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Malik Shabazz

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Everything posted by Malik Shabazz

  1. Just got an event, neither choice will really benefit my nation: Which one would make more sense>
  2. A wider following does not equal a mainstream audience. Going mainstream usually means you have a deal with a major record label. There have been many underground rappers like Big L and others, who are widely known and considered to be the best rappers ever. Only people who listen to nothing but underground rap know who Action Bronson is. Never said Eminem was better then Nas or anything like that, but he is up there in the Top 5 IMO. He is the greatest because the White rappers that came before him like MC Serch, Vanilla Ice, Beastie Boys (debatable), and Everlast didn't even come close to accomplishing what he has been able to accomplish. Which is why I think he is the Greatest White Rapper ever. While Mac Miller (who kind of sucks now IMO), AB, and other White rappers that are out now are starting to shake things up a little bit; they are too early in the game for anyone to say they are better then Em.
  3. 1. Wu Tang Clan may not be as popular mainstream-wise as they used to be, they still have a sizable following and are widely respected throughout the Hip-Hop community. 2. Eminem's good songs outnumber his bad ones, but I will admit that he sold out. 3. He does deserve the title. In a genre and culture dominated by Blacks, he was able to appeal to both the mainstream crowd and to hardcore hip-hop fans. If you do not like him, I understand; but you cannot downplay his accomplishments. 4. Only time will tell when AB is able to catch up to Eminem, but for now he needs a larger following. It's to early to just say he is the greatest ever.
  4. Soulja Boy is also a !@#$ rapper lol. You can't compare legends to one-hit wonders, because the Wu Tang Clan definitely had more than one hit. I didn't mean mainstream equals good, I said that Eminem has been in the game a long time and earned the title of Greatest White Rapper; not to talk of his lyrical prowess. AB has only been out for a couple years. The talent is there but he needs a larger following to be considered one of the greatest. Nas's style, while he did kind of borrow it from Rakim, is by no means indistinct.
  5. If Thor is planning something then I must know!
  6. Wu Tang at their peak in the 90s had a large mainstream following and are legends in Hip-Hop, there is no comparison. If he has his own style then that's good for him, but on the songs that I've heard from him; he sounds exactly like Ghostface (I don't really listen to him). My main point is that he has a long way to go before he can be considered the Greatest White Rapper of all time.
  7. He sounds exactly like Ghostface, which is why I cannot say he's the greatest. Plus he doesn't have a wide enough following to even hold a candle to Eminem.
  8. Bump for a great accomplishment. Come to Solis :)
  9. Yes, because all Americans are criminals and warmongers smh.
  10. RL Wars usually involve people's lives hanging in the balance. You really cannot compare CBs in CN and RL ones.
  11. Get down with a young and up-and-coming alliance. Unlike those other alliances, we will treat you like a brother/sister and not another foot-soldier. Get down with the best economic system (imo) in the game. Get down with SOLIS! * I am Loki Laufeyson and I approve this message.
  12. While I think anyone who says there not in the Rap game is full of !@#$, and that Hopsin has contradicted himself several times. You cannont deny that he speaks the truth in his songs. It's been a while since we've had positive rappers.
  13. There aren't to many jobs around where I live. I should have said five-six years because I don't see myself graduating within four years. But yea, I guess you're right.
  14. Not what I said at all. I meant to say within 6-8 years, because of college and everything after that. While a big lack of motivation on my part is a part of my problem, I also do not have the resources to live by myself; which is why I still live with my parents for now.
  15. LOL. Then you're in for a serious rude awakening once you graduate from High School.
  16. I was making an approximation, I'm in college and I live with my parents still.
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