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Lyanna Mormont

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Everything posted by Lyanna Mormont

  1. Thank you! I love it too, I am very lucky that I have found some great ladies in CN.
  2. I am so glad you joined Cobra!! Gulag Girl's Cult would never exist without you and draggie!! I love you ladies!!!! And because it will never come up in forum conversation again? Gulag Girl's Cult has their very own flag:
  3. I was not planted in Claws by Non Grata or Cobra. The person who recruited me to join Claws when I was a couple of days old nation was Steeldor. He and I chatted and he helped me get my nation set up. I asked him if I could join his AA since he seemed nice, he thought it was funny given I was like 4 NS and he was DBDC. He suggested Claws. Told me I should get discord, which I had never used. So I did and I followed his advice and joined Claws. Claude thought I was a spy from the first day I was accepted into Claws. This was asked because I joined the Cobra discord and was chatting with the Cobra guys I was fighting. Al Bundy got me some targets and I started warring Cobra immediately. I was super excited, I really was having fun talking trash with those dudes. That and the Claws member room was dead so there wasn't much to do in my alliance discord. My question is this, why accept me? claude could have just said, no, you are not accepted. I would have joined TIE or Cobra. They were the only other alliance that I knew. I don't know if anyone else would find this weird and uncomfortable but I was 16 and it was super weird to me, it was explained by people that this was just the game. That he was safeguarding Claws. I made up some crazy story to him about how it was my mom (LOL). Like, I had no idea how to process that he was watching me on the forums and then trying to like, trap me in a lie? So I literally blamed my mother. Embarrassing but true. Then I reported claude to the mods because I was freaked out. claude never liked me. However, I fought 39 wars for CLAWS. Bundy taught me the war system, he is a good guy and patient. I liked him. I never blamed him when they kicked me out when the war with Cobra ended. Bundy did me a huge favor, he helped me find my home.
  4. Greetings to The Right Honourable Lady Citizenkane of The Glorious Nation of Heinz, My heart soars with the knowledge that you and I are of one accord in this matter. It is in our nature to look towards nurturing and providing for the needs of others. I am happy to share this burden with you. Together we will not only free Claws membership from a life led in ignorance, we will help them find a home with GATO or Legion. I believe they will flourish there, they will have the same friends as now, but they will walk freely in their new found enlightenment. Forever yours, Ly
  5. Yeah I vote he goes to GATO. @Tevronyou guys got a brochure? You can hit up his inbox.
  6. When do you get this part? When Claws deems you worthy of it? The best part of this thread is the fact that Claws Government chose to take their alliance to war and didn't even bother to tell them why or share the evidence with them. Even after handing the evidence to our side, Claws still didn't think their members were worth the time of day it would take to copy/paste the screen shots into their member chat. Incredible. Claws members? How are you still a member of your alliance when they obviously do not trust you? They don't trust you, even when telling you would not danger opsec. There are other alliances out there, stay in your own sphere but at least go where you aren't disrespected. They are letting you do this, in public. Dear God, just join GATO or Legion already.
  7. You don't have a reason to remember Ben Hitchcock, FA is "Foreign Affairs", it is a job in CN
  8. Dear tehol, I am sorry the logs that Lord Hitchcock stole and whored around until someone was unwise enough to believe him, weren't enough to get Cobra and Non Grata rolled in the way you were hoping. Next time LH goes around to every RFI alliance, that gives him an audience, offering his Great Value intel, you will help Claw's FA department find the context of those chats before trying to build a CB out of them. Maybe claude needs a hand? @Master Hakai is that better?
  9. Ben, Please feel free to leave a message and a representative will get with you shortly. As always, we appreciate your time. Stay safe out there. Sincerely, Ly
  10. @Lord Hitchcock Ben, My deepest apologies for the delay, however, Cobra officially recognizes your attacks against us. Your patience is appreciated as we are currently unable to tend to the needs of King Neptune's Bar. Please, take a number and have a seat, a representative will be with you shortly. You are #972638446 in the queue. Signed for Cobra: Johnny Apocalypse - King Cobra Lyanna, General Tiki - Royal Guard
  11. Can you go point by point through your signature and tell me the significance of each part? I feel like this is a treasure trove of story and I am here for it.
  12. DRINK! @Caustic we get bayonets and I win.
  13. Who had White Chocolate says she enjoys retirement on their bingo card?
  14. Walsh, I am not from the attacking side. I am however in leadership in one of the two alliances attacked. Cobra government has not been contacted as to why we were declared on by NPO, Iron, Claws, Argent, and GATO. The only reason we have been given is that Non Grata broke a NAP. Cobra did not and has never had a NAP with anyone of the beforementioned alliances. I have been assured by lower ranking members of Claws that the evidence, which they have only seen snippets of and can not confirm, "is compelling". We have seen no evidence of this. There is zero reason for this war. This is simply a war that was declared because Cobra does not suckle at the teats of Oculus like a blind puppy roots for its mother's milk. We are not Claws, Argent, or GATO. Nor will we ever be. For this, our pixels are attacked. They will learn that our pixels are ephemera.
  15. Hahahaha How did I miss this? Crink, relevant discussion....*snort* *snicker* *wipes eyes*
  16. Admin wants this game to be over as much as we want the game to be over lmao Torn is great!
  17. Torn gives you energy for going inactive so you don't lose everything when you come back. CN punishes you cause even admin wants this to be over
  18. @AL Bundy, hey look, you are on the same side as Ben Hitchcock.....again. What a legacy you are building. We will just wait on that map edit, KNB looks like it belongs right where it is
  19. *embarrass TDE, it is almost impressive how annoying you managed to be when we were discussing your rogue actions against Cobra. I assumed it was intentional, some kind of mental game you were playing. Like, you looked at this game and said, I can roleplay as a complete knob! Yay! Now I realize this is your personality. You are just, you. This is you. Oof.
  20. Ben, I am really sorry that your time in CN has come to this, this desperate loneliness. I am sure if you keep trying so hard you will make a friend. Just keep your chin up, it will be okay, every little pot has a lid somewhere.
  21. Best part of this entire thread is realizing how desperate Hitchcock is for acceptance. @Caustic please, be kind to him, he loves you so much. He just needs you to say what a good boy he is and that you are proud of him. Just throw him a bone, it is so sad to see him beg.
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