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