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Lord Hitchcock

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Everything posted by Lord Hitchcock

  1. Oh, Lucious finally being held accountable for his actions. TIE... Tie... well played Jazz!
  2. This is all wrong, Claude would never be photographed without his multiple gold chain Necklaces.
  3. You posted this same thing in the Murder of Doombirds thread, please see my response there. you seek new to this, don’t blow your load out of the gate. We have super teirs to also consider. way I see it, up 99k prior to war, another 10k a day in super teir, in the interim we sled and handle micro stuff thereafter. relax Martialis, done this before.
  4. Enough with the tantrums GK and Johnny, let's take a quick five and enjoy some comics:
  5. Two year old logs wreak of desperation, but sure I'll take the bait. Your context of Grub and I's relationship is simple, it was smoke and mirrors- sure I'd drop him a log here and there and if he churned activity he didn't mind if I was apart of it. We were not allies, weren't anything really, completely different ball parks. The context with Cobra at the time was you were stuck and I was willing to help, if that meant giving Grub activity, he wouldn't complain. and abeit
  6. But Marti, you’re not kicking it. Your members lack war chests and the will to war. I’ve crushed many sir kindles like you, whilst the highlight of your career, for me it’s just another day in the office.
  7. Typically when an alliance hits another, it’s appropriate for the victim (in this case, DBDC) to ask for reps. Banned hitting NLoN and NLoN asking for help, Banned was nice enough to include such peace in the above scenario. He didn’t have to, could’ve just blown the dude out right away , but he’s reasonable. TL:DR Had Cobra not have hit DBDC, reps wouldn’t have been sought. Btw, you’re grandstanding in thread that you crafted as an anti DBDC, doesn’t surprise me they give you a short shake.
  8. The fact is Martialis, by the time this war is over, you will be searching for your fallen alliance members under the pileS of rubber of which we leave you. I take no satisfaction in it, it does bother me, I’m conscientious. It’s not about ego, it’s about setting a precedence. We have seen Cobra bully other small alliances and once they decided to pick on KNB, we told them No.
  9. Just imagine the look on that poor NLoN nation’s face when being told: ‘Fear not, your fate is in the hands of Cobra.’ dude was totally screwed
  10. Appreciate you letting your allies burn
  11. KNB and her affiliates have the best looking news cast
  12. it's hard, one can only laugh to a certain point
  13. Ordo Cyberneticus has every right to defend themselves. As I have every right to not care much if Marti wants to name call and be a jerk. I went into that channel with an apology and a good conscience to clear the issue up and was met with name calling. So, instead I focused on other things.
  14. I always liked ya Freelancer, one of my least favorite moments in my cn career was our falling out I'm sorry for that. Glad to see ya still around.
  15. Name calling during our deescalation attempts have no place in micro politics Mr Martialis.
  16. I’m amused, the content you clipped out above that log was in relation to an Econ ring, not an invitation to KNB. A for effort.
  17. Strong kool-aide over there, grand standing where the OP is literally anti-dbdc, touche'
  18. The raid on OC was one that occurred by a single nation, I swiftly addressed Martialis and acknowledged that it was a mistake and apologized, only to be met with homophobic name calling. Given the already previous harassments and antagonism of them-and-theirs, their iron jaw for all things non-diplomatic, and frankly a total disregard for my sincere goodwill- screw em. But LH, what about your statement in the OP? Taken out of context, the conversation was regarding Cobra's recent bullying of small, non-connect alliances. We role played as them, just to show how ridiculous their aggressive actions are against those who don't have a voice.
  19. To stay on topic, I have zero control over Mongoose. I have zero control over Johnny's writings and publicly goading Banned. I have zero control over a Cobra nation hitting a DBDC nation. One moment I'm the puppet and the next I'm a string puller- keep flinging all these false accusations and hoping one sticks.
  20. The only person I every talked to regularly in NG was Lygerside and he left this world- implying I asked him to come back as poaching is a stretch of the imagination. Much like you're Extortion keyword attempt. But you do you
  21. I wouldn't say consulting with my legal counsel is an act of saying anything wrong, it's more out of out of consideration. you know- the same courtesy you should've given NLoN before goading Banned.
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