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Johnny Apocalypse

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Posts posted by Johnny Apocalypse

  1. [quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1308159614' post='2731916']
    No and 0-10%...gotta love that, the MKers and such already came in and skewed the poll.

    I would bet/pay 1000 tech that it's Yes and 90-100%. That RIA guy has already shown to everyone that we are still feared. We are defeated and still feared. We have few treaties and still feared. We sit quiet and our silence causes fear.

    Don't give yourself too much credit there buddy, you were by far the most boring and unthreatening opponents I've fought. I'm really not in the mood for seconds.

  2. [quote name='Zeta Defender' timestamp='1307951313' post='2730469']
    Ok, lets go down this route. How can something which was done over 4 years ago still be a factor today? For people to hold 4 year old grudges are fools for the reason, they carry the same hate, while the world revolves around them. Sometimes, people just need to be direct with their feeling and stop this game of beating around the bush. If the main reason for the IAA cancellation of the TIO treaty was that TIO was too close to NPO based on OWF announced ODP treaty and IAA still has hate towards NPO, then I personally invite Chimaera to come talk with us (NPO) and for us to talk. If this was not a factor, then please carry on with the back and forth bickering and continued trashing of one or both sides involved in this matter.

    Also Mandatory: Do people on Planet Bob always need to find the conspiracy in order to link everything back to the NPO and say it is their fault....?

    Who said anything about it being your fault?

    Perhaps IAA just don't like you and don't want to be tied so closely to you, pretty simple yet sound logic to me.

  3. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1307901886' post='2729938']
    At first I could barely believe it when I saw someone say he didn't know if you guys were serious about not being a bloc, but seeing you guys actually arguing your not a bloc because you guys [i]feel[/i] like you're special is to funny. You don't even base it on anything concrete and give a solid alternative to what people should consider you guys to be instead, but since you feel that way I guess everyone should accept that you're not a bloc and not argue with you guys when you guys make that claim.


    I don't care what you call it. Call it a bloc, call it a treaty [b][u]It really doesn't matter one bit, why are you all still arguing about this?[/b][/u]

    That was my point you bumbling arse. Honestly you're about as on the ball as a dead seal.

  4. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1307901038' post='2729929']
    Considering the only difference between it and being what everyone considers a bloc in CN is you guys saying its different, you guys might as well give up arguing its not a bloc and something special that makes it different from a bloc. If it has IRC, a forum or some legal loophole that allows a signatory to opt out of defending another are all irrelevant to what it actually is. If you claim its not a bloc, there better be something significant to make it either better or inferior in some ways to what people define as a bloc, otherwise you're wasting people's time by trying to explain to them you've invented something new instead when it turns out to be the same thing.

    Does it really matter to you (you too Dumbhouse) that much whether or not Doomhose is referred to as a bloc or as a treaty? Are you really going to go on for several pages arguing about the most trivial of details? It's like me starting an argument with my girlfriend about her calling bread rolls batches and I call 'em rolls or buns; utterly pointless. So are you really going to carry on with this argument, despite how inane and boring and downright retarded it is?

    Heh who am I kidding, of course you are.

  5. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1307894368' post='2729867']
    It will.

    Almost every alliance that has started a war since the time of Karma has been screamed and yelled at by the community at large for being aggressive. If you take out the alliances that are considered aggressive (TOP/MK/GOONS/NpO/VE ectt..) then all you are left with is alliances who are simply happy with existing. Those alliances have no political ambition and more importantly no set of balls. Unless the alliances that I've mentioned do anything then prepare for a long and boring summer/fall.

    Basically, we're rubbish at politics.

  6. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1307773061' post='2729069']
    Oh, now R&R is channeling the spirit of Azaghul: you have saved us all from boredom with your beatdown of a microalliance, how can we ever repay you? Oh, you had a repayment in mind? Force your idea of which kind of alliance government is best on us? Alright, well I guess with MHA, Fark, Sparta, GOD, CSN, and the rest behind you you're ready to start taking the really big [i]risks[/i]. Very exciting stuff over here, Planet Bob has been saved, rah rah rah.

    You hear that R&R? Schattenmann feels threatened by your desire to spread democracy to the member-states of failed dictatorships, he fears that his dictatorship and his cult of personality that he crafted is weak and ready to crumble. Strike now while the iron is hot!

  7. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1307528188' post='2726852']
    Then why were things that you had already done put into your terms?

    Perhaps both parties were hoping that the threat of R&R rolling UINE again would be enough to make sure Keve stays away from gov. They are plagued by inactivity after all, the situation would be ripe for Keve to exploit if he wanted to sneak back onto his throne.

    I don't know really, I'm just speculating and that's the only thing I could come up with.

  8. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1307396154' post='2725632']
    The prior agreement is nullified by the actions of RnR. UINE no longer owes anything until new terms are settled upon.

    I'm sorry, I was unaware that 64digits had anything to do with this conflict, as a result of this I don't think you're in any position to declare what the ground rules are for negotiations. How about you let UINE and R&R settle this themselves mmm?

  9. [quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1307398519' post='2725676']
    Crymson you seriously are a stupid man if you think we aren't doing anything to help UINE. Sure we could go to war and make this expand dragging in a stack of alliances and turning it into a damaging war lasting weeks, or in this case we can deal with R&R with no friction and co-operation from both parties making sure this whole matter is dealt with swiftly and without all of UINE's nations being trashed. It pretty obvious to anyone with even a few brain cells that working with R&R to sort this quickly is acting in our allies best interest.

    I stated frustration, because I know so many individuals and alliances who would have paid the money straight up to save a needless war and that still frustrates me. I implored Keve two weeks ago to get his alliance to help pay and he was adamant this was his bill and he wouldn't burden them with it. I also stressed to him in the strongest possible terms the importance of not screwing it up.

    R&R ran out of patience and I'm disappointed but I am certainly not angry with them. Is that clear enough for you?

    What would you have done in R&R's shoes? (I'm not making a dig or anything, I'm just curious)

  10. [quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1307374355' post='2725411']
    It's funny how the best wars come from the worst CB's, and the worst wars come from the best CB's.

    A CB is like that thing that you put somewhere, somewhere you simply can't remember and you'll spend hours tearing the place apart looking for it. Then after a while you'll give up and when you don't need it anymore you see it sitting there on your desk.

  11. [quote name='REGHAR73' timestamp='1307368375' post='2725370']
    Absolutely no need for anyone to get involved in this. RnR have stated this is about a debt that the UINE owes. It's the first I have heard of the debt and it will be repaid. I wouldn't personally ask for any of our alliance friends enter into conflict which was caused by an error on our part. RnR now have an offer on the table to pay the debt owed from the MoF, MoD and MoG of UINE. If this isn't acceptable then it is not due to debt that this war started. The UINE members are currently being attacked for something they knew nothing about. For them the reconstruction of our government is essential. In order to do this we need peace. The ball is in RnR's court.

    I figured this was the case, good luck getting it sorted either way. R&R are reasonable people so I don't imagine this is going to blow up any further.

  12. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1307368104' post='2725363']
    Keve seems to be the only member that was active/gave a fig about CN anymore.

    I would've thought R&R might've contacted someone else in UINE if Keve was being rubbish. But if Keve was the only active one I guess that makes sense, hopefully this little hiccup will motivate UINE to wake up.

  13. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1307359238' post='2725317']
    [color="#0000FF"]You are but an insignificant whelp next to me. Do not dare compare yourself to the illustrious Rebel Virginia. My greatness is without equal and my accomplishments are many, whereas you are a laughingstock. Where have I succeeded in seeing justice? Everywhere, on a large enough time line. Rebel Virginia is a prudent man, and does not rush forth into defeat. Rather our hero waits patiently, and triumphs when it is least expected.

    As for ending this, I have already made the offer to pay off the remainder of UINE's debts. The fact that RnR refuses to acknowledge me is only further proof that they have no intent to release UINE from this torment. No, they will keep this up for months, maybe even years, until Polaris has no choice but to defend their wayward ally. Then the trap is sprung and TOP will be upon them, and they will push for both eternal war and outrageous reparations. If this is not so then I truly am Sally.[/color]

    Sally Virginia. I like it.

    Honestly I don't think anybody expects Polar to defend its ally. That and this just seems like a bit of heavy motivation for UINE to get its govt in order.

  14. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1307222494' post='2723903']
    Just a question, how long can Umbrella maintain more than 15 or 20 members if all of their brand-new low NS recruits are constantly triple-teamed?

    Hey it meant we at least had an abundance of targets, I don't think anybody complained about being dogpiled in the lower tiers as we all had a pretty killer time with it. I do wish I had that 5.5K tech back though, all in due time I guess.

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