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Posts posted by Homura

  1. There's no such thing as "imperialism" in Cyber Nations.

    I've been tempted to create an alliance at times that is actually based on imperialism just so people have something to really fear and complain about. It would go about attacking weaker alliances without a "casus belli" other than Lebensraum, subjecting them to surrender terms which would essentially exploit them as a resource by taking all of their technology and smaller nations for our own use and install our own members as permanent regional viceroys so they can't rebel.

    And that is significantly different from what the NPO does, because we do not subject alliances to existance only for the purpose of serving us, even the ones who surrender to us. That goes beyond even what \m/ did, and everyone thought \m/ was brutal in the way they treated individual unaligned (and sometimes aligned) nations. When the Orders go down that path, I will concede claims of imperialism.

  2. It is not lie that you did well at extinguishing the threats before they came together, but there will be more. Mark my words, because there will always be more.

    On 28 May 2008 at 07:36 GMT, Rebel Virginia stated that there will always be more threats who will eventually come together.

    I'm open to reasonable and constructive criticism, but I'd like to see actual evidence of an organised movement against us due to our actions rather than vague rumours.

  3. I see little evidence of anti-imperialism.

    You do understand what the August Revolution was, is this correct? While it is not directly related to CN, it is an important part of our history. Without going too much into the game mechanics of NS, Pacifica's home region there was directly exploited for use by the representatives of other regional groups, which *is* imperialism by any sense of the word. The August Revolution put an end to this practice.

  4. No however to compare GATO to GS is flawed, GS is guilty of not only the crimes alluded to in the CB for this war but the destruction of ICP(2) with NO CB (And yes Arcades you played a part in that). GATO on the other hand is guilty of allowing a banned member to take a place in govt....not on the same level in my view.

    I certainly do believe that Golden Sabres is guilty of the thoughtless ICP Reformation War as a victim of that conflict, so this in my mind does contain an element of karma. However, that is not the reason or purpose for this war, and in fact the reasons for our wars with both GATO and GS are not that dissimilar as they both involve some type of implicit support for our opponents.

  5. Indeed, all actions do have consequences, and that is a fact. So tell me Katsumi, has the NPO given any consideration to the negative impact that its recent series of wars has had on its public image? We can speak of this privately if you would prefer.

    I'm missing this "negative impact" that you refer to which differs from anything else the NPO has ever done throughout its history and the typical "i haet yu0 ebil NPO" response. If you find it, let me know.

  6. I have no question that this war is just in your eyes. Afterall, don't we all believe we are in the right? I am merely suggesting that you could do whatever you want, if you wanted, and not have to worry about consequences. I know you too well to think that you would do that however. You are all reasonable and just people, but that does not mean I will not disagree with you from time to time. Keep that in mind.

    All actions have consequences, whether those are good or bad. We choose the course of action most likely to produce positive results.

  7. At no point did GS say "support FAN." They said "support brass."

    It would seem to me that you are the ones being cute on semantics.

    But then again, that is what you do, isn't it?

    Yes, and technically GOLD didn't directly give aid to FAN either, choosing to find a middleman, and we all know how that turned out. Playing "attorney" does not absolve one from the intent and consequence of their actiions.

  8. Golden Sabres considered the yellow senate to be under siege, and for good reason. Is it any surprise to you that Golden Sabres worked with another yellow alliance to prevent these newcomers from forcing long standing yellow alliances out of the senate?

    It would have been just as easy to ask FAN to support a Golden Sabres senate candidate. In fact that would have made more sense, actually.

    Also, why is Rebel Virginia trolling the NPO now? <_<

  9. Anyone in the yellow sphere has the right to vote for whomever they wish.

    They can support (or not support) whoever they wish.

    How long has brass been in CN and in yellow??

    Who is this carpet bagger from auric armada that comes in and wants a yellow senate seat??

    Why should the good people of yellow be subjected to some guy they have never heard of coming in and trying to take a senate seat??

    Yes, anyone has the right to vote for any senate candidate on a given sphere as they wish. I had the right to vote for Farung on the red team if I wanted to do so. That is not a public record. However, openly supporting a senate candidate of another alliance, especially when that alliance has used their senators as weapons is tantamount to declared support of that alliance.

  10. No! That ticker was referring to brass, the metal! It was telling people to vote in a popularity poll on a forum for metallurgists!

    No, actually, our forums were hacked. The evil FANnies want to kick us off yellow by hax!

    No! The screenshots are faked!

    No! Even though the ticker did say that... none of our members voted for brass! Where's the evidence?!?!

    Wait, no! There's nothing wrong with supporting the senate candidate of the pariah "alliance" of CN, weak CB is weak lolol!

    This is possibly the most epic thing that has been said all month. :awesome:

    I can't wait to see the actual excuses, although these are probably even too legitimate.

  11. Thus, by your own (marxist) definition, I feel the NPO was imperialistic. If the Legion is better off for it, that simply says something about if imperialism by the NPO is good or bad, not about the question of 'is it imperialism?'

    The Legion actually approached us, requesting a viceroy in exchange for being able to keep their alliance together without war. Valhalla and their allies (including us) were preparing to go to war with the Legion for encroaching on Valhalla's sovereignity, the government bailed and posted a disbandment announcement when they figured this out, and the members who loved that alliance looked for a diplomatic solution for their alliance's failure.

    Socialism and communism are excellent political theories on paper. It is the often-accompanying dictatorial rule that is what makes the two styles of government fall apart in real-world scenarios. This is why democracy is a better real-world government. You can change where your government is going with democracy, no the case with dictatorial socialism/communism.

    Just pointing out some flaws in the "We are not imperialist but socialist" argument and providing a quick explanation of socialism in reference to CN.

    It's obvious that you don't understand what socialism or democracy are, but that is a debate better suited for another discussion. Needless to say though, they are not mutually exclusive terms describing opposing ideologies but rather references to only a part of a governance system. In common American terms (and for those who are influenced by Americanism), democracy refers to a capitalistic republic in which the concept of capital and property are heavily protected and often used to garner influence with elected representatives. However, there is not just one form of democracy, and even so, tyranny of the majority is still the same tyranny which can derive itself from any system of governance.

    Very true but the point i was trying to make (and not very well, apoligies) was that the number of leftists outside of the NPO seems to confirm that the majority of us do not identify with the Order and to read that we leftists outside of the Order are simply lacking ambition or nothing more than 'red alert 2 playing wannabes' is something i cannot agree with and to a degree take offence to.

    In addition to refer to CPCN as conducting 'retiring' diplomacy without regards to the context in which CPCN conducted its diplomacy in late '07 and the start of '08 also rankles with me. CPCN was forced to conduct a careful diplomatic plan in order to survive given past experience with ICP(2) and the isolation it found itself when firstly LSF was attacked by NoV and its allies, and secondly when Demokratikos attempted coup led to the collapse of the SE protectorate.

    While I cannot speak for EuroSoviets, the impression that I received was not that all other CN leftists are "Red Alert 2 playing wannabes", but rather there were many people who have been influential within many of the socialist-in-name alliances who did not seem to understand the ideology they claimed to profess and took action based on whatever sounded like the most "communist" way to do things.

    I would say however that the NPO does have a fairly large number of leftists compared to other alliances, especially in leadership positions. Is being socialist a prerequisite for joining the Order or becoming a part of leadership? No. However, perhaps it does lend some insight into understanding the culture of the Order better because of the similarities, which in turn leads to the type of actions that would advance a person into a leading role within the alliance.

  12. your general membership doesn't seem ver communist to me. I looked at npo members and saw

    `Police state Heidenreich meant to preserve order and protect nationality

    `Valinor is a new nation that has formed out of the turmoil of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. It's primary goals are the establishment of solid democratic and capitalistic principals at home and the defense and expansion of these ideals.


    Proud member of NPO, Imperium Titanopolis is an authoritarian, idealistic nation seeking to build A Better Tomorrow under the Guidance of Grand General Zadrek. The very Earth Itself will be Reforged in the Cause of The Right Order!

    why bother with ideology at all?

    I'm more inclined to judge an alliance, player, bloc, etc. based on their actions more than their words. It isn't that the NPO is overtly a socialist alliance as no such thing can exist within the so-called "economic system" that exists in CN. The official ideology of the NPO is Francoism (in an in-character context) which parallels most closely with Socialism in the real world. Even then, most new members are unaware of this ideology, but are exposed to it after joining.

    Indeed i concur with Gelibolu (and well done), i find it amazing that those leftists that have refused to join NPO are fit to be derided as 'Red Alert 2 playing wannabes' infact it borders on insulting. Perhaps someone should be asking why the 'vast majority' of Leftists have no desire to be tied to the Order? rather than just berating us as wannabes or lacking ambition.

    How many of CN's leftists are in the Order anyhow? are there more than those outside of it? i think so and there is a good reason for that ;)

    How many of CN's rightists, moderates, libertarians, fascists, social democrats, and anarchists are outside the Order? The combined membership of both Orders makes up maybe 5% of CN players. It's fairly difficult to have a majority of anything with that small of a number.

  13. Tri: ironchef, Mary, Reyne

    Foreign Affairs: DarkMistress, Rach86

    Internal Affairs: Ayrrie, Wain

    Defense: Lysdexia, Katsumi

    Communication: Sophia

    Recruiting: queenhailee

    Economics: Justitia for obvious admin benefits. :D

    Astarle as the website guru.

    Admit it, you wish you thought of it first. :awesome:

    Fear not, Katsumi is in commandz! n_n

    And I wish I did think of the all girls alliance first. :P

  14. Interesting essay. I enjoyed the one you had posted over a year ago and enjoyed this one just as much. It expresses what I feel about the New Pacific Order and why I continue to remain a member of what was at one time the most despised alliance within CN.

    I believe that some of the claims of imperialism lodged in the direction of the NPO have to do with the perception that we go to war with other alliances who dare to express any kind of opposing view, in some kind of massive organised technology raiding scheme wrapped up in excuses and topped off with additional reparations. This is a rather foolish perspective since the infrastructure damages caused by war are often heavy, even while our opponents are outnumbered significantly.

    The biggest group, however, seem to see our alliance as out to squash democracy, defying their often idealistic and Americanised view of freedom and governance which translates into certain expectations of how the world is supposed to work. It's only natural that they use the American propaganda terminology for Soviet international and national practices, imperialism, to describe their opposition. It is the alliances built on this foundation who have traditionally been on the side against the Orders, such as NAAC, GATO or SWF.

    I personally am not always happy with or necessarily agree with every decision made by Pacifican leadership, however, I am much more content with it and my alliance than I have ever been in any so-called democratic alliance, because it allows and encourages people to succeed for themselves and their community without exploiting or using them for unnecessary means. And that is as close to socialism as you can find in the CN world.

  15. P.S. I'll be receiving surrender terms and I'll be on my merry way. So, I guess you're not rid of me just yet. :awesome:

    If you're not willing to go now, I suspect you would have rerolled your nation anyway. >_>

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