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Everything posted by Proximus

  1. How about the one where I purposely anarchied myself to try and break through some turtling and failed? My bad, I just wanted to help the GRL go up
  2. Hi Polar Pretty sick score tie eh?
  3. You are correct sir. Karma bites everyone eventually. Now is NPO's turn though, Karma is a busy !@#$%* and must focus on one task at a time.
  4. Oh, did I not mention the fact that you tried to feed us the weak $@! excuse "we forgot you were at war with them"? Come on, people across CN that aren't even allied to us and sure as hell don't even LIKE us know that fact. Or the fact that under that relationship IRON was perfectly allowed to do anything it pleased and we would just go "ok, cool" meanwhile the instant ODN stepped off the party line we had you guys breathing down our necks? I forget who said it, but the best analogy I've heard for the treaty was this: IRON was always walking with ODN, only problem was that they were too busy talking on the phone with NPO to actually pay attention to what ODN wanted to talk about. IRON has always been about yourselves first, and I don't blame you. Self first is a great policy. Such a great policy that ODN decided to adopt it, and we couldn't care about ourselves first with you stepping all over our sovereignty all the time. So sure, maybe we'll get rolled now that we don't have the big bad ferrous machine obligated to defend us, but you know what, at least we'll get rolled doing what we believe in and not just following someone else around.
  5. As amad pointed out, we are in fact a democracy. Quoted above you can find the single action which did more to change our membership's stance on which side if any we would take than anything else that has been brought up.
  6. Well darn, I was going to point out (yet again) that the only reason we declared was your top tier of nations, but Anu beat me to yelling o/ Anu
  7. fwoom. That was the sound of my head imploding.
  8. Thank god you didn't, or I wouldn't have ever though this was a good idea D:
  9. And in an amazing show of class, as the spies begin their exit from ODN in fulfillment of the only serious term on this agreement, aid packages have flowed forth from the once spies who are now departing to some of our smaller nations who have requested the assistance. Let it never be said vox isn't made of some win.
  10. You too eh? It's been a week for me but I'm still pissy.
  11. Don't worry term 2 fooled me too D:
  12. Vox flag humping ODN flag in this thread, 'cause they screwed us good. Wait what. Hi vox, ilu.
  13. The Trimming of the Hegemony
  14. Misr != Gen. McAuliffe. Get an original line.
  15. Newsflash deary, ODN is on Karma side. Yeah that makes us on your side too and I still called you out. But I notice you edited your post to include that RIA is your protector.. see, now you're not bandwagoning, you just didn't seem to have any connection to the war until you added that and I don't know your alliance well enough to know that fact without some help
  16. Warriors are to sleep with their eyes open. Besides, how can you close them with all that hair that grew on them from the radiation.
  17. New Polar Order on red and as the top alliance now eh? Lay off the smack, toker
  18. It wasn't nearly as delicious as sending my nuclear opponent into bill lock so he can't nuke me anymore
  19. This pepsi sure tastes a lot like sprite. Has someone been playing with my soda cans again?
  20. Yeah, their top 4 is pretty much the only reason we're in this.
  21. It's easy to make that comment days after the sides have been decided. But wait, we picked our side back when the projected breakdown was still pretty even.
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