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The GM's Court


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I was never on the hook until you starting flapping your gums. You got some sort of problem with me you are covering up with your tried and true passive aggressiveness? If you want me out of the UK, man up and chase me out the old fashioned way by wiping me out to the last man, until them mind your own business and get back to rping.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1336002940' post='2962495']
I was never on the hook until you starting flapping your gums. You got some sort of problem with me you are covering up with your tried and true passive aggressiveness? If you want me out of the UK, man up and chase me out the old fashioned way by wiping me out to the last man, until them mind your own business and get back to rping.
I think someone's a little sensitive--and confusing me with ikrolm. And you call OTHERS babies. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1336004205' post='2962513']
You seriously think you can out-troll me? Oh dear, me oh my, you really are in for a rough time.
Well, I seem to have temporarily stunned you into speechlessness. That's good enough for me. :P

And now I will take this discussion out of the GM thread. Any further replies from me will be in the OOC thread.

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I do believe this counts as illegal retconning: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109200&view=findpost&p=2939216

As the edited time stamp clearly states the edit was made several days after I posted to attempt and avoid obvious exposure to risk.

As the person in question routinely has routinely stated what an awful human being I am and how little I should be trusted, putting one of their characters in an island populated completely by me and my citizens was something that they could rightfully anticipate was putting them in 'danger'. Therefore I request that their character, Akeiko Sumeragi be forced to RP out the consquences of being put in willing danger.

P.S. :smug:

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[quote]Thu Kuko hmmm... I got a serious quesion
Thu TheShammySocialist ?
Thu Kuko am I supposed to recognize a move done after a month after the last post (meaning there was reasonable time for someone to have gone somewhere else) and going against what was discussed in IRC?
Thu Kuko and also going against the Planned RP discussed in PMs
Thu TheShammySocialist What?
Thu Kuko http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109200
Thu Kuko My post: Posted 16 March 2012 - 11:17 PM
Thu Kuko Triyun: Posted Today, 03:06 PM
Thu Kuko 40 days has passed
Thu Kuko furthermore, the move goes against PM/IRC discussions
Thu Kuko am I supposed to recognize this?
Thu Kuko when there's been plenty of times for the character to have gone to other things?
Thu Kuko and going against discussions?
Thu Kuko about Triyun's 40 days-after RP post
Thu TheShammySocialist What about it?
Thu Kuko I don't see why I have to recognize a post which is written 40 days after the last post on the thread and goes against any PM/IRC agreements made
Thu TheShammySocialist Meh...
Thu TheShammySocialist I'm not sure about this entire situation.
Thu Kuko hmmm...
Thu Kuko http://mibpaste.com/EcN1xD
Thu Kuko my post was made on that promise
Thu Kuko for Triyun to suddenly go arresting someone 40 days after the post, against the promise, while also having written more than enough in those past 40 days to continue the RP
Thu Kuko I have to say this is going beyond reasonableness
Thu Kuko so, I'm planning on ignoring the RP, and hoping that you might see the reason why I would
Thu *** Kuko is now known as Joker
Thu TheShammySocialist I would believe that's fair.
Thu Joker thank you[/quote]
Before he resigned, mind you.

Summary: Going back on promises are certainly unbecoming of a player, especially if one is a GM. Therefore, sorry, no fun for you.

Thank you, have a nice day.

Edited by Kankou
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First Shammy's not a GM. Secondly, yes, she has the same rights as any tourist. Aren't you the one who calls my country fascist on a regular basis. Since when do tourists have that many rights.

Anyways, its not your decision. I'm requesting a judgement from a GM (not myself).

Edited by Triyun
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You only posted her being somewhere else AFTER I posted the arrest as far as I know. If you posted it before I will rescind my objection. However I do not believe you can choose to ignore things from another player. However if you're willing to make me and several of my associates have the right to ignore you on a permanent basis, thats a fair trade. Anyways I await Cent's decision on the matter.

Edited by Triyun
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A post upon which TSS as a neutral GM not in any conflicts with myself gave me the permission to fairly ignore (April 26th), through which the character was [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110563&view=findpost&p=2960087"]posted as being somewhere else[/url] (April 27th), before [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110589"]TSS recused his GM position[/url] (April 28th). You had read the April 27th post, meaning you had the fair chance to bring this issue up to me or publicly before TSS resigned.

Furthermore, the problem here is that you grave-dug a thread which was on page 8~9, a thread which you had practically given up on due to your focusing on something else. 40 days had passed before you bothered to conveniently start an arrest when high emotions were up, a length of time which is unreasonable for any RP character to be held hostage due to a player who was busy writing enough war posts to have already finished the original closed RP. You had enough chances to have done this much earlier, yet you did not even when I asked several times in #cnrp on the progress of the RP where you would give the answer that you intend to start the conflict during the weekend. At least three weekends had passed since the original March 17th post.

All things considered, TSS made a valid call which was carried out before his resignation, a call which was acted upon and which you had enough time to respond. To allow a basic grave-digging of a dead thread for the purpose of apprehending a RP character is out of bounds of what any reasonable RP player is expected to follow. As such I believe my position is correct, and that any decisions to reverse the current situation is contrary to what a GM is supposed to stand for.

Edited by Kankou
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My read on it is simple: character RP does not stop until there is a IC conclusion to it. This becomes tricky if the character is role played elsewhere, but in my opinion there is no expiration date on actions against characters.

Now, given the time between posts is 40 days, this is a bit extensive. Personally, if it was me I would have allowed an auto to Kankou for her escape had she requested it due to the times involved. However, she didn't and now Triyun is finishing up the business at hand. So it's a matter of her not acting in a timely fashion to resolve the situation before he did. The responsibility to conclude live role plays lies with both parties.

I'm watching this because I fully expect Jesbro to return and resume his Delta Squad story at some point. I will confront him on the fact that Delta Squad is in a warehouse with my character Malcolm and Sarah's Character Clarisse in a fight to the death, or close enough to it.

Of course, I'm waiting on his response, and not the other way around, but again responsibility lies with both parties. As one of the parties I could act to rectify the situation now. Come to think of it.... heh.

I want an auto on Jesbro's Delta Squad to capture them so I can chop their arms off with a machete. His thread specifically says no killing his delta-dorks, but a person can still live with no arms.

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RPs proceed independently from the time in real life. Whether it is 1 day, 40 days or over 9000 days. The situation is this, the rp was left open without any rp on the move of Akeiko. As she was not clearly put anywhere at a later point in time prior to the rp of the arrest this arrest enjoys the same status as if it was just the day after. As such the retcon is invalid and the autoadvance granted.

As for Delta Squad, there too the autoadvance is granted.

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I do not accept the authority of a GM to declare invalid a clear ruling made by a former GM without proper reasons which takes into consideration the rational behind the original ruling. Furthermore, I shall go to the mods should this ruling which is unbecoming of a GM be enforced.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1336048059' post='2962819']
I do not accept the authority of a GM to declare invalid a clear ruling made by a former GM without proper reasons which takes into consideration the rational behind the original ruling. Furthermore, I shall go to the mods should this ruling which is unbecoming of a GM be enforced.

Like it or not but it's how rp's have always worked, they have always run in different timescales and unless you can show me a post before the fact showing the character was somewhere else it simply isn't.

In addition the logs you are showing contain an opinion "[b]I believe[/b]" "Thu TheShammySocialist Meh...
Thu TheShammySocialist I'm not sure about this entire situation." not a precedent and can hardly be considered a GM ruling at all as Shammy was unsure throughout the logs.

The ruling stands and will be enforced, if you want to take it to the mods. Feel free.

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Unless you suddenly yourself became a GM, to dictate what is and is not correct to Cent is highly improper. This isn't the first time vague statements were made about characters. You told me that one of your other 'red eyes' Kap was actually dead so I wouldn't take further action, and then had him turn up elsewhere after the Korean War. All I did was say that Akeiko would be treated like any other tourist. I never said tourists have special protections nor would there be any reason to believe that. Considering your call my leaders hypocrites and fascists in almost every one of your posts and on IRC when people are talking about as diverse a set of topics as nuclear proliferation and making PBJ, I don't think you really have much ground to stand on here... unless of course your just being vindictive constantly and don't mean the things you say.

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Allow me to use an expression you love to turn out when referring to me: Red herring. Whatever I say as an IC post as no relationship with the problem of someone who overturned what had been agreed upon in PMs and IRC (aside from the tourist log), which is an OOC. In addition, haven't you done exactly the same, calling me neo-nazi despite the far-left socialist government of the Germans, who are more liberal than what Tianxia would ever be?

Furthermore, I never said anything about Kap. The most I ever said was that Kim was killed by Kap (or at least the plan was to). If you really want to go back we could discuss how you broke your promise concerning the ending of the war, and other such moves which shows just how untrustworthy you are when something is against your interest, which is the opposite as to how I always stuck by my promise even while my back has so many knives sticking in it. At this point, I get the feeling you have some kind of problem recognizing just how vindictive all your actions have been against practically anyone who aren't your associates, who don't kowtow to you, and those who are in your way of your wishes.

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Please someone tell me there is a Kong in this mix. As in Kim, Kap, and Kong.....

violin advice:


And really Kankou, I don't see what your problem is. You put your character into a foreign country. Every single time you step out of your own safety zone you put your character's survival on the line no matter how mundane or trivial the role play. If you didn't want Akeiko arrested, shot, and body shoved through a meat grinder, you shouldn't have entered into the UFE of all places.

Particularly since Akeiko was wanted on a genocide beef for pete's sake.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1336046887' post='2962812']
RPs proceed independently from the time in real life. Whether it is 1 day, 40 days or over 9000 days. The situation is this, the rp was left open without any rp on the move of Akeiko. As she was not clearly put anywhere at a later point in time prior to the rp of the arrest this arrest enjoys the same status as if it was just the day after. As such the retcon is invalid and the autoadvance granted.
Just want to clear something up, agree or disagree with anything else, the last move before the long wait was hers, making her wait for Triyun, so if anything, the Autoadvance should have been hers...because from what I understand, autoadvances have always been granted to the LAST person to reply.

Just saying. *Shrugs* Not going to contest the ruling, as I'm not affected, but I thought this should be brought up if we're going to change precedent on autoadvances of any kind.

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