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Everything posted by danizduhman

  1. I do find myself falling in agreement.
  2. I was thinking, just a picture of some kind, showing that your nation is in fact in an alliance. Not to show what alliance, but to show that you are in fact in one. In my mind, I was envisioning having 4 or 5 basic member pictures, with CN stuff on them. They would be similar to the images that sanctioned alliances have, but would be generic, and just state something like: Alliance Member, Proud Alliance Member, or something along those lines. Nations that were not members of alliances could have one that states something like "No Alliance", "Searching for Alliance", "Accepting Invitations", or something like that. You could even hold a contest to see who can make the best ones or something. The only downside I saw with them was that they may take away from the sanctioned alliance status, as they will be the only ones that carry them.
  3. Now would it be possible to have an optional Alliance Member picture or something? Or just something all the rest of us non-sanctioned people can add? Or do you think that would take away from the appeal of a sanction?
  4. NPO, Fark, and FOK are my favorites. I want to put the "No image available" one under my profile, even if it is ghosting MHA.
  5. Yes RnR, we're right behind you. Don't look back, you'll miss us.
  6. I think yet another good night for DE.
  7. Actaully, The Dark Republic sounds pretty sweet really.
  8. Turtles are by far the best creatures. I'm glad I'm allied to turtles. Hopefully not for long.
  9. I have a feeling tonight's update will be good for DE again.
  10. Sweetness. Watch out RIA! Edit: Letters r consufing
  11. DE will have a good night tonight, methinks.
  12. Officially updated. There are a bunch of things I still need to change, but it's up to date with the people that applied.
  13. I know I know. I had almost the entire update finished the other day when I said I'd do it, and for some reason it didn't save. So, I'm gonna do this tonight after work, so I should start on it around 8 CN time. Sorry for the delay everyone.
  14. Didn't watch I guess. :lol: Good day for Black.
  15. I do apologize for the wait on this. RL has taken a toll recently, and going through and adding all the updates just wasn't something I had time for. Have no fear though, update en route.
  16. I'd love to see TOP get sanctioned. I very much believe that they deserve it.
  17. I don't think there's any need for that.
  18. As a nation, I need to buy another wonder shortly, and get my infra back up. As for my alliance's goals....you'll seem them eventually.
  19. Oh yeah. Good job MK, it's gonna be fun!
  20. danizduhman

    Admin's Blog

    Getting to see into the mind of Admin....what a privilege! In all honesty, I see some nice advantages to this. As Sithis pointed out instead of a thread in OWF during a press conference, sanctioned alliances could just post information and updates, things of that nature could be found. But at the same time, announcements such as treaties would come here, rendering Alliance Politics useful only to non sanctioned alliances. And I think that having the thoughts behind the updates here would be a great change. When a player has a suggestion that is backed by the entire community, but as Admin you decide not to add it, it could be explained here. Basic gameplay thought processes goin' on here. Pretty cool.
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