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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1301205476' post='2678016']
OOC: Actually he's RPing Pirates, both Sargun and Yawoo have been permitted to RP private military corporations. He's BSing a lot of propaganda but he's within his IG limits.

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1301203198' post='2677957']
[b]The Australian Aborigine Movement Forward Headquarters[/b]

"Hello world, this is Jed Bob of the Australian Aboriginal Movement. We are here to address the wrongs that have been heaped upon our fair nation. You see just down south some blokes are rising up saying that their Hawaiian selves need a bit of ours. We are here to say this is ours and what is theirs is way over there in the middle of the #$#$ing Pacific Ocean. [b]Already several hundred Aborigines have flocked to us ready to fight and die for what is rightfully ours.[/b]

Dosent seem like Pirates to me

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1301203198' post='2677957']
Battleforce Mayhem as it is called has been [b]hired by the 'Australian Aboriginal Movement'[/b]

Australian Abouriginal Movement. Pihana citizens.

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OOC: Without trying to sound like an ass, please learn the difference between say and do. He can't make your citizens do anything. He can claim that he's representing a rebellion all he wants. Saying is allowed. Making your citizens do actions is another. He's using his own IG troop counts and they are pirates and mercs something thats been allowed in multiple other threads.

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[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1301206691' post='2678043']
He can post all the proporganda his heart diseries. He cannot say that a rebellion movement exsists withing my nation withought my approval. And DEFINATLY cant say that my citizens are actually joining it.
OOC: Technically he [i]can [/i]say it. Can he actually do it? No. I could go and say the UFE is currently in a state of civil war if I wanted to, or that August Imperator Jia or whoever has been assassinated. Can I actually do that without his consent? No, but I can say so if I want to.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1301204976' post='2678000']
"I'm talking about rape, murder, extortion, slavery, and the attempted cultural genocide of the Aborigines of Australia at the hands of the Pihana government. Further, the absurdity of having our culture washed away and supplanted by a Hawaiian culture is just too much for us to bear.

I'm talking about war.

The Australian Aboriginal Movement hereby is at a state of war with Pihana and these Hawaiian interlopers. May god have mercy on your souls, for we shall not!"

So your telling me an idea just declared war on me?

And anyways. None of these posts should of been posted in this topic. This was a closed matter and these littel pirate thinga have nothing to do with this matter.

Edited by supercheese
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Beckwith and the men of the 1st AAM Battalion Combat Team prepare for their assault on Kimberly. One thousand of the nastiest men of the African Legion finger their weapons as they make ready to do battle. Supporting them are a battery of 105mm artillery, helicopters, mortars, and a variety of manpads. The four companies of men are positioned on their lines of departure.

"Eager Company, report in," Beckwith orders.

"Ready and raring to go," replies Hardcastle.

"Furious Company, report in," Beckwith orders.

"In position, locked and loaded, and looking for loot sir," Mustapha replies.

"Gold Company, sound off like you got a pair," Beckwith demands.

"Two between me' thighs sir, and ready to go," Jamal responds.

"Hardcore Company, what is your status?" asks Beckwith.

"Just about ready to go, we are out on the far South, took us longer to get into position," replies Clark.

"You have your scouts out?"

"Yes sir, I have all six scout teams out and running with their radios on quiet farther south. They have their orders to remain incognito," Clark replies. The Scout parties consist of Legion Special Operations Group members. Each team has three men with one being a radioman, one being a sniper, and one being a demolitions expert. They are extremely well trained and very dangerous men.

"Backstop, what is your status?" Beckwith requests of the Heavy Weapons Company.

"Mortars deployed forward by sections, artillery is up and ready, and anti-tank teams are deployed forward by sections as well," O'Roarke responds as he checks his maps one more time.

"Dugout, what is your status?" Beckwith asks.

"Rear area is locked and loaded sir," Finnaly O'Donalds replies as he examines the men of his rear area security company one more time.

"Services and Support are ready to go as well sir," the nervous looking Captain who is in command of the Services and Support Company.

"Sir, all units are in position and ready to commit," Beckwith informs Deltrane.

"Attack and don't bother me unless something important happens," Deltrane mutters.

"All companies are go," Beckwith shouts over the radio.

Within seconds the four companies of infantry launch their assault on Kimberly. Orders have been given to only fire if fired upon. Special orders have been given to collect government officials of Pihana for 'special handling' along with members of this nutjob Hawaiian bunch of losers. Though the only special handling those clowns are going to get is a bullet to the back of the head and a shallow grave in the outback. That's if anyone can be sussed to bother with digging a hole, more than likely they are going to end up as dingo fodder.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1301209279' post='2678093']
OOC: He's not violating the rules, this was not a closed topic at the beginning. You cannot change a open topic to a closed one nor can you retcon if things go badly.
OOC: He does have the right to make a new thread if he feels like the old one is getting too cluttered. All events will continue on as usual, but you can't blame him for wanting to separate storylines and make things neater.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1301209462' post='2678095']
OOC: He does have the right to make a new thread if he feels like the old one is getting too cluttered. All events will continue on as usual, but you can't blame him for wanting to separate storylines and make things neater.

Neater, yes. But he can't change it from open to closed, if its going to be the same things.

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OOC: Peace through wanton bloodshed is my motto. :)

IC: Major General Charles White smiles with satisfaction as the convoy of ships clears the Red Sea. "By god this has to be the fastest load up and deployment in Legion history. It's gonna be good to be out fighting for the freedom of the oppressed again as well."

"Heh, liberating their money from their oppressive pockets sir," laughs one of his officers.

"Freedom is freedom my good man! Let us all bow our heads in respect for the downtrodden Australian Aborigines who have suffered at the hands of those Pihana devils!" the Major General demands as he chortles.

"Ok, who farted?" someone else asks.

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OOC: Your resistance has clearly been used as pretext for a large scale irregular military action. There are no rules against initiating one. The action we launched is completely legal, it can either be responded to or not responded to in which case you could actually lose your entire territory.

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OOC: Yes I'm responsible for comcast's absolutely horrid connection service in my area that makes it seem like posts don't go through. I apologize for that. :smug:

What it was supposed to be and what it could become are two entirely separate things, quit posting OOC. You guys need to man up and just take IC action.

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OOC: Stop OOC spamming. You need to respond to others actions even if you don't like them. This will be the last time I'll respond here OOC, failure to respond past this time IC and I'll start requesting auto advances along appropriate time schedules.

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