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Posts posted by Homura

  1. I do think that resources are somewhat unfair in the sense that the ones for "affluent population" just aren't as good as for other combinations, but more strikingly is the fact that it's become common knowledge in this game that you should be trading for a certain set, and some people will not accept resources outside of that set. Some alliances have trade programs which will match you up with others for maybe not the most perfect resource set, but one that will be stable and with somewhat decent bonuses, however, the free market is brutal.

  2. Wow...I can not believe how many people are misreading this post. >_>

    Technically you could get a disgruntled admin to become a turncoat for any situation, but that's just more of a reason to pick your forum administrators and IRC channel operators more carefully. I think it's a little unethical, but probably not illegal - I personally wouldn't consider doing it, though, because I think you would have a difficult time finding someone so disloyal to their alliance that they would destroy it from the inside during a war, which seems like a waste of time. I would suspect alliances with democratically elected administrators would be a more likely victim, however.

  3. I'm pretty sure I had invited you to join the New Pacific Order in the past couple weeks. Too bad you didn't do it.

    You should be aware however that the teams are nothing more than trading spheres and are not true teams of anybody in particular. As such, nations on white are generally the same as any other one, although they do contain more former \m/ (a now disbanded raiding alliance) which might explain why you got hit by two of them.

    Also, fail requests are fail.

  4. No. Its not singing. Its spamming. Also, everyone, stop f***ing acting like you know everything about the GPA. Most of you don't know s**t. (Except for the ex-members etc)

    ... sorry, the retardness of the situation had just pissed me off. I needec to vent.

    *TheNoog gets some hard liqour

    Such harsh language, directed at people who love music. Next thing we know, you'll be drowning kittens! Cute, furry little kittens!

  5. IRC is devoid of sound, so "singing" in IRC is nothing more than spamming it with lyrics. Unless you consider it un-neutral to ban people for spamming up their irc channal there is nothing un-neutral with what they did...

    My IRC makes plenty of sound, everytime someone types my nick in a channel I'm in, queries me, etc.

    Plus lyrics are cool. <_<

  6. Soviet Sindorin, you've allowed me to see the light. I am resigning from the New Pacific Order right now. I plan on forming an Anti-NPO group. I plan on calling it the League of Extraordinary Alliances. PM me if you are interested in joining.

    Coincidenally, I was doing something very similar, but my group is going to be called the CoaLUEtion. :awesome:

  7. All due respect to the ODN, but Sindorin the ODN has been thoroughly stomped once by us, then defeated two more times (GWII and GWIII) if I recall correctly. Surely you need to put success rate into that equation.

    Plus it seems as though the ODN wants to be on our side now considering they're already allied with the New Polar Order.

  8. It is very possible that those were threads that have been edited to change the text to something incriminating. People with admin powers on InvisionFree forums can do that and not have the edited by line, which could be used to twist something that people said into something different and make some major edits to a few key posts. However, I do suspect that some of those might be real or at least partially real. LSF was comprised of a lot of kids who have never been able to tell the difference between character roleplay and real people, assuming that anyone in Nordreich or Norden Verein was a fascist (something they don't have a clue what it actually is and isn't) in real life or even a Nazi, and it would not surprise me in the least that some thought of out of character attacks as a possibility.

  9. Honestly, this discussion means nothing to any major alliance's policy. There are lots of alliances that you can join, but it's up to you to find the right one - nobody knows anything about you except that you are the ruler of a nation that could easily get destroyed otherwise and could potentially be a useful member in the future. I personally enjoy the New Pacific Order for being a strong community with effective strategies and diligence and skill are appreciated here. We want more people to know about us. That doesn't mean everyone gets to join, but we would like people to get the chance to consider it, and I think most alliances feel the same way, which is why these recruitment messages are sent. Instead, why not ask more about these alliances and what you're interested in rather than complaining about them? I think that would be a wise choise.

  10. The lack of responses by GPA will be considered an act of hostility towards the People's Republic of Chokan. Reparations will be in the form of 4,000,000,000 provided to said nation, to be paid immediately, to compensate for emotional damages to Comrade Protector Katsumi. Failure to do so will leave us no other choice than to unleash goblins and ghosts and the gates of hell.

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