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Posts posted by Homura

  1. Well...I suppose I'm sort of glad to see it. Even though I enjoyed crushing GPA nations like bugs.

    Hopefully now GPA will transform into a truly neutral entity rather than a FUBAR bureaucracy demanding a second, and a third, and a fourth, and so on chances for their mistakes. Your members deserve no less.

    o/ Continuum

  2. Shoutout to teh LJ Scott, who hasn't even bothered to fire one cruise missile at me, but has received plenty of mine. Even if you're broke, my love don't cost a thing. :awesome:

    Also those two GPA people I'm currently fighting, who's names I can't recall and am too lazy to look. You guys could at least send me something amusing. I'm disappointed in you.

    And to Olsonville, who so graciously provided me with surrender terms, which I so graciously rejected outright without a second thought. I mean, dude, who puts cheese and peanut butter together?!

  3. This analogy cannot just be matched only to the GPA, IMHO but a lot of other war events also...

    Yes, the evil scary Continuum is out to terrorise the world with any excuse we can get to support our reign of tyranny. And we would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids!

  4. It's really up to you how you choose to run your nations, and even though I personally have a cynical view of Christianity, I can understand the reason behind it. It's not without precedent - i.e. you would be hard pressed to find Norden Verein members with an ethnicity of "Mestizo" for example. However, I think unlike the issue of ethnicity, it discounts the reality of Digiterra that you rule over people who choose religions based on your choice but their own free will of what they desire is arbitrary, giving you two choices: accept their will to worship as they please, or force them to accept yours.

  5. *My* progress in the war with GPA has been one of little resistance. I've been at constant war for weeks with no damage to my infrastructure levels. Sadly, those who play in GPA can't say the same. Many GPA nations are on the verge of deletion, with their infrastructure levels dropping rapidly, because their owners don't love them any more.

  6. I am sure, and I say you are wrong.



    http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh187/f...666/warplan.jpg is the 'screen'

    'All bankers are to hit peace mode unless told otherwise'

    Check my aid. Check if I'm in peace mode.


    OOC: I think the real thing that sinks that screenshot is the fact that the second post is clearly from Rozalia, who in my memory has never been a member of the NPO, especially not now since he's banned. Also, Dilber only writes like that when he's drunk.

  7. The man crush stems from your repeated appearances in FAN oriented discussions. I just assumed you were infatuated with us and wanted to make you feel special. :rolleyes:

    As for peace mode, I'm sorry but you don't get to dictate that. We'll come out of peace mode when it suits our schedule, not your's or MHA's. I'll give you a little hint though, when we do come out of peace mode we won't providing any advanced screen shots!

    Can FAN come out from hiding now? It would please me greatly if the leaders of your nations were being held in the cells of the People's Tribunal Detentional Facility for "questioning", but we need to capture them first in order to do this. All it takes is a little "adjustment" to your schedule, which I don't believe is that difficult. :jihad:

  8. Feel free to share all this so called evidence.

    As past precedent has shown, actions such as these are not taken lightly, and not without convincing evidence. Not that it will matter if it is shown to you.

    As they say, denial is the first of five stages of grief.

  9. This is why I love those Katsumi-shaped cookies so much.

    I wasn't aware they made Katsumi-shaped cookies. However, I support these being airlifted to needy citizens of war torn Wolfpack-aligned nations as part of our "liberation" efforts.

  10. I made my thoughts known in the NPO's Body Republic when this was originally posted, however, I'd just like to say a few words. Ivan was one of those people who had incredible charisma, even though he had a personality that was disliked by many, and had an incredible impact on this game.

    I hope you do return in time.

  11. Why would you actually *want* to contact the GPA at this point? They've shown that they do not want to communicate with the world at large by shutting their forums off to outsiders, so why not respect that?

  12. In almost all of these 3 on 1 battles, the defender can expect to lose 220 infra per day using this tactic, with modification based on missile improvements. After a normal 8 day war, that amounts to at least 1,760 total infra loss, not to mention significant tech and money losses, and the inability to collect enough to pay bills unless you have a large amount of money saved up.

    Someone who continuously builds soldiers can expect to lose 300 infra per day in the same situation assuming their attackers are all successful with ground attacks, which is a rather negligible difference, but the defender can still expect to stay in anarchy, and therefore be unable to pay bills unless they have the same large amount of money saved up.

    In both situations, the end result is same, however.

  13. Strangely enough, no. You think with the presence I've had on these boards that somebody would have gone rogue on me eventually, especially considering I'm in range of a lot of nuke-capable nations, but now it's too late for that, because my nation is over 400 days old now.

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