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Posts posted by TehChron

  1. It's an old cliche that when you first arrive in prison you're supposed to punch the toughest looking guy. Apparently that shows that you're tougher, or crazy, or whatever. I always thought that was pretty stupid. Seems like a great way to insure that guy's gonna try and kick your $@! later. Perhaps it's more prudent to knock out a weaker looking guy, who you know you could beat in a future fight. But then that just defeats the whole purpose of getting respect for the act. In fact, it is likely to have the opposite effect.

    [OOC] Woulda loved to have seen that in the Shawshank Redemption. On a side note, you may need to use OOC tags for that. [/OOC]

    Why would we want respect? We were only trying to liberate these oppressed neutrals from their chains of political stagnation.

  2. I would hope that this is all resolved amicably, although the tone of the posts thus far have been less than conciliatory. Alliance member poaching is merely that; an act of aggression that should be put down and condemned.

    Why is it an act of aggression? As weve already elaborated, neutral alliances are not really harmed by having members leave. They project no power, do not fight wars (ostensibly) and frankly do nothing more than pad stats. Thats about as aggressive as dropping trades with a couple of members of the alliance.

    If taking a member from an alliance just because they werent a fit were a valid CB, im frankly shocked Athens isnt beating up on MHA even now for taking Sileath.

  3. Wrong. I PM'd Moldavi since your members have told us in the 2 seperate conversations that we've had with NSO that he is more easily reached in PM. Why do we need to settle with the word of the Darth Council when it can be overturned tomorrow by Moldavi?

    Also, don't assume that our members don't know what's out there. We don't shelter anyone from CN, they know what it's like. Perhaps your members could use more knowledge about neutrality since I get the feeling you don't quite understand our principles. You haven't been weeding members from our ranks because the only TDO members who don't agree with our policies are ghosting us which is evident in our growing number of members.

    I find it funny that you were so quick to reach an agreement with GOP because they have allies but you don't show the same respect to us.

    Well...GOP is a fair bit larger and more classy than you are, apparently.

    Once more, Ivan trusts the Darth Council with these kinds of tasks. Clearly if you felt that going over our government's head was your best option, you don't really understand how this "respect" thing works.

  4. It was a misunderstanding on his side. Again, i did not say it was. And what relevance does it have? I find it hilarious that NSO recruits from and insults neutrals and then has the impertinence to demand/request/ask for an apology for not playing nice with them through diplomatical back channels.

    Well, thats not what were saying. Had you read Heft's log dump, youd see that it was the fact that TDO mislead us about the issue being resolved.

    As apparently they have decided to lie in public and insult our character, it is only fair we demand an apology for this slander (libel?).

  5. That's not what you were saying in the shower last night.

    No it isn't. All you likely heard was the sound of me saying "CHRONDOUKEN!" before you were knocked out.

    Anything else was just you dreaming.

    By the way, Londo. Mind revisiting my earlier question? Anyone capable of critical thinking isnt so absurd to act for the reason you gave last time.

    Why does the NPO act the way they do in negotiations, in your opinion? What possible motivation is there?

  6. i would have to say good read so NPO really didnt occupy gato for a long time. Or try to send FAN to its demise it was really KARMA who did this?

    :psyduck: nice attempt but untill NPO removes the tyrranical regime that ultimately is responsible for this war and many others i am not able to give NPO members respect they may deserve

    Dont give them respect if they dont deserve it, give it if they do.

    You cant just say "Oh, id respect you if it werent for xxx"...Thats not how respect works.

  7. I think NPO's identity is so wrapped up in winning that they can't stand to accept terms that will cause the degree of humiliation that these will. Being forced out of peace mode to be attacked is pretty bad. They have done it to others (GATO for instance), but I am not even sure that the NPO could successfully survive accepting a GATO-style treatment. And I am speaking culturally here.

    Don't imagine that I even necessarily want to do this to NPO. In fact, I have tried to get more leniency on this, but failed. Perhaps for good, perhaps for ill. But my words and my actions have NEVER been mine alone in this, and I have had to listen to many different voices to form a coherent whole.

    I did the math, and I am quite sure that they could go through the terms we made for them from a mechanical perspective. However, I think that they are resisting these terms not only because they are mechanically harsh but because they believe that these terms woudl destroy their alliance's culture of triumphalism. The thing is, the people fighting NPO want NPO to be utterly defeated and unconditionally surrender, and in a way, NPO can't be utterly defeated or unconditionally surrender because they would lose their culture, their identity, and no longer be NPO. I believe this is why NPO is beginning to behave so irrationally, and I don't see a resolution to this issue unless someone gives in. Having seen the resolve of both sides firsthand, I don't see either side giving in, and I expect this war to continue indefinitely as a result. I hope that I am proved wrong, and that everyone is able to compromise just a little bit more so that we can be done with this chapter of CN history and move onto something else, but I'm in this for the long haul with my comrades in Karma, and I won't abandon the field of battle while a Karma alliance is still fighting.


    That is horribly unrealistic. All of it, and frankly, the only way that'd work is if you considered the lot of them that absurdly brainwashed as to only be able to think that way. Including the leadership. And frankly thats just not plausible.

    *shakes head*

  8. Well, it's nice to know that you guys care. Step on people toes and then tell them to get over it. That kind of winning attitude is going to work well for you. I guarantee it!

    I will say this. Losing Sileath was the best thing to happen to Athens for a long time. I'd like to feel sorry for MHA, but I find it hard to distinguish him from any of their other members. He's of the exact same caliber you see.

    Damnit, RV, we need to quit agreeing.

    But yes, losing Sileath almost makes up for GGA-Athens in the credibility department, yet sadly it does nothing to make up for the fact Sileath was given a government position within days of joining Athens.

  9. If you don't like the way CyberNations functions, do something about it. Posting a heinous wall-o-text doesn't constitute 'doing something', by the way.


    No one cares about bigass walls of texts that do nothing but explain your grievance and threaten impotently.

    Clearly doing so is just attention whoring.


  10. You can have a few laughs about threatening Athens with war because you forgot to demask me on the old NSO forums.

    It is funny, actually. Considering how little you actually matter in the grand scheme of things, letting you stir stuff up between us is something worth laughing about.

  11. Chron, Carter (from what I have seen of him) wasn't necessarily so much incompetent as disagreeable. I've never had respect for people who would bail if they didn't get their way in our alliance and I certainly don't have respect for Nintenderek's crowd who are the same types. In fact, some of this "new government" actually resigned before the coup and then returned. Yeah, that's definitely better leadership material than Carter ever was.

    And I'll say whatever I please, thanks.

    And then there was the person that resigned for 8 hours, only to return and have their job given back by Carter.

    And prerequisite of being decent leadership material is knowing when to not be an idiot, and thus drag your alliance's name through the dirt as a result of your own mistakes. Discipline and restraint, frankly speaking. And Carter showed neither.

    Therefore he was not fit to lead. And Im not saying you can't speak, just that you need to be mindful of the repercussions of those statements...As well as the various ironies.

  12. Not that any of this is relevant to the topic, but..

    Prove it.


    So, with all this in light, the rest of the FIRE government have decided to throw a party. A certain type of party, the party being called a coup. Incitatus was unable to make it to this event due to other worldly issues, however once he comes back, he will become Fire Lord, as he is the current regent. Until then, I'm in charge. If you have any questions, please send me a message or query me on IRC.

    As you can see, he makes a point of stating who was in fact, not around for the coup, but that they are involved regardless.

  13. It is either irony that we hate dems coups or it is a misunderstanding on your part. I welcome coups, doesn't mean I have to support any old one. FIRE will be well rid of bawwwing "I'm going to leave if..!" Nintenderek.

    That said, if the leadership asked him to resign and he refused, so be it. If the membership wills that it wants someone new at the helm, so be it.

    As Ivan Moldavi said, "coups are legal as long as they are successful"

    That was explained in the OP, if memory serves. But not supporting and directly criticizing the act of a coup are two different things. Your post was the latter, and thus ironic.

  14. I agree with SpoiL. This is a disgusting show of insubordination. Nintenderek and the rest of the "leaders" of FIRE are cowards.

    My condolences, Carter.


    You're complaining about folks overthrowing their incompetent leaders to take their place, and you're doing so as a Sith, of all things?

    Please just stop.

  15. Coincidentally Carter was recently reported for a ban evasion that wasn't quite a ban evasion.

    It would surprise me if FIRE members side with someone who was ready to jump ship just because things weren't going his way.

    Oh shush.

    As a Sith itd be utterly hypocritical for you to criticize anyone for coups of incompetent superiors.

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