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Posts posted by Homura

  1. I do expect another Great War to occur within the year, but not necessarily due to the rise of a new alliance. Ever since the "Modgate" incident and the brief return of Ivan Moldavi, the more prominent driving force of alliance politics has become the New Polar Order. Much like what occured with the Unjust War, fighting between Pacifica's allies could potentially occur again, simply because the NpO wishes it to be so. I have suspicions on who is going to be involved, but I'm not going to name any names.

    Now, for my predictions, which aren't really based on anything, and I'm just throwing these out there for the fun of it. If they don't come true, don't be surprised.

    - The NAAC and \m/ will be revived as alliances before the end of the year.

    - The Legion, Invicta, and Valhalla merge to become a new Legion, with the noWedge as their supreme leader, reviving the Purple sphere.

    - The GPA becomes the Grey Protection Agency

    - GATO and ODN become part of a Polar-led bloc separate from BLEU

    - The CPCN and NoV or SoM go to war with each other over something stupid, bringing us more commie drama.

    - TOOL finally becomes sanctioned, only to have some type of incident shortly afterwards that causes them to lose a significant amount of total NS.

    - MCXA, TOP and Grämlins start taking a more influential role in alliance politics, and one of them gets destroyed in a bloc vs alliance fashion before the end of the year.

    - Seerow's popular aid suggestion gets implemented.

  2. I do think that it should be a possibility for people to be able to start a new nation without carrying the in-character baggage that surrounded them from the last one, but it isn't practical because of the way this game works.

    If I decided one day that Katsumi was going to become a turncoat in the NPO and got Chokan permi-ZI'd and then deleted my nation because of it, my alliance is not just going to let me back in if I create a new one. Why? Because I communicate regularly with them in an out of character context, and it would be a betrayal of out of character trust, as well. And if in the chance I planned a nefarious scheme, and then told everyone in advance so they wouldn't hate me, it would ruin that scheme. That makes it difficult to separate IC and OOC in a negative context. It's probably easier to disregard positive things, but that would be an extremely rare thing. Negative events shape CN.

    The line does become blurry though if somebody re-rolls, creates a completely different nation and associates with a new alliance, but they were previously active in the Water Cooler and want to keep the same associations they made there, and therefore they reveal themselves. This doesn't happen very often, but I think it is reasonable to at least consider them for another chance.

  3. A bourgeoisie in Cybernations is the group of people in an alliance that collectively directs the workings of the nations of people who are not in the bourgeoisie. Obviously, the proletariat is composed of those who allow their nations to be controlled. Thus, the expression of bourgeois power in Cybernations can be found not in direct control over another person’s nation, but in the control, through political actions, of the things a person does with his nation. In most—I’d say all, but I don’t claim to have extensive knowledge of how all alliances work— bourgeois alliances, this group is the government, thus confirming for the Cybernations context the existence of the class state. Given that the bourgeois state exists in Cybernations, it must be feasible that there is a possibility of a proletarian state as well.

    This is certainly an unusual conclusion to make. How exactly does the division of responsibility within an alliance into leadership and non-leadership reflect the existance of separate classes? Considering every nation's own right to self-determination for the most part, it is difficult to exploit their labor for one's own personal gain. The purpose of an alliance is the collective protection and activity of the membership for their benefit, and contribution to the culture within. Therefore, the organisation within an alliance exists most ideally to provide each member with the opportunity to fulfil their greatest potential in service to the collective, and everyone has a place dependent on their individual talents. The interests of the individual become less meaningful in that context, and thus control is allowed, because the interests of the collective are transcendent.

    However, where class as you describe it does exist is within those alliances where membership is permitted and encouraged to do whatever they want only for themselves. In that context, older, more influential membership gains a lock on elections in democratic-based alliances, or are appointed through virtual nepotism in more authoritarian ones, without being capable of carrying out the responsibilities that their positions require. The general membership has little to do for the alliance as a whole, as they aren't being allowed or encouraged to fulfil their potential and go inactive. Those alliances tend to fall apart dramatically, and sadly, most nations within the Cyberverse who are aligned are involved with one of those, promising them nothing but misery at some point.

    From this point of view, I believe there are at least two socialist alliances within the Cyberverse, the New Pacific Order, and the New Polar Order. It is likely there are more, but these two alliances have done more to erase the existance of class and the struggle that comes with it than any of the so-called "leftist" alliances have.

  4. I must admit I somewhat understand you GPA. If you had advertised yourself as a normal not-neutral alliance this might not had happened. But apparently Cyberverse thinks you must either be 100% neutral or dead, understandable too considering the freedoms you have been given along the years, it is your time to go out with a blast.

    I know most of you have never had the chance to enjoy a war, so enjoy it while it lasts, I am sure you have many bullets to spare.

    I think you misunderstand the intentions of the alliances declaring war on GPA. Whether they are neutral or not had no bearing on the situation, but rather the pattern of repeated insults towards other alliances, and then covering them up with excuses about "procedure". There are plenty of quasi-neutral alliances that we could care less about.

  5. Once again, wrong.

    YN5's biggest problem was that FAN didn't feel the need to let its WUT buddies in on the secret. On top of that, they still raided. Thirdly, they attacked the GOON.

    In the words of a famous video (okay well edited for language), "You mother******! You took my stamp! I'm gonna beat the **** out of you!" That pretty much sums up FAN's attitude towards their allies. It's funny how much they've changed, actually - they used to act so tough.

    The idea itself wasn't bad, and they did have GOLD in on it, but the execution was terrible, and that's why it did nothing to prevent tech raiding.

  6. Let me summarize.

    NPO hax/cheats/steals/eats babies/does things.

    What is the problem? NPO wins the game + the internets, and we all know it.

    Also, I heard Dilber is hawt. :awesome:

    EDIT: lawls

    And according to L33t G33k, the NPO is a repressive dictatorship and that our people would be a lot happier if we were "liberated" from it. Oh and leadership wasn't listening to his great ideas, but that was probably because we were just putting our hands over our ears and yelling "LA LA LA! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!" while dancing around in circles. Cos we're evil like that.

  7. Currently treaties have two purposes. 1) To gain honorable entry into the winning side if one happens to be allied with the side of The Orders or its allies (Such as The Continuum) 2) To provide cancellation announcements which fill up Alliance Politics if one happens to be allied with the side about to get stomped by The Orders or its allies.

    So sadly (or gladly) the age of lines and their drawing is long over.

    That is a completely absurd statement and an example of contradiction would be the recent MK and friends vs WAPA drama. If it was true, than why do the Orders sign treaties? Think before you leap, dear Scholar.

  8. Wow. The NPO is out in force here.



    I couldn't imagine someone having even more fail than Farung, Soviet Sindorin, and all of FAN combined at trolling the NPO. L33t G33k proved me wrong there. Nice job at committing very public seppuku, especially with your "it's all about me" attitude.

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