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Resource tiers


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How important are your starting resources? I seem to recall getting some starting resources being much better than getting others... I think because if you have a certain resource, or combination of resources, then you will be useless for the better types of trade circles. I may be misremembering, however.

Am I alright with Coal and Gems, or should I start over once I can delete my nation...? Advice please!

Edited by Haklangr
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There aren't necessarily tiers of individual resources - you can have two great resources that might not work well with each other. If you want to tier them by pairs, I'd say something really simple like this:

1. You have two resources that fit perfectly into a TC you desire (usually a 3br, 5br, or 8br).
2. You have one resource that fits in a TC, and another that is an acceptable wildcard.
3. You do not.

With Coal and Gems, you can fit into the Affluent Population TC, but these are somewhat rare and definitely not as effective for new nations. As a result, you'll have a hard time getting one, and even when you do it won't be perfect. If your nation is new, I would just reset. It'll pay for itself within days, and years later you'll thank yourself.

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Yep, it's a new nation. I'll just reroll when I can, then. Thanks a lot for your (collective your) help!

Question: my nation appears to be happy with Monarchy AND Norse religion. As I recall, Monarchy is one of the best governments for a small-to-medium nation (or something like that?), and based on my nation theme I'd be pretty disappointed if my nation turned out to want to practice Voodoo or whatever. Is your starting preferred government and preferred religion important? Can you ever get your populace to change?

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[quote name='Haklangr' timestamp='1300771179' post='2672979']
Question: my nation appears to be happy with Monarchy AND Norse religion. As I recall, Monarchy is one of the best governments for a small-to-medium nation (or something like that?), and based on my nation theme I'd be pretty disappointed if my nation turned out to want to practice Voodoo or whatever. Is your starting preferred government and preferred religion important? Can you ever get your populace to change?

From time to time, your people will change their preference on gov type, and on religion. It's random.

Monarchy used to be considered the best gov type, and it was often suggested that you use it in all circumstances. However, there were some changes in the rules, and now, the best gov type varies more depending on your circumstances and your populations preferences.

I agree with those who said that a new nation with coal/gems would be better off to re-roll.

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[quote name='Haklangr' timestamp='1300771179' post='2672979']
Yep, it's a new nation. I'll just reroll when I can, then. Thanks a lot for your (collective your) help!

Question: my nation appears to be happy with Monarchy AND Norse religion. As I recall, Monarchy is one of the best governments for a small-to-medium nation (or something like that?), and based on my nation theme I'd be pretty disappointed if my nation turned out to want to practice Voodoo or whatever. Is your starting preferred government and preferred religion important? Can you ever get your populace to change?

[quote name='Baldr' timestamp='1300913276' post='2673960']
From time to time, your people will change their preference on gov type, and on religion. It's random.

Monarchy used to be considered the best gov type, and it was often suggested that you use it in all circumstances. However, there were some changes in the rules, and now, the best gov type varies more depending on your circumstances and your populations preferences.

I agree with those who said that a new nation with coal/gems would be better off to re-roll.
To build off that and answer the rest of your question, religion doesn't affect anything beyond the happiness bonus for having the one your citizens prefer. Eventually you'll be able to buy a wonder that makes your citizens like whatever religion you want, but until then you'll have to switch according to their whims or suffer a happiness penalty.

Also, this may be helpful for picking a government: http://www.cybernations.net/about_topics.asp#Government_Type

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Thanks, y'all. I have re-rolled and ended up with Gold and Iron; how does that sound?

I think it seems much better, but I'm not sure by how much. I still would prefer to be in the "top tier" of resource combinations, even if it requires more re-rolling. If I play this game for a while, I think even small disadvantages will accumulate!

So to use htmlmaster's criteria, I guess I'm asking if these two resources fit into a good trade ring. I think they fall under Tier #2 in his ranking... hmm. I can't decide if it'd be worth chancing a re-roll.

Edited by Haklangr
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Gold/Iron is an improvement - with them you can fit perfectly into a typical 8BR, which is a popular setup that's particularly useful for infrastructure purchase and military development. I personally prefer 3BRs, especially for new nations, because the population benefits greatly improve income and make improvements come by faster. Here are the benefits of each:
Income boost - Citizens: +30.56%, Happiness: +11.5 to +12.5, Income: +$0 to +$2
Infrastructure modifiers - Infra cost: -28.99%, Infra UpK: -17.2%
Income boost - Citizens: +16.64%, Happiness: +11, Income: +$6
Infrastructure modifiers - Infra cost: -35.2%, Infra UpK: -21.34%
There isn't a huge economic difference, especially considering you'll spend a lot of money on infra/bills. If you plan on getting involved in wars, keep what you have, but if you want a purely economic build, it may be worth re-rolling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='htmlmaster' timestamp='1301014220' post='2675348']
Gold/Iron is an improvement - with them you can fit perfectly into a typical 8BR, which is a popular setup that's particularly useful for infrastructure purchase and military development. I personally prefer 3BRs, especially for new nations, because the population benefits greatly improve income and make improvements come by faster. Here are the benefits of each:


There isn't a huge economic difference, especially considering you'll spend a lot of money on infra/bills. If you plan on getting involved in wars, keep what you have, but if you want a purely economic build, it may be worth re-rolling.

even with coal/gems like he started out with he could've fit into an 8BR though so i dont quite understand why you had him reroll to begin with?

also with that set he could have been in any circle that required a Fine Jewelry BR

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[quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1302198398' post='2686224']
even with coal/gems like he started out with he could've fit into an 8BR though so i dont quite understand why you had him reroll to begin with?

also with that set he could have been in any circle that required a Fine Jewelry BR
Because for a new nation, it'll be moderately difficult for him to find a trade circle. With coal/gems, he doesn't fit the requirements for 3BR (double wildcards), is an okay fit for a 5BR (1 wildcard), and a poor fit for a 8BR (circle loses uranium, 1 wildcard).

Your top 3 trade circles are 3BR, 5BR, and 8BR with variations mostly due to wild cards. A fine Jewelry BR ring is pretty uncommon and requires a lot of resources that alone aren't really that favored, especially at the lower NS levels.

As for with coal/gems, fitting into an 8BR, it'll be a difficult fit seeing as that means uranium get dropped from the circle. For your hardcore warmongers, uranium is pretty much a requirement (unless people don't mind temp trading for the green stuff).

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[quote name='Iceknave' timestamp='1302199709' post='2686232']
Because for a new nation, it'll be moderately difficult for him to find a trade circle. With coal/gems, he doesn't fit the requirements for 3BR (double wildcards), is an okay fit for a 5BR (1 wildcard), and a poor fit for a 8BR (circle loses uranium, 1 wildcard).

Your top 3 trade circles are 3BR, 5BR, and 8BR with variations mostly due to wild cards. A fine Jewelry BR ring is pretty uncommon and requires a lot of resources that alone aren't really that favored, especially at the lower NS levels.

As for with coal/gems, fitting into an 8BR, it'll be a difficult fit seeing as that means uranium get dropped from the circle. For your hardcore warmongers, uranium is pretty much a requirement (unless people don't mind temp trading for the green stuff).

there are two ways to set up an 8BR though, one with Beer and the other with FJ...people can argue what's better but the fact still is that he can get into a fairly good trade circle (granted i would not trust a nation under 5k NS to be in my TC because imo anything below shows that they do not put much time into the game and are prone to deletion). I've set up 8BRs with FJ before and there was a good want from others to become a part of it

also lets not forget that many people will sacrifice good temp trades for a reliable trade circle for the sole fact that it is reliable and they dont have to worry bout finding a replacement at last second

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