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Everything posted by Supra25900

  1. Grats to your alliance PIP..your leadership always leads to success
  2. o/ GR We're on a boat to 6 mil and 19.00 score B)
  3. that works too..whatever is quicker
  4. hopefully within the next 7 days because I'm already 12 days IA
  5. Awesome, more than likely he will join Lets hope
  6. AndrewS, this guy is currently trading with me b.c we used to be in a trade circle and it broke so and I asked him if he wanted to join because he has fish and sugar. You should message him too. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=199789
  7. If you switch out gold for lead, I'd be glad to join
  8. I can't do that..someone already beat ya to the wheat. Sorry.
  9. If gems are replaced with lead and the circle changes to blue color I'll join with lead and water
  10. This will be a BLUE trade circle. Lead may seem bad but really isn't because it: Lead – Lowers cruise missile and nuclear weapon purchase cost and upkeep cost -20%, lowers aircraft upkeep cost -25%, lowers tank purchase and upkeep costs -8%, lowers soldier upkeep cost -$0.50, reduces environment penalties for owning nuclear weapons by 50%, and lowers all navy vessel upkeep cost -20%. If you're a bigger nation or a nation that likes to keep your nation strong, this is the trade circle for you. A harbor is required for you to be in this trade circle. Aluminum: Drail Cattle: Fish: Water: Supra25900 Pigs: Spices: Drail Sugar: Lumber: Iron: LeVentNoir Marble: Wheat: LeVentNoir Lead(Wildcard): Supra25900
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