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Requesting a spyroll on JED.


Two rolls: To have my destroyed missiles successfully report back the positions of missile defenses before their destruction.

If the first roll succeeds, the second one will go to finding Cent's Med-rim airbases and missile launch sites.

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[quote name='Mara Lithaen' timestamp='1356301241' post='3067433']
Requesting a spyroll on JED.


Two rolls: To have my destroyed missiles successfully report back the positions of missile defenses before their destruction.

If the first roll succeeds, the second one will go to finding Cent's Med-rim airbases and missile launch sites.

Roll 1: 51
Roll 2: 52

Two losses

[quote name='Imperator Azenquor' timestamp='1356572640' post='3068227']
Requesting spyrolls against Mara for the purpose of destroying her nuclear wessels...I mean weapons.


Roll 1: 32
Roll 2: 57

Two wins

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[quote name='Mara Lithaen' timestamp='1356588570' post='3068344']
!@#$%^&*, Tri. Bring up anywhere it says this, and I'll acknowledge it. I think you pulled this one out from where the sun doesn't shine.

It's always been that way: spy rolls must be accompanied by RP. In your case, a second round of missile launches too since the first batch failed. ("report back the positions of missile defenses before their destruction" It failed, they were destroyed.)

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[quote name='Mara Lithaen' timestamp='1356588570' post='3068344']
!@#$%^&*, Tri. Bring up anywhere it says this, and I'll acknowledge it. I think you pulled this one out from where the sun doesn't shine.

You can't keep rolling on the same failed action. If that was the case there'd be no point in doing spy rolls.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1356587516' post='3068332']
Uh hold up no. You have to post before you can do a new set of spyrolls. Thats always been the rules. Of course that means the AUP has to post too.

While I find the first roll questionable on whether it's possible at all this is true. You rolled on the missiles and the roll failed, as such the missiles got destroyed without being able to relay back a location. Aka, you need to fire new missiles. In general you need to rp accordingly and write out the action of the failed rolls prior to doing new ones.

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Not to be a nitpick, but given the circumstances of that roll that was made for Mara, and the "one-time" rule on it (her missiles were fired once, the rolls failed, so now they can't be used as a basis for another roll) as a concerned member of the CNRP Community... might I ask that any GM doing a future roll actually [i]look[/i] at the substance that they are rolling on before just giving out rolls willy-nilly. I know that sometimes people may pressure you into rolling for them at a fairly quick pace, but seriously, give it a look over before doing the actual roll.

I'm not saying that's what exactly happened here, but it sure as hell [i]seems[/i] that way, this will prevent situations like this from arising in the future, and that fairly inevitable "Well, the GMs allowed it, so it should count..." argument. This is more of a reminder than anything else, as GMs should be looking over rolls to ensure they fall within the bounds of the rules.

Thanks. :awesome:

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[quote name='Imperator Azenquor' timestamp='1356666904' post='3068718']
I'd like to request two additional nuke destruction rolls against Mara's nation. Same odds as before, results will be RP'd out in my next post.

Roll 1: 19
Roll 2: 89

[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1356667553' post='3068723']
Not to be a nitpick, but given the circumstances of that roll that was made for Mara, and the "one-time" rule on it (her missiles were fired once, the rolls failed, so now they can't be used as a basis for another roll) as a concerned member of the CNRP Community... might I ask that any GM doing a future roll actually [i]look[/i] at the substance that they are rolling on before just giving out rolls willy-nilly. I know that sometimes people may pressure you into rolling for them at a fairly quick pace, but seriously, give it a look over before doing the actual roll.

I'm not saying that's what exactly happened here, but it sure as hell [i]seems[/i] that way, this will prevent situations like this from arising in the future, and that fairly inevitable "Well, the GMs allowed it, so it should count..." argument. This is more of a reminder than anything else, as GMs should be looking over rolls to ensure they fall within the bounds of the rules.

Thanks. :awesome:
Yeah, I refuse to read any war threads that I am not directly involved in. I hate walls of text and I hate the way you people through around acronyms and terms that nobody can understand except yourself.

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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1356667553' post='3068723']
Not to be a nitpick, but given the circumstances of that roll that was made for Mara, and the "one-time" rule on it (her missiles were fired once, the rolls failed, so now they can't be used as a basis for another roll) as a concerned member of the CNRP Community... might I ask that any GM doing a future roll actually [i]look[/i] at the substance that they are rolling on before just giving out rolls willy-nilly. I know that sometimes people may pressure you into rolling for them at a fairly quick pace, but seriously, give it a look over before doing the actual roll.

I'm not saying that's what exactly happened here, but it sure as hell [i]seems[/i] that way, this will prevent situations like this from arising in the future, and that fairly inevitable "Well, the GMs allowed it, so it should count..." argument. This is more of a reminder than anything else, as GMs should be looking over rolls to ensure they fall within the bounds of the rules.

Thanks. :awesome:

If it was me I'd make the following ruling:

1) you want a spy roll, you need to make a post or posts to set the stage for the activity.

2) You then get the spy roll.

3) You want another you must show where you rped the results whether they be good or bad.

Way too much abuse of spy rolls going on these days with people ignoring rolls that don't go their way. I won't point fingers because I've seen heaps of folks doing it, myself included if I recall correctly.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1356673927' post='3068752']
If it was me I'd make the following ruling:

1) you want a spy roll, you need to make a post or posts to set the stage for the activity.

2) You then get the spy roll.

3) You want another you must show where you rped the results whether they be good or bad.

Way too much abuse of spy rolls going on these days with people ignoring rolls that don't go their way. I won't point fingers because I've seen heaps of folks doing it.
I quite like this. I believe I shall implement it. From now all, all people requesting a spy roll from me will need the accompanying one or two links. If you people have the time to research the 12% loss of stealth ability due to water condensation from the heat of afterburners while traveling at Mach 1.87, you have time to write about a satellite taking pictures or a caught spy biting down on a cyanide capsule.

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I'm fairly certain any new implementation of a new set of rules required for a GM to roll on an issue would need the community to vote on it. Maybe I am just being too much of a stickler for rules and regulations, but I think we have a big issue if a GM is not reading the threads that are pertinent to people's requests for spy rolls and rulings. How can the community trust you to make a well thought out decision if a GM doesn’t bother to read a thread because he doesn't like the content? If you have questions about acronyms, ask!

Edited by Yawoo
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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1356671825' post='3068745']
Yeah, I refuse to read any war threads that I am not directly involved in. I hate walls of text and I hate the way you people through around acronyms and terms that nobody can understand except yourself.

You don't have to read a war thread to ask an individual about spy rolls... typically, the spy rolls are being made [i]before[/i] something is posted in a thread... :blink:

And... "What do you mean you people!?" Considering the fact that not all of us throw around boatloads of acronyms, please stop generalizing about the community at large.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1356673927' post='3068752']
If it was me I'd make the following ruling:

1) you want a spy roll, you need to make a post or posts to set the stage for the activity.

2) You then get the spy roll.

3) You want another you must show where you rped the results whether they be good or bad.

Way too much abuse of spy rolls going on these days with people ignoring rolls that don't go their way. I won't point fingers because I've seen heaps of folks doing it, myself included if I recall correctly.

This is how I've always rolled and how GMs should be rolling as it is actually.

That said, honestly Melech when you agree to become GM you sign up to read those threads when an issue arises. It's your job.

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1356686382' post='3068775']
I'm fairly certain any new implementation of a new set of rules required for a GM to roll on an issue would need the community to vote on it. Maybe I am just being too much of a stickler for rules and regulations, but I think we have a big issue if a GM is not reading the threads that are pertinent to people's requests for spy rolls and rulings. How can the community trust you to make a well thought out decision if a GM doesn’t bother to read a thread because he doesn't like the content? If you have questions about acronyms, ask!
GMs are judges, not policemen. It is your guys' job to make complaints and our job to follow up on them. I read things when a ruling needs to be made, but I usually assume that people know what they're doing while making spy rolls. Also, since we made a ruling way back about prior RP being necessary for spy rolls, I am enforcing a rule rather than implementing a new one. I really feel like it isn't asking too much for you guys to roleplay out your wins and your losses when it comes to spy rolls.

[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1356690419' post='3068779']
You don't have to read a war thread to ask an individual about spy rolls... typically, the spy rolls are being made [i]before[/i] something is posted in a thread... :blink:
Yes, and all I'm asking for is the prior RP.

And... "What do you mean you people!?" Considering the fact that not all of us throw around boatloads of acronyms, please stop generalizing about the community at large.
What do YOU mean you people? Enough of you technobabble enough to make me hate the lot of you.

[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1356728612' post='3068886']
Sounds like a terrible name of a Grade C Porn Movie.
I'd still watch it.

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GMs are judges, not policemen. It is your guys' job to make complaints and our job to follow up on them. I read things when a ruling needs to be made, but I usually assume that people know what they're doing while making spy rolls. Also, since we made a ruling way back about prior RP being necessary for spy rolls, I am enforcing a rule rather than implementing a new one. I really feel like it isn't asking too much for you guys to roleplay out your wins and your losses when it comes to spy rolls.

I have no issue with the enforcing of an already existing rule, my concern was that it seemed like you were issuing a new rule without the consent of the community. No harm, no foul. I would hesitate to assume anyone in CNRP knows what they’re doing when it comes to GM intervention, but I suppose it is up to you with regards to how you want to handle the different requests.

Edited by Yawoo
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