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Everything posted by LiquidMercury

  1. Bawheid, well you set a new record for me as far as quickest to the #1 biggest loser in NS for the week charts (41k or so in 4 days I believe). Due to no fault of your own, just some god-awful luck. Ohyababy, you have way too much time on your hands and even though we've coordinated at random times you've been great about being on when we're on. That speaking you lost 1900 infra so far today and still not done with attacks Either way, cheers and props to you, you've been the 2nd best opponent I've had (Matt Miller was the best during Karma, and now I get to fight beside him which is grand). I salute you.
  2. [quote name='Lord Brendan' date='31 January 2010 - 12:15 PM' timestamp='1264961752' post='2147917'] Yeah, I'd say it was a pretty bad strategy decision turned into a catastrophically bad strategy decision by Polar and \m/ agreeing to peace. I still don't understand what your goal was. Catch C&G off guard? But you thought they were waiting for you anyway... [/quote] a. your sig is sweet, even if you're on the other side. b. Though they were aware of us attacking, archon himself has said he never thought we'd truly go through with it, I doubt many actually believed that. c. Target selection is paramount in a war. Sun Tzu once said to bring the war to your enemy, do not let them bring it to you. By doing so, we have a cost-benefit analysis situation which can be broken down in terms of economics. If the marginal cost of pre-emping, out-weighs the marginal-benefit in terms of political damage and possible NS loss, then we have indeed made the most terrible of errors. If the marginal benefit > marginal cost then it was a good decision. This of course does not take in the opportunity costs associated with said decision. (Yes I know everyone is spouting, opportunists around). The opportunity costs associated with this decision come down to whether or not this is the best situation for us to take on CnG or if there would be another opportunity that may be beneficial. I would say that this was more beneficial then the TPF scenario in terms of NS and benefit for the political system as a whole (I hope this truly does make people realize how messed up our web is and do something about it, as of now FOK is really the only ones to have done so and I commend them for it, even if it does leave TOP in a worse position). I am by no means saying that we are opportunists in regards to this situation and did not factor that into our thinking (at least the politic people probably didn't, I always factor opportunity costs into any decision I make both here and in RL). Just like I view the opportunity cost of attacking umbrella or argent or any of our allies, it was simply another piece of the puzzle, another piece of data. d. Only time will tell if this was indeed the right move or the wrong one. Just because something appears to be off at first doesn't make it wrong. One thing I think we can all agree on, is that it was the right move in terms of bringing more enjoyment to all, something that was seriously lacking.
  3. [quote name='AirMe' date='31 January 2010 - 10:05 AM' timestamp='1264953923' post='2147673'] Too bad they weren't in the war yet. It's funny that a bloc that had no DoW's posted in the conflict gets hit out of no where. What you guys did wasn't military strategy, it was paranoia induced stupidity and your attempts to paint it otherwise make you look even more so. Especially after the ridicule you have given others over pre-emption in the past. Just admit you made a tactical mistake. And that you are advising your allies to make the same tactical mistake 4 times over. DECLARING ON A BLOC AS A WHOLE DOESN'T MAKE ANY STRATEGIC SENSE. I don't understand why you guys don't get it. You all seem pretty damn intelligent, especially the former Gremlins and yet you go and do this? Who is running your war room? Chris Kaos? EDIT: Haflinger agrees with me. HAFLINGER! We hardly agree on anything publicly. Yet on this we are on the same page. [/quote] Regarding tactics. One of the most military viable strategies is target selection. By us pre-emping, we allow ourselves to have the targets we want, spread our NS the way we want, and have a more controlled situation. Does it bring more NS against us in the long run, most likely. Is it a lot of fun? Absolutely. Sometimes you just have to have a good ole slug fest, we believe we can take it, time will tell of course.
  4. [quote name='wiccan high priest' date='31 January 2010 - 10:24 AM' timestamp='1264955050' post='2147712'] I give this review a six pack of empty bottles up.... but of you like that try their Black and Tan it is quite good. lets see your review on that as part of the "surrender terms". [/quote] I'm actually a huge fan of the black and tan, just wasn't what I was having the other night. I'll try and get some more reviews up soon and I have a very dedicated schedule to adhere to this week: [ooc] Monday: Sweetwater Blue and Sweetwater 420. Both excellent from our local brewery Tuesday: Bass Ale, one of my favorite beers Wednesday: Some sort of stout or porter, any suggestions? Thursday: I'll be doing a whiskey review, I just bought a 5th of Gentleman's Jack so most likely that. Friday: The perfect martini Saturday: I hope I'm alive still and if my liver hasn't shut down I shal be doing a wine tasting event at a friends house Sunday: It's superbowl time (go colts! ackbar you still owe me 100 tech who would choose the cowboys over the vikings psh) so I'll be drinking copious amounts of light beer, eating salsa (also will get a review) and probably making other various bad decisions. [ooc] I'd also like to encourage my fellow friends, frienemys and just general drinker to post up beer reviews for all. If you'd like, find me on IRC and I'll just edit them into the OP and keep this going for a war-time alcohols no-so-anonymous group.
  5. [quote name='Instr' date='31 January 2010 - 11:50 AM' timestamp='1264960220' post='2147858'] Cyber Nations as a whole will win. By the end of this war, the playing field will be leveled for all alliances, and we'll have seen the complete destruction of both the ex-NPO bloc and the ex-Karma blocs. [/quote] That was my plan all along. I really just wanted a new sig: Hegemony - Defeated Frostbite - Defeated SF - Defeated CnG - Defeated Citadel - Defeated Hegemony again - Defeated LiquidMercury - Victorious Mua hahaha. On a more serious note, this is beneficial for all as it decreases the disparity between top and bottom alliances. It puts a bit of a reset button on the game (though I still encourage admin to uncap GRL). Seriously though, I just wanted cheaper moon wonders.
  6. [quote name='Instr' date='31 January 2010 - 11:55 AM' timestamp='1264960540' post='2147869'] I'm expecting TOP to run out of tech on many of their nations before they run out of infra. [/quote] I do not plan to run out of either.
  7. Heck I can get a 12 pack of lager here for 10 bucks or so.
  8. I was around for WWE and this is the first I've seen of it. Granted I close public channels down during war for the most part to clear up some of the IRC clutter.
  9. I rated it a bit higher in part because of the fact that for the money, you really can't get much better. Sure beats light beers.
  10. To be fair, not everyone remembers last war as vividly. I know I have no clue what you're talking about, but alas, I don't keep up with CN much.
  11. Absolutely true. I started drinking it towards the end of my college career when I had a job, people paying me rent, and selling back books....then I graduated. Now I'm back to the cheap stuff.
  12. If ya want, I can just edit it into the OP when it's all done and fancy. That goes for anyone doing reviews as per Fark terms.
  13. Well I've tried it plenty prior. It's just what I had last night. In [ooc] Atlanta [ooc] you can find it regularly.
  14. Involvement is subjective. You say neither of us were involved. I say we were both involved. To be honest this point will be argued back and forth for the next year or more and no one will agree. So lets agree to disagree and come up with more analogies that are awesome.
  15. Really I just had this last night and felt the need to write a review on it. It truly has very little to do with doing terms or me being in charge. I whole heartedly encourage everyone to drink and embrace terms that Fark gives out, even if they're not to you.
  16. Well, Fark's at it again. They're making [ooc] beer reviews [ooc] be a term and I must say, this is by far the best term ever and I will always agree to it. Which is why I'm now taking part. No I'm not peacing out, but since I do consider this all the same war, and some of my buds have left a certain front, I feel as though I can offer up a beer review, well because I can, just like I can pre-emp an entire bloc, just like you can too. So this is a review on behalf of SNAFU, because I asked if I could do one for them. If this doesn't meet fark's requirement for them, they can continue to drink as well. I know I will. [ooc] Last night, while everyone else was wondering where I went, I had the pleasure of enjoying a lovely beer from America's oldest brewery. A Yuengling Lager While it is a bit lighter then I normally prefer for a lager, it has exceptional taste. While it is not a very powerful taste, there is a bit of a sweet-bread after taste and very light on the tongue it seemed to go down very quickly, as did the next 10 similar to my college days drinking natty light. I would have to say that the best way to describe this lager would be as "Breezy." At a mild 4.4% alcohol, it doesn't have a huge kick to it, but due to the ease of drinking, that isn't too much of a problem if you're looking to make some bad decisions with that gal who may or may not need a bag over her face. All and all I'm going to rate this beer a solid 7.3 on a scale of 10. No more no less I'm just a fan of heavier lagers and a good ole stout. [ooc] EDIT: Mods if this isn't where it's supposed to be feel free to move it, since I was posting on behalf of an alliance and for terms I figured it'd go here.
  17. No really I can call it the same conflict. It's the same conflict. See, just did. If I truly believed it was a separate conflict, I'd just tell you it was, I'm not exactly big on beating around the bush.
  18. Well I still don't consider you on the other side. Even if your treaties say you are. You're always with me and others over here even if you are lost (not saying VE is a bad place to be at all, hi VE!) so come back to the way of tech and nooks. It's in your blood. And yes I'd get more then [ooc] a beer with you. I'd let you ride in my helipcopter [ooc].
  19. Just because I'm friends with someone doesn't mean I like their friends, even though in this case I do like MK. Doesn't mean I can't war with them. Since this is a war of "sides" Polaris is on my side. Actually this isn't at all about self-interest, lets face it, we wouldn't pre-emp if we were concerned about self-interest as it'd have political fallout in regards to PR. I'm not one to beat around the bush, and I'm pretty sure even those on your "side" could agree to that and to my honesty. If it were about self interest, I'd tell you, absolutely 100% that it was.
  20. Hmm, never thought about it since it's part of a trade circle but in my context I imagine so.
  21. You took all of my great analogies, and just snipped it and didn't even comment. I am offended Delta. Also offensive/defensive, it's all semantics these days. Though you're probably right.
  22. So you want your allies in Umbrella to come against you all? I mean I would love them to come play on our side too We both knew that each other would be entering said conflict. We just took the initiative to go in quicker. [ooc] It's like seeing a super hot chick (hey there sexy) and saying, "hey I have a helicopter, want to get out of here (out of the bar)." Well who is going to say no to a helicopter ride while drunk. Plus you know you'll probably get some. I mean sure you could go through the process of buying her drinks, courting her for the night, maybe dancing with her (remember guys throwing a spin/twirl in makes her feel special, also always dance), maybe going for a late night and buying 4th meal at taco bell, or you could just stick with the quick and easy route and take her on your helicopter. Same result, quicker to the action. Obligatory, "that's what she said." Also one day when I do have a helicopter, we're all definitely going to get drinks and the tab is on me since I will obviously be loaded.[ooc]
  23. Uninvolved is debatable. That's like saying I was uninvolved in Karma until I was at war in-game. To be fair, does much of CN put stock in treaties? MHA should be defending us, Gremlins could defend us, I'm sure MK could chain into defending us somehow. Fact is there are three truths in CN. The political system has deteriorated unbelievably so (yes TOP and myself have been apart of this), treaties are worthless (again, yes TOP and myself have been apart of this, probably me more so then most as I've had people use Ghost DoW's, Chain things 10 times over, and asked people to find loop holes in treaties that have year long cancellation clauses, asked people to ignore NAP clauses post-cancellation and hit said treaty partners), and tech is great. At the end of the day, it comes down to what you will do and what you won't do. I will say that :gasp: I still like most everyone on the other "side." I will say that I respect all of you (well most of you some people seriously still suck on both sides). I will say that this will be a lot of fun, and if the chips fall against me and mine, I'm still going to say it was worth it. So at the end of the day, I can smile, have no regrets, and still go have [ooc] a beer with some people [ooc]. For reference I would have [ooc] beer [ooc] with: Archon SirWilliam Londo Xiphosis (for some reason I just think you'd be the biggest instigator at a [ooc] bar [ooc] and it would be glorious. Most of MK as a whole actually AirMe Trace Azaghul if he was here and plenty of others.
  24. Friends>infra can be used in any conflict defensive or aggressive. Goes back to the old saying [ooc] a good friend will bail you out of jail, your best friend will be sitting in the cell next to you saying "man you banged the fat one, at least mine was only 50 bucks and had her teeth" [ooc]
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