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Alaskan Collapse

Padraig Rua

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The Commonwealth is curious as to how and why this Republic ceases to exist. Moreover, surely it would be in the best interests for an American Nation such as Blue Heaven or the Confederated American States to protect the land?

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OOC: you sure bro? Why not just get a lock for a couple weeks and then make up your mind? We all know cnrp can be a bit of a bear, but if you come back and have to reroll it's going to be setting you back to ground zero.

IC: representatives of Legion find this announcement to be a curious one and as usual with all the rest of the public announcements of the world they keep their silence.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1302010740' post='2684626']
The Commonwealth is curious as to how and why this Republic ceases to exist. Moreover, surely it would be in the best interests for an American Nation such as Blue Heaven or the Confederated American States to protect the land?

"You mean those same North American nations who refused to recognize them with the creation of their socialist system?"

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They refused to recognise the Government, not the people. Im am talking about the peoples bests interests, not some petty argument about socialism in a past war. Surely the Alaskan people, North Americans, would benefit from an American protector as opposed to a Chinese protector?

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1302012331' post='2684638']
They refused to recognise the Government, not the people. Im am talking about the peoples bests interests, not some petty argument about socialism in a past war. Surely the Alaskan people, North Americans, would benefit from an American protector as opposed to a Chinese protector?

"In most cases not recognizing the government equals not recognizing the people considering the former depends on the latter."

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1302013987' post='2684652']
"In most cases not recognizing the government equals not recognizing the people considering the former depends on the latter."

Your still going back to an old war over an ideal instead of focussing on the here and now and those people should be protected by a North American nation, not an Asian Nation. The Empire of Pravus Ingruo has for decades secured America.

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The 4th Mountain Combat Brigade would move to secure Anchorage rapidly while the 3rd Airborne Combat Brigade would be dropped over Fairbanks. Due to Alaska's large ultra low population density airborne units and UAVs would be used to secure the country mostly with the capability of rapid deployment of ground units.

"The United Federation of the East shall formally take control of Alaska as a protectorate save for the Southern Peninsula which shall be governed under PLA Martial Law."

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With the shocking news of the UFE occupation, there was one person who was not going to stand idly by while an irresponsible political crusade could be launched for personal aggrandizement.


[b][u]A Live Broadcast from World Freedom Network Contributor and Half Term Governor Sarah Palin[/u][/b]

"Hey ya Alaskans. You know back when August Imperator Jia was pallin' around with domestic terrorists we were up here being hard working, freedom loving, god fearing folk and watchin' out for witches and russians... its also got to be all about such as jobs. So when I hear that Alaska is now under the rule of those Chinese, I stick my head out my window and say 'hey whachya doin'?' Thats why Todd and I here are takin' a break from havin' others ghost write our books and shooting endangered species from airplanes and are here to say enough is enough. I'm proclaimin' the Alaskan Freedom Pro-Israel Christian Republic of the Founding Fathers.

We proclaim the rights of all Alaskans to worship whatever god they want so long as he's a white christian one, we proclaim the rights of Alaskans to own fire arms especially toddlers and the mentally ill, we proclaim the rights of Alaskans to DRILL BABY DRILL!

Its time to reload! Now if you excuse me I got to go to Bloomingdales to spend our arms budget on clothes."[/center]

OOC: Palin rebellion will be RPed in another thread.

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OOC:Apologies for the late post. The reason why I have removed my nation is the fact that my laptop is damaged and needs to be repaired. I am not sure how long it would take to repair so I have ended my nation. Another contributing factor is my junior cert exams coming soon. I am sure you can understand. I will return, not sure when but if not I thank you all for your joyful company..

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1302013987' post='2684652']
"In most cases not recognizing the government equals not recognizing the people considering the former depends on the latter."
A government can still rule without popularity. It just needs lots of money, military and police forces and outside assistance. As the government is not a direct democracy, the citizens can not have direct say in what the government does, and only indirectly if the government is open to criticisms and not send in a death squad for every complainer.

If the government's top leaders went insane and declared war on you, do you glass the entire country because EVERYONE just happen to want to murder you?

We request a general voting to be held to determine who should protect Alaska and be regulated by neutral 3rd parties.

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Socialism is the highest form of democratic rule because the leadership rules for the people and their political and economic aspirations. Elections which can have influence brought or sold by the highest bidder is not true democracy or freedom but rather covert rightist tyranny. -Alaskan Administrative Officer and Fort Beihai Party Secretary Zhu Hong

OOC: The next phase of this RP will be up soon.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1302369183' post='2687456']
Socialism is the highest form of democratic rule because the leadership rules for the people and their political and economic aspirations. Elections which can have influence brought or sold by the highest bidder is not true democracy or freedom but rather covert rightist tyranny. -Alaskan Administrative Officer and Fort Beihai Party Secretary Zhu Hong
It is impossible for voters to know their elected legislator's every single opinion or how would they react to every unique situations. It is not possible for candidates running for office to cover every unique situations due to time constraints, and most voters would ignore seemly-trivial ones instead of serious/controversial concerns.

I'm fairly sure the last Alaskan election did not mention anything about what would foreign country the legislators and president turn the country's control over to. In fact, I doubt the topic of "Which foreign country shall we turn our sovereignty over to if everything goes wrong?" ever came up in any of the elections.

Socialism or not, the government does not always represent the people's will, especially if its members have no incentive of being reelected.

[quote name='Chancellor Patrick' timestamp='1302372565' post='2687489']
OOC: If I request Alaska to be given to triyun then let it be so and respect my wish. Besides the only legitimate nations to have Alaska would be the old URSR and the UFE.
OOC: My IC country does not like:

A. Communism/socialism

B. Foreign countries expanding into North America

I understand your wish, but the IC myself will ignore your wish.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1302375124' post='2687510']
If your objections are noted but not found to be particularly insightful or relevant. For our purposes this discussion is over.
All we are asking is for general voting to confirm the people's government's choice. A government no longer serves its people if its major decisions, including who to turn the sovereignty over to, can not be confirmed by the people.

No government is perfect, therefore, they need restraints to prevent a government from losing touch with its people.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1302375681' post='2687515']
We've already given our response to your blatant attempt at installing a revanchist corporatocracy.
We do not plan on interfering with Alaska's decision, the people's decision. The people had not been given a chance to voice their opinions. Will you give them a chance, or blindly trust their government which may have lost touch with the people?

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