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Blog Entries posted by Ghuxalia

  1. Ghuxalia
    So, a few days ago, I was editing my nation bio, and noticed that it mentioned an old friend, Kittyquel. So, I decided to stop by her nation and say hi. When I got to her nation, I decided that instead of a boring old PM, I would send her something nice and fun: A spy attack. Nothing malicious, just some friendly little religious propaganda that doesn't do anything because of her Great Monument. The odds of success were 50%, and surprise, surprise, I got caught. Whatever, I thought, it's just a little joke between old friends. Stuff I've done before. So off I go to bed. The next day, I come home from work and find many messages in my inbox. So I go on IRC and attempt to explain that it doesn't mean anything, that Kitti and I go way back. An apology and a pretzel were all that were requested of me.
    Now, I can be a considerate, diplomatic person when I believe that it is needed, but as I did not believe it was a major event, I was not on my best behavior. I was not intentionally trying to be rude, but with my charming (Note: sarcasm!) nature and lack of concern, I most likely appeared as such to my superiors. Kitti did not appear to be concerned by my spy attack, and I mistakenly believed that FAN was not, either. So, I wrote a shoddy, informal "apology". As I was writing it, I was messaged by multiple people from the Spartan government. I do not like being harassed to do things I am already doing, and I did not believe that this was being considered a significant event by anyone. So, I decided to send the apology, but not send a copy to the Spartan government (Note: I didn't send a copy to FAN, but only because the IRC nick of the person to whom I was supposed to send the copy did not match his nation or ruler), to give them a hard time for their giving me a hard time. This was an incredibly stupid, disrespectful act. These people work hard at keeping the peace and helping our nations grow. If one or two people arrive late to an event and want to make sure that has not gotten out of hand, the least I could have done was say "Yes, I'm doing it right now." The stress I had inadvertently given these people, did not need to be augmented by deliberate disobedience and disrespect.
    To the government of Sparta: For this I am truly sorry. I let my carefree forum identity into said public view, where words must be chosen with care. After my long hiatus from public life, I seem to have lost that skill to choose. Again, I am sorry for being so rude and inconsiderate. So sorry, in fact, that I could not sleep, and had to come to my computer at 1:30 AM, over an hour after I should have been in bed, to type this message. And make1 that graphic.
    To the government of FAN: I've never had any dealings with your alliance, and therefore there were no grudges between us. There was no way for you to have known that the attack was not malicious, and an attack from out of the blue always gets people worked up. I should have remembered this from the time long ago when I was in government myself2. But as I said above, I have gotten a bit rusty in my break. I did not treat this event with the seriousness it deserves, and I will try to do better in the future, whether it be in dealing with your alliance or any other. I am sorry for the agitation I must have caused, and that my wake-up3 call had to come at your expense.
    To Kitti: If I have grossly misinterpreted our friendship and have offended you, I am deeply sorry. Friendship is what gives this game its value, and I do not want to have wasted it on some stupid joke. Also, here's the pretzel I owe you:
    I've spent about 45 minutes writing and editing, but as it's nearly 2:30 AM, please excuse any grammatical errors or poorly flowing thoughts.
    Humor doesn't go well in serious matters. It's down here at the bottom so as not to ruin the mood.
    1Go ask Google. I totally made it.
    2Believe it or not, it's true!
    3Oh the irony! (See end of apology to Sparta)
    tl;dr Holy $%&@ I'm a moron. Sorry, guys.
  2. Ghuxalia
    Dear CN,
    If a nation attempts to incite Religious Propaganda against another nation that has a GT, odds are it's a joke. Especially if it is between two people who know each other. In fact, the odds are so high that it isn't a chance, it's a fact. And if you think otherwise, you probably shouldn't be here.
  3. Ghuxalia
    My nation is 4 years old today! So now I get to write a long nostalgic post on how good the old days were, and pretend people care!
    CN was much better in the good old days.
  4. Ghuxalia
    Yesterday, I asked my boss (a crazy right-wing Republican) a question about Obama. He said "you mean Barack HUSSEIN Obama?" and I replied "Yeah. Like Franklin DELANO Roosevelt. And John QUINCY Adams. And George WALKER Bush. And William HOWARD Taft. And John FITZGERALD Kennedy. And Lyndon BAINES Johnson. And Richard MILHOUS Nixon."
  5. Ghuxalia
    All day today (Memorial Day) The History Channel had a Pawn Shop marathon. It surprises me that they didn't do some sort of history special.
    Also, Chumlee is ridiculous.
    PS Check out this post, where I waste Penkala's time because Penkala is a hater.
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