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Everything posted by Crohl

  1. I'll always be an !@#$%^& doitzel, but atleast I don't try to hide it behind some silly board persona.
  2. Yeah only 1.5 million until I catch up... lol I hate you )):
  3. Well lets dance. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=97626
  4. And the NSO troll squad arrives lol. Well gentlemen, sit down and have a beer. Since you assume you know so much about me, I wonder what people would think if they knew more about you? I have the logs between you and arcades. They are quite hilarious your "world views"
  5. MHA has always been one of the few respectable alliances in this game.
  6. As much as I enjoy watching TPF burn, even large warchests run out.
  7. Why to enhance the size of your e-peen, my dear RV.
  8. My loyalties to former allies on a text based online nation simulator were called into question on said nation simulator's forum! I'm hurt.
  9. I could go into to details but that's trite and I don't feel like typing that much. I was there when Slayer sold out UJW and I witnessed his alliance do the same thing again the other night. The only difference between me and the NPO is that they are still interested in playing the game. I'm not. I'm going after the ones I feel wronged me most and I'm leaving. This games environment has deteriorated beyond the point its fun for me to play anymore. Mine as well have fun on the way out though Real life>>>>Devoting time to a game you haven't enjoyed in a long while
  10. I'm leaving the game, going rogue on TPF for being cowards.
  11. So, early this morning the first rounds of my eternal war with TPF began. I had to pick three targets so I looked for some nice juicy ones. My nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=97626 First one I had to consider was Thorr of Thors Hammer. Last night he tried to spy away my infra and such stupidity needs to be punished. He was at 18k or so infra, and I was a little under 13k. Perfect. Tech was even. Thorr: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=62871 Then I perused some other TPF nations with no wars or open slots. Found two random TPF nations and declared Doctor Wily: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=222373 Emperor Ed: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=151619 And now to get things started. I fully deployed, knowing I would be at a great numerical disadvantage against my 18k infra opponent. With three wars already declared and seeing as how nukes would fly in 25 hours the self anarchy really doesn't matter. I start my attacks on the big boy: And the first two ground attacks were highly successful. And with the remaining troops I launch an assault against my other two enemies. The last two attacks were not as successful as I would have liked but by that time I had so few troops and tanks left it was impressive I was still able to do damage at all. CMs were fired and the WRC made those a bit more beefy. Today was pretty uneventful in the air, just minor fighter losses on both sides. Day 1 Stats: TPF infrastructure destroyed: 337.37 Infrastructure Nukes Launched: 0 Massive Internal Strife:
  12. 1,778,809 Attacking + 1,199,016 Defending = 2,977,825 Casualties Here's to 4 million+
  13. IRON the greatest paper tiger since Legion. You're truly useless IRON.
  14. I did the opposite. I left in order to lose some infra. And no I didn't apply to PC. I said "hey CTB, I'm gonna hit TPF. I'll join up with you for the war if you declare them too." and he was all like "that's what we're planning" and magic was made. Unlike them I have no intentions of playing this game ever again once the wars are over. I'm not trying to save my nation, I'm trying to expedite its departure while nuking some turds on the way out.
  15. Being betrayed by Slayer's !@#$ alliance not once, but twice, tends to leave your $@! a bit chapped. I'll save a slot for you atrophis when my NS has dropped, that is if you'll come out of peacemode.
  16. I won eh? Sorry to disappoint the people betting on arcades lol. I'm done with CN this game blows. I told Moo I was going rogue on TPF and the other asshats that abandon us during our time of need. He asked me not to do it on the NPO aa, so out of respect for my friend I did not. As soon as I get out of anarchy, I'm hitting their top ranks for a round. Then selling off my infra and land and going to nuke their mid-lower range for as long as my 1 bil+ warchest holds up.
  17. All I'm hearing in this thread is nothing but lies and spin. You left NPO out to dry in order to try and save your own $@!. When you realized that wouldn't save you and would only serve to further ostracize you, you ran back to NPO with tails between your legs. I personally wouldn't have accepted your help if I was Moo. That's why I'm leaving the game and going out nuking you cowards. You are the ones that deserve the real damage. Enemies you expect this kind of stuff from. Supposed friends you do not. You take advantage of Pacifica's strength when its valuable to you, but when it comes time to put your infra on the line you run like the swine you are. Make NO mistake. Your alliances are done for. One way or another. If Karma wins they will see to it that you are !@#$@#$ put down like dogs. If NPO comes out of this victorious they won't soon forget your betrayal and they will come for vengeance. I've been in the private channels, I know exactly how Pacificas gov feels about your actions and they won't be letting you off. Your time and relevance in CN are over you spineless cowards.
  18. You're here because you have no choice. You're here because you realized after bailing on NPO that Karma was till gonna pick you cowards off, one by one if necessary. You're here trying to save your own $@!. Lets be real here. Everyone can see it. Moo sees its, I see it, and despite the fact you're probably trying to convince yourselves your honorable, deep down you see it as well. Either way this war goes, you all lose. If karma wins you'll get destroyed, if NPO wins they will eventually seek their rightful vengeance. You're dead either way you look at it.
  19. You forgot the part where when NPO makes it out of this, one way or another, they start crossing off the lists of alliances who betrayed them. There is a price for cowardice and one way or another all those alliances who left pacifica out to dry at the first chance will get what's coming to them. You think Moo and everyone else at NPO will forget how you left them out to dry when you thought it could get you out of war. When you realized it wouldn't save you from war you "reconsidered". You're very transparent and NPO are not fools. I'm a bit impatient with this game so I'm bringing it to them a bit sooner. Hello TPF and Valhalla! Cowards will get no reprieve. You're all going to pay for your cowardice. I'm done here.
  20. Don't worry Penchuk. I've been making the rounds tonight. Seems like a few Karma alliance leaders are planning to roll out April 23rd update. Several of the major coward alliances are still being hit. They'll have a war whether they want one or not.
  21. Self anarchy for max deployment. 1 bil + warchest means you don't have to worry about collecting or anarchy.
  22. TPFs failure of a leader Slayer long planned to leave UJW before any OOC attacks were made or the war even started. Get your facts straight.
  23. Burn them all to the ground. Enemies you expect it from, but when your "friends" reveal themselves to be cowardice leaches they take priority in my mind. I'll personally be helping with the effort against these swine.
  24. You still can. Leave IRON and take up arms against them. Burn the traitors
  25. Your dead TORN. They'll come for you, and when they do I will do everything in my power to help see you fall.
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