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Everything posted by chefjoe

  1. why the hell would you not use nukes? That would be like going to a fist fight and taping pillows to your hands first
  2. Diskord in his day for sure. I learned a lot from that ol warhorse back in the day....
  3. I can assure you it isnt reflective of Valhalla's .gov policy or even reflective of my inner thoughts. In fact I think I was one of the first people whom posted in this thread and I stated my exact feelings there(Im glad IRON has taken terms they found to be acceptable) BnT has a long standing special place in his heart for IRON as someone whom spent a lot of time helping build that alliance. Anything to do with IRON is a hot button for him.
  4. [OOC] And I thought this day was only awesome becuase it was a 4 day weekend [/OOC] Happy bday to you Polaris. You deserve to have a great party in celebration. First round is on me...
  5. Awesome I am glad to see my friends in IRON finaly able to rest their weary soldiers. You fought a good fight and have my respect as allways. Also obligatory )): Shan )):
  6. Sure seerow. I will start shaking in my boots now big shooter. The circle of hate keeps on truckin Edit- clarity
  7. Cloud, you are really not doin yourself and by default Valhalla any favors here. Not to mention you are out of line in posting what you ARE posting. Im all for posting ones mind by folks but there are lines one shouldnt cross, in public or priv but especially public. In so saying that I dont want ANY more Valhallans to post in this thread.
  8. Outstanding Welcome to Purple my friends!
  9. Time erodes all things. I wish nothing but the best to everyone.
  10. I have never said Valhalla was 'innocent', we arent. No one is. As for terms Valhalla deserves? Your asking me to set them on my own alliance? Well then my answer would be none, though im biased. Are these proportional? To some they are, to some they arent. The alliances whom fought us thought so, the members whom voted to accept them thought so and that brings us to here. Edit- *OOC* Also if ya want to really have a chat about this hit me up in PM or on IRC. This thread is allready FUBAR'd
  11. No. You(as in everyone allied to them and have !@#$ on their ideals) make that argument far greater then I ever could.
  12. Well, we ARENT in that position. we lost. SO to answer some hypothetical question that cannot be ever answered is foolishness. In FACT the ONLY answer you would believe is if I said we would have butt$%&@ed them, anything else would be just blown off thru more of the same posts as fills this whole thread. sorry if I am not going to jump on that one. /me shrugs
  13. Have you read this thread yet? Or are you trying to really say its full of rainbows and puppydogs with no call for harsh terms? *notice I say 'harsh' becuase I believe these terms to not be that and be reflective of the pricepals of the alliances that were at war with us. For which they have earned my respect for (not for given 'easy' or 'light' terms) but by standing by their ideals even thru the mud being slung at them by their 'friends and allies'.*
  14. To be frank, after reading this thread I find it hard to think anyone is more prone then anyone else to those emotions.
  15. I wasnt necesarily aiming that remark at you potato. It was more a general statement. I also apologise if in this thread I missed the joke, but I didnt really have my humor radar on very high in here yet.
  16. Plus you missed bitterness, anger, revenge, grudges and hate. Humanities finest emotions..... Also before you try, no im not saying I am not prey to all of the above too. Hence why I answered bzelger the way I did
  17. lol true. Though im sure you got the point I was making
  18. The same thought process that has generated almost 50 pages....
  19. Neneko, I believe that with 2 .gov and 2 ex-.gov all posting to those individuals "STFU you are being an $@!" pretty clearly indicates that it not only isnt condoned but is viewed as rude and incorrect. @Valhallan's- Get a grip! We fought a good fight but we lost. We had fun and THAT is the ONLY point to be making in this thread.
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