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Sir Wellington

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    Austin, TX

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    The Haze
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  1. Hi. Did you start subbing?

  2. I believe this is a great day in CN. In all honesty, I think TPF was at the head of the pack in the destruction of the last hippie jam fest.... Slayer much??? [ooc] I believe the term you are looking for is trustafarian ... you will find a "few" in Green Peace [/ooc]
  3. I think alot of people realize that it isnt needed, but is rather interesting. I dont think this was a ploy for attention as much as they were trying to make an analysis of political culture on planet bob.
  4. You know, it is entirely possible to fade away and still play the game. This isnt AA, you dont have to go sober and never touch it again. I went AWOL from the game for almost a full year and still have a life and during that year got alot done and school took focus. I am still around and kicking. It was good times though. BTW... KoT is still ... well you can finish the sentence.
  5. A very wise triumvirate of a well known alliance in this conflict put this to me very succinctly: You can look at this like people breaking the law. As soon as one person gets arrested, if they switch sides and work with the prosecution, they are now on "the right side." The law now completely ignores all the crimes that said person committed. The prosecution now focuses all of their efforts on the "grand prize." Anyone who is left standing is now left to hang.... it is just how it is. We all hate the system, especially for its corruption, but it is what it is. God bless the worst parts of humanity, namely our flawless legal system. o/
  6. You give your son beer? I am a little disappointed to see no pale ales on this list, especially in the summer. Blue Moon is becoming the new "cool" beer because it gives people who dont really appreciate beer the appearance of looking like a beer snob (it is seriously easy to drink, even for people who dont like beer). Sure, I like a good light summer wheat beer, but I typically prefer a heff like Paulaner or Pyramid. I will add a few to the list for completeness: Shiner Bock Dogfish 90 min IPA As far as light beers go, I will throw out Shiner Blonde (yes, I am a biased Texan)
  7. Please tell me how many people in TPF you think has a warchest over 100M? I can tell you that the VAST majority of nations who are in peace mode are also broke. The "losses" of the nations still in war mode are insignificant compared to the losses as a whole. You can hardly say that TPF hasnt taken a hit. My nation personally went from 10k infra /2k tech to under 1k infra /~ 0 tech. So yea, throw insults all you want. I am one of the VERY few nations in TPF with money left and doing minuscule damage to 1k infra nations doesnt do much of anything, but saving that for rebuilding and reps is much smarter. Anything else need clearing up?
  8. I think the simple precedence that TPF is trying to set is that alliances that break treaties to enter a war against their allies dont deserve reparations. I think it is actually a step in the right direction for planet Bob and Karma would do well by looking at this.
  9. You obviously lack the mental capacity to win this argument.
  10. Actually they did not cancel the treaty they broke the treaty. There is a clear difference. Why is this so hard to understand? Breaking a treaty does not make it ok because it stated the obvious. Of course the treaty is void once it is broken. Really? Sometimes I question the intelligence of the average person here. If they wanted to cancel, they could have done so with the cancellation period.
  11. We are simply stating that we wont pay backstabbing opportunistic cowards. Is that clear enough? PC has repeatedly shown their true colors and we simply believe that they should not be rewarded. Honestly, if I were Karma, I would be ashamed to call them allies. In all actuality, by leaving PC out of the reps, everyone else will get more. For some reason I fail to see why they actually care what PC wants or thinks they deserve.
  12. No offense Greenacres, but your logic is pretty weak. You make a HUGE assumption that the wording was intended for TPF to use against PC. Do you have ANY justification for this claim besides your omniscience. You keep crying that they "found" it first and TPF had intentions to use it... again find me some proof besides what you wipe with. So lets look at the facts here: 1: TPF came into this war AFTER after NPO was declared on by 10+ alliances (thereby defensive) 2: PC and TPF had a NAP and THEY cancelled it to declare on TPF because of a MADP with TDK (not sure exactly how that was justified besides that they wanted on the dogpile, congrats) 3: Almost every other alliance that surrendered to Karma got white peace (even those who were involved in the same things as TPF)... so by NOT saving our pixels and backing out, we are being further punished for having honor. Dont see the logic here. Greed is a smelly perfume.
  13. I think the simple issue is that there is an alliance name that seems to encourage, joke about, or mock abortion simply for the fact that it is controversial. I dont think it is cute or funny and is a lame attempt to attract attention, nothing more. --------- [ooc] I guess the real question at hand is whether or not CN shares the same freedom of speech that Americans do or not. In the words of Voltaire: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." [/ooc] --------- So in short, I think you have the RIGHT to do this, but I will clearly and openly mock you for your lame attempt at getting attention.
  14. Gotta say, intended or not... this is a pretty messed up alliance name. I highly predict failure (If for NOTHING else besides the name). [ooc]Frankly I dont care, but I know this will offend many.[/ooc]
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