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Posts posted by Homura

  1. Oh my! Is this going to be like a month ago when LSF fell apart and all their members started posting about how life was so unfair?

    Anyway, you have no basis to complain about "libel", as there is nothing false about your bio being rather clearly associated with Nazism, and certainly here is NOT the best place for challenging it.

  2. I need to say a few things:

    1. Katsumi, why are you named after a French porn star?

    2. What's wrong with French vodka? <_<


    I'm not named after anybody, let alone a porn star.

    OOC: seriously, I'm not. It's a name I created for my character in this game, rather than just using some random word and/or numbers.

  3. You've certainly had an interesting run so far. I've been playing CN for a little over 10 months now, and I certainly haven't founded any alliances, and I doubt I even have much name recognition in politics despite my number of posts.

  4. He took part in it for that reason, after being made aware of the fact that many of our collective allies were expressing a less than favorable opinion of the ICP 2.0 rearing its head. Golden Sabres decided to handle that problem before it could become a problem; our at-the-time allies Norden Verein agreed to help us in that venture due to our inability to strike the lower ranks of the ICP zombies.

    A war for the lulz was probably a better explanation. While you can try to justify it as having some strategic value, the fact is that you were doing nothing more than following the example of GOONS and FAN and attacking people because you could. If it was for a real reason, there would have been an orderly post like the casus belli of the Maroon War, not an upside down ICP flag drawn into a sad face with a treaty proclaiming terms of disbandment signed by Kaiser Martens as vicetsar and Karl Marx and Kommando (who was actually at the time going by Cyrus Arun) as his lackeys.

    Speaking of GOONS, FAN and GS, they're all pretty much as screwed as ICP ever was. It seems the rest of the world got sick of their shenanigans. With the recent revelations about NoV, it would not surprise me if the same thing happened to them.

  5. Heil Kaiser Martens! Alt for Nordrike! May the true forces of Justice, the Berlin-Shindan Axis, overcome this traitorous times.

    A little overdramatic now, don't you think? Also, hi Kang! :awesome:

    Well, if you feel that you're a slave, your leaders must definately not be doing things right. I'm very sorry to hear that. This is simply a matter of opinion, I view the people of the nations as an extended family. You're just assuming that in this form of nationalism, classes are "forced" to be in one form or another, while in reality the purpose is trying to get rid of such petty differences, while appealing to the common heritage of groups, common roots, common language, common interests and cultures.

    As people can move faster and more often while technology progresses, the distinctions between local groups are beginning to disappear. People are now learning multiple languages, cultural traditions are crossing borders, and roots become more fuzzy. There are many people who oppose this, who fear it greatly, but eventually it's good for humanity as we see our similarities rather than differences that separate us. The reason for this fear is often based on a feeling that one's own culture is superior and more advanced and will be lost on the barbarians, which is the base of racism. Some people act more on this than others, sometimes in destructive ways, but it's still racism. And in a way, all I see this as is promoting one petty distinction over another. People have a good reason to react negatively towards it because it's well known what kind of path that line of thinking leads down.

  6. I've always found it interesting how much worse the overtly leftist alliances have conducted themselves compared to other democratic alliances, with perhaps only the Legion on the same par of repeated failure. It does seem that being based on something that's ill defined (i.e. a range of anarchist to authoritarian leftist ideologies exist) is probably one of the major factors that has torn these alliances apart, and yet like you said, there was always a push for a one alliance, based on direct democracy which does seem to be a recipe for disaster.

  7. Well they may spell Norden Verein right, but in the NPO canceling NPO treaty Moo spelled canceling "cancelling" and traveling "travelling" sad enough that was the first thing I noticed in that message too.

    OOC: That's actually considered to be the right way for British spelling, but American spelling uses only one L.

  8. In the initial new wonder topic I saw several people ask, "Will both nations have to have the federal aid comission" and others responded "it would only make sense."

    I wonder who these others are, because I clearly remember stating the contrary. :awesome:

    There's absolutely no reason to buy this one because once you have the income to start buying wonders, you've already figured out that there's better options than this. Buying a wonder that costs as much as paying over a month worth of bills is not worth it for me, especially since anyone who does banking is also saving up and building their economy and won't have it either. If it cost significantly less (around $5-10 million would be the point where it would serve a useful purpose) or added an additional aid slot on top of the other effects it would actually be useful.

  9. The world is full of pirates and raiders, who often are cowards, and nothing like this is going to change it. If you want to fight this evil you decry, it will require you to band together, and become an alliance.

    On a related note, nations who are unaligned and who do not want to be raided, but instead want peace, are welcome to switch to the Red team where they will be able to have protection under the Revenge Doctrine.

  10. What you people don't get is that we don't care if we get demolished, hell, I know I'm going to be. But having everyone remember that a small group of people stood against a juggernaut is what matters.

    Heil Nordreich, heil mein Brüderen, heil mein Komaraden.

    I believe suicidal ideation is generally considered a sign of a mental illness.

    In any case, I'll enjoy watching your nation burn in flames, for enemies of the Order are not permitted to exist.

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