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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1334974657' post='2956347']
One hundred thousand troops in less than two~three days? Do I see something wrong here?

After Centurius using my example of 60% per country shootdown rate as a godmod, I'm pretty sure the above RP is a bit into the "power overwhelming ruler of the universe" range.

1. I don't see how it'll take that long to deploy one hundred thousand troops in a combined land and sea operation. Not to mention, the distance isnt that great. Plus you're forgetting one thing, I started deployments as soon as the rebellion started. I could downgrade deployments to 70,000 but that's as low as I'll go

2. Intercepting your ICBMs wouldn't be much of an issue. Germany and Sweden are right next to eachother. I can see practically see everything you're doing, in regards to ICBM launches. I could have even intercepted them in the boost phase, but I chose not to.

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[quote name='Malatose' timestamp='1334976039' post='2956353']
1. I don't see how it'll take that long to deploy one hundred thousand troops in a combined land and sea operation. Not to mention, the distance isnt that great. Plus you're forgetting one thing, I started deployments as soon as the rebellion started. I could downgrade deployments to 70,000 but that's as low as I'll go[/quote]
More of how you managed to get all the supplies to get those troops as well-armed as you did.

[quote name='Malatose' timestamp='1334976039' post='2956353']2. Intercepting your ICBMs wouldn't be much of an issue. Germany and Sweden are right next to eachother. I can see practically see everything you're doing, in regards to ICBM launches. I could have even intercepted them in the boost phase, but I chose not to.
It's over 850 km from Pomerania to the southern edge of former Nordheim (southern Jämtland County). I'm pretty sure you can't really attack missiles in boost phase from that far a distance. In fact, I've been pretty tolerant of the same old ignoring of RL distances for your Valhalla missiles, but this is getting [i]slightly[/i] ridiculous.

Furthermore, this is the high atmosphere area EMP bursts which you use. 70% I can perhaps just shrug off, but 96%?

Edited by Kankou
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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1334984405' post='2956435']
Requesting [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110327&view=findpost&p=2956430"]10 nuclear rolls[/url] from TSS.

Not how it works, you get whichever GM feels like rolling. And the rolls are requested by the attacked due to the chance of multiple rolls being involved.

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By unanimous GM Decision I'm doing the SDIs. Per usual methodology Low is good, high is bad. 1-60 Defended 61-100 HIT

Swedish Nuclear Attacks:
Naval Missiles
69 Kreigsmarine - HIT
82 Kreigsmarine - HIT
7 Berlin - Shot down
9 Regensburg - Shot down
35 Munich - Shot Down
32 Vienna - Shot down
53 Rome - Shot Down
45 Athens- Shot Down
36 - Pearl Harbor - Shot Down
92 68 - Pearl Harbor -*HIT*

Tianxia Nuclear Attacks on Sweden:
Manneligia -62 HIT
Mannaelgia 2 - 34 Shot Down
Solenländerna- 65 HIT
Solenländerna 70 HIT
Stockholm 1- 73 HIT
Stockholdm 2 - 87 HIT


Athenian Nuclear Attack on Sweden:
18- Shot Down
53- Shot Down
16- Shot Down

Edit 2:

Malatose Nuclear attack on Sweden:

Nuclear attack on Swedish Navy: 57 66 One Miss One Hit

95- Hit Stockholm
46- Miss Gotenborg
82 - Hit Malmo
76- Hit Uppsala
77- Hit Västerås
25- Miss Örebro
6- Miss Linköping
68- Hit Helsingborg
38- Miss Norrköping
55- Miss Lund
30- Miss Umeå,
46- Miss Gävle
81- Hit Troops
29- Miss Gotenborg

Edit: Man this random.org sure is clustered this morning

In Summary ally targets hit:
Pearl Harbor, Kreigsmarine

Swedish Targets hit:

Field Army, Swedish Navy, Helsingborg, Malmo, Upsala, Vasteras, Stockholm (Thrice), Manniligia, Solenländerna (Twice)

Edited by Triyun
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Too bad, any GM can roll (for the record I didn't ask to roll they told me I should when I got on this morning). Besides its quite hard to argue I was being unfair, when I'm the only ally who took a nuke and all of Cents and most of Vektors nukes missed.

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I'm pretty sure during the Greater Korean it was only unrelated GMs could roll unless given permission/request by the either launcher/target, depending on the sides. What a coincidence that went out the window. BTW, logs/pm threads to satisfy my curiosity?

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[quote]You were promoted to operator by ChanServ.
[10:54am] Centyrion_Lannister: Triyun you should do the rolls
[10:54am] VektorZero: roll
[10:54am] Centyrion_Lannister: Shammy already agreed
[10:54am] VektorZero: roll
[10:54am] VektorZero: roll
[10:55am] Triyun: OK
[10:55am] Triyun: for all
[10:55am] Centyrion_Lannister: yeah
[10:55am] Triyun: ?
[10:55am] Triyun:
[10:55am] Triyun: hang on[/quote]

There are the logs for when I signed on this morning.

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I don't see any reason that Triyun couldn't perform the nuke rolls, nor do not believe there needs to be any insinuations of bias made. If there is a next round of rolls to be made, and I am available before the other GMs, I will do them, but random.org doesn't differentiate between GMs, and the numbers are what they are.

But if further insinuations persist, I will do them, to avoid the OOC headache for the rest of the GM contingent.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1335029947' post='2956639']

It would be nice if Dent did it.

1-60 Intercepted/Fail | 61-100 Hit

Berlin 1 - 32
Regensburg 1 - 73
Berlin 2 - 91
Regensburg 2 - 43

Two Hits, Two Interceptions

Kankou also elected in IRC to waive off any defense of the nukes being launched by the Athenian Federation.

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There seems to be a small issue.

Somehow, out of nowhere, there are 100,000 rebel troops from Sweden in Norway. But how is this possible? They somehow teleported behind my troops? as I had troops in the area fighting them. She ignored all my previous post to make such a move. But here is the fun part, I nuked those troops. So how are they still alive?

[quote]The German troops were ordered to stand down and prepare for a nuclear strike on enemy positions. From another Kriegsmarine battlegroup, three hypersonic cruise missiles with 100KT warheads were launched towards enemy positions facing the Germans.[/quote]


Can a GM please read this to clarify? I find this type of RP truly disturbing.

Edit: incase someone tries to say I editted in those actions, the nukes were rolled earlier and they're posted in this thread. The editting was for the EMP strikes.

Edited by Malatose
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The mountains along the northern border between Norway and Sweden. Please tell me how you have enough troops to deal with 250k troops when you have what, 70k troops with most of them located elsewhere, as you said on IRC:

[quote]14:03 Kuko how many troops were in Narvik, Vektor?
14:03 VektorZero[TOP] of mine?
14:03 Kuko yeah
14:03 Subtleknifewielder <Nyaruko> How can one be forced into it?----By having your nation rolled and everyone refusing to give you any more land.
14:04 Nyaruko I got rolled, but then I was occupied
14:04 Subtleknifewielder yes, but someone gave you more land
14:04 Kuko yeah, but you didn't get everyone dead
14:05 Nyaruko Subtle, no. I just stayed where I was and RPed occupied
14:05 VektorZero[TOP] not many, as I had deployed troops in the south, and middle towards Mo i rana and far north[/quote]

Basically, the situation is that I have an wide-spread force coming down into a region that has little density of German troops, allowing most of the forces to bypass and get into the mountains and forests of Nordland. Three 100 kt bombs are going to barely make a dent in my positioning, and as I wrote, three 20 mt bombs would cover what, around 15~20% of where I would be by now?

Again, I'm using geography against you.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1335044575' post='2956784']

The mountains along the northern border between Norway and Sweden. Please tell me how you have enough troops to deal with 250k troops when you have what, 70k troops with most of them located elsewhere, as you said on IRC:

Basically, the situation is that I have an wide-spread force coming down into a region that has little density of German troops, allowing most of the forces to bypass and get into the mountains and forests of Nordland. Three 100 kt bombs are going to barely make a dent in my positioning, and as I wrote, three 20 mt bombs would cover what, around 15~20% of where I would be by now?

Again, I'm using geography against you.

Small problem being that Owned also rp'd military action against you to keep you out. I'm inclined to agree with Vektor here, your moves do look a lot like metagaming.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1335047849' post='2956818']
Small problem being that Owned also rp'd military action against you to keep you out. I'm inclined to agree with Vektor here, your moves do look a lot like metagaming.
Incorrect. Owned-You has RPed only around the area of Bergen (far to the south, and the most he moved was [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110327&view=findpost&p=2954596"]trying to get to Oslo[/url]), while I have referred to Nordland several times. I've been keeping tabs on the movements, and unfortunately, Malatose had spread himself too thin, never mind I don't really recognize his strange RPing of having moved thousands of SAMs to Norway in less than a week.

Furthermore, I'm already in Nordland through my uncontested control of the Scandinavian mountains, and the battles between my forces and the Germans were happening in the parts of Nordland between the coast and the Norway-Swedish borders, thus having the troops in Nordland (although perhaps clarified as eastern) can't be disputed without changing prior posts.

Edited by Kankou
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[quote]In Norway, over 100,000 troops began going down the mountains to fight the Germans, while another 150,000 stayed behind to keep the back clear.

First, you did not mention specific directions. My tactical nuclear strike is in response to this post. You placed your troops in the open stating that soldiers were moving down the mountains. You did not mention any defensive postures, etc. You put them in the open yourself. Not my problem. So the issue remains. How do you go from moving down the mountainside to engage the Germans to appearing in Norway unattested? So my soldiers just decided to step aside and let you walk by? It doesn't make sense, but it's clear that you're metagaming to achieve better results. Not going to work. So no, I will not accept rebels generating all over the place like this is Hearts of Iron.

[quote]Incorrect. Owned-You has RPed only around the area of Bergen (far to the south, and the most he moved was trying to get to Oslo), while I have referred to Nordland several times. I've been keeping tabs on the movements, and unfortunately, Malatose had spread himself too thin, never mind I don't really recognize his strange RPing of having moved thousands of SAMs to Norway in less than a week[/quote]

False. You are not reading my post, obviously. I stated twice that I took over Norway's air defense network.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1335051864' post='2956847']
I am already in Nordland by having control of the mountains. Basic geography.

Negative. This is not Hearts of Iron. You are not in Nordland until you RP it. I'm sorry, but you can't just magically appear. Not to mention, you contradicted yourself.

[quote]In Norway, over 100,000 troops began going down the mountains to fight the Germans, while another 150,000 stayed behind to keep the back clear.

So you moved out the mountains, but when you saw it didn't benefit you, you metagamed and teleported back into the mountains. This is getting ridiculous.

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Let's see... 100,000 engaging Germans downhill, another 150,000 still up in the mountains spread around a 500 km long area. and assuming the first three 100 kt bombs hit, we still have at least 100,000 troops still up in the mountains while the fate of the other 100,000 troops (counting all casualties) may be that they're killed off by the megaton bombs. We would still have what, 50,000 troops still standing in the mountains?

So if your main problem is with the single word Nordland, I'll change it to the Scandinavian mountains, although for the life of me I don't get why you're so stubborn as to throw out geography out the window as you usually do.

Edited by Kankou
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