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Posts posted by TehChron

  1. For starters, Perma ZI list is a misleading name because it is based on alliances with a limited timespan. I was on a perma ZI list from squinty face and I outlasted them and am no longer at zero infrastructure.

    If your on a permanent ZI list don't worry. If you wait long enough you can outlast the haters out there.

    If you think I did anything wrong by standing up to bullies and by calling a spade a spade then your out to lunch. Not everyone on a ZI list deserved it.

    To be fair, you've become erratic enough in your posts to cause even me pause for some time now. I guess the stamina of...rationality (I suppose?) is what sets the wannabes apart from the true leaders.

    Also, Sponge, I doubt you'll be able to appreciate this, but I want to apologize to you for falling short and dissapointing you. I had my reasons for why I did what I did, and it wasn't giving up.

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