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Posts posted by Homura

  1. Well it looks like you have 1,008 infrastructure now, so unless you're selling it or being attacked, I'd say it's unusual and probably a bug. Unless in the remote possibility your nation has summoned spirits and devils, but in that case, I think you have a lot more to worry about.

    You should note, however, that 1,008 infra will cost you a lot more in bills compared to 999.99, without much extra in collections, so I would actually recommend selling off a few until you can buy a whole bunch at once to surpass the extra costs, which is referred to as an "infra jump".

  2. The People's Republic of Chokan is not fighting any foreign nations today. But that's because our armies have completed their mission and all other Federation nations within our support zone have been covered by the forces of One Vision and the Continuum, and not due to a show of goodwill.

  3. therefore- the failure of leftism can be put down to the collapse of the identity which gave the alliance purpose- not of it's system. the systems may not have helped- but these are faults which are taken on an individual basis rather than as a collective problem of democracy.

    I don't think there were any faults with the identities of those alliances or an alleged collapse as you say. The problem with them was their rules were set up in such a way to in a sense, allow the alliance to only be as good as the dumbest members, who happened to be very reactionary towards the proactive militarism of NPO and placed themselves on the losing end of wars, as both Z'ha'dum and Bakunin's Dream have noted.

    It's probably not democracy itself as a fault, as FEAR and TOP are both democratic in nature, and TOP was actually a member of the World Unity Treaty if I recall correctly, with neither collapsing. However, refusing to police your own members in the name of some undefined socialist ideal, and then being unable to handle military or diplomatic situations in fear that the people who don't really care or understand will disagree with the people who do care and are active, is foolish and seems to me to sum up a major part of Silent's argument.

  4. It's the same as that "greater but equal" concept. In their eyes they are everything and nothing. Their only consistency is changing their story to fit the situation at hand.

    "we won the war"/"we weren't in the war"

    "they're our friends"/"it's only business"

    "we have a good reason"/"we don't need a reason"

    "we always uphold our treaties"/"when we don't uphold our treaties we solve the issue"

    "we are an independent alliance"/"our power is shown though our many treaties"

    "our allies are important"/"we do what we want and don't need them"

    "all signatories of the *insert bloc of the day here* are equal"/"there are important members and those we can do without"

    It's quite possible to believe in two contradictory things at the same time. Those who don't agree will learn to agree.

  5. What I don't understand is why FAN is so concerned about a so-called "honor" now when they were in a significant violation of peace terms. Much as I personally dislike the concept, collective guilt has long been the norm and there is no mercy for those who didn't know any better. However, if you were really opposed to the idea, where were you guys when this same type of thing has happened in the past with other situations? NoV, NV and FEAR declared war on LSF over the actions of one member of the alliance. GPA has come on the verge of war many times recently due to the actions of only a handful of people. Even FAN has attacked people in the past for the actions of only a few. The hypocrisy appalls me.

  6. Hey, good luck Hal, and I really do hope you stick around when you come back. Unlike certain other people here <_< , I have a more favorable view of \m/ and many of their people even though I disagreed with the course of action that alliance took at times.

  7. A lot.

    But oh well, I cant complain they bring me much joy and satisfaction.

    Once "proud warrior we don't care about anybody and anything" alliance, now "emo kids crying" groupation.

    I love it, lol

    If this was GATO, I might feel somewhat sorry for them, but considering the history of FAN I find it more of lulzy long-term tech raid.

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