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Malik Shabazz

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Blog Entries posted by Malik Shabazz

  1. Malik Shabazz
    Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this blog are solely those of Loki Laufeyson and not those of my alliance, House Baratheon, or any other entity.
    For the two years I've been a part of the CN community I don't think I've seen this amount of stagnation, degeneracy, and decline. The continued oppression of micros and neutrals at the hands of the upper-crust alliances, the downright hypocrisy that runs rampant in CN politics are all things that drive valuable members of the community away. I sadly admit that I am also guilty of these things, and before I go any further I would like to apologize. The only thing I can ask myself and my fellow players is "how did we let it get this far?" "How did we fall from a prosperous and thriving community, to a dreadful place where trolling and idiocy are the order of the day?" If you ask me, it truly is a shame.
    CN needs a revolution. Point blank, period. I cannot be more serious. The overthrow of the upper-crust alliances by the underprivileged in CN society, is a necessary action that must be taken. Now I know the same hypocrites who claim to want to bring change to CN, will read this message of revolution and scoff at it. I do not know whether or not it is because they have nothing better to do, or if it is because of the person delivering the message. Regardless, I laugh at each and every one of you (you know who you are) and I think that your type are pathetic.
    I seriously hope that each and every one of you, especially the micros and neutrals, are able to figure out who your true enemy is and unite before it is too late. Rest assured, a storm is coming to CN. With all the power TPTB have, they will not be able to stop the idea who's time has come. Thank you.
  2. Malik Shabazz
    I have made many mistakes in my CN career, the biggest mistakes I have made have stemmed from naivete. At the expense of my own reputation, I aligned myself with a certain someone who at one point I admired. Because in that someone: I saw someone who was destined for greatness, someone who defied the reactionaries and the upper-crust in word and deed, and someone who wasn't afraid to stand up for what he believed in. I followed in your footsteps, and even when we didn't agree about a lot of things, I was willing to understand your viewpoints if you were willing to do the same to me.
    Many people in CN dislike me. I think that this is because they do not understand me. So in order for the people of CN to understand who Loki Laufeyson is, I asked you for an interview in a PM and you arrogantly did not reply. You drove the dagger further in my back by throwing me under the bus and insulting me on the OWF. I would have never expected any of this but it is what I get for being naive. The purpose of this blog is to tell you, and the people of CN, that I can no longer continue my association with you. You have sold out to the reactionaries. The events of the last few weeks have taught me a lot of things. things that are true IRL and in CN: Trust no one and stay on your own side.
    I do not hate you, I don't even dislike you. I wish you the best of luck in your "revolution", as my own struggle continues.
  3. Malik Shabazz
    The title says it all. Over the past couple of years I've become extremely cynical about the world, about life, about school, everything. The world is so screwed up and filled with injustice. People come up with ways to try and fix it, but it all becomes meaningless debate and dick measuring because there really is no one way to fix the world's problems. America's problems, the world's problems go back hundreds of years and there is nothing we can do about it. They aren't going to get any better. People ask me well Loki, what can you do about it? I'll tell you: Absolutely nothing. No matter how much I argue with people, no matter how much others protest; it simply will not change a damn thing.
    Now on to my life: I don't care about school. I have midterms at the end of the week, and I don't have the energy or motivation to do even study. Not that I don't want to, I simply can't and I do not care. For example, I got a 75 on the history test I took before my most recent one and I simply put the test in my notebook and kept it moving. I try my best to remain optimistic, to love people, to keep the faith (God knows I do) but it is damn near impossible with all the stuff going on in the world.
    With regards to CN: You all should be ashamed of yourselves, you sit here and complain about how CN sucks and it's dying yet you do nothing to change this. Unlike the problems in the real world, this game's problems can be fixed if people actually made the effort to be revolutionize the way politics are done around here. If people actually made the effort to embrace new ideas, but no: The old order tries to make things "How they used to be" by maintaining the status quo (which in and of itself is counterproductive). Just know that the only reason I stick around here is because somewhere deep, deep down I love this game. It could be what it was before (I wasn't here, but from the things I've heard it was pretty good).
    Now I know what you're probably thinking, what the hell is this guy going on about. Well to sum it up: Life sucks, the world sucks, people suck. No matter how hard we try to make things easier with technology and what-have-you, it is always going to suck.
    This is From the Mind of Loki, God bless
  4. Malik Shabazz
    Anybody remember when things were simpler? When there was no facebook, no cell phones, no internet. Just going outside and hanging out with your friends, then coming back inside and staying up all night to play video games? When you didn't have a worry in the world? When you didn't have to worry about what people thought about you, and you could just do what you wanted? I hate the reality of having to grow up, the reality that in a little more than eight years I'm going to have to pay bills. I remember how bad I wanted to grow up when I was a kid; now that I'm grown I realize how bad it sucks. Having to make all these complex decisions, having to be in constant worry. It sucks, plain and simple. For any younger players on here: Don't be in any hurry to grow up. Enjoy your youth while you still can, because before you know it; it's gone. You'll never get it back either.
  5. Malik Shabazz
    There is a reason why some alliances last for years and others do not. While the competence of an alliance's leaders has a lot to do with its success, another thing that a lot of people don't consider is the beliefs that an alliance lives by. NPO has Francoism, GOONS has trolling, GPA and similar alliances have Neutrality, INT has communism; the list goes on and on. In order to keep membership, you must have a set of beliefs; an ideology, a philosophy, a purpose, a grand cause that everyone must work towards. As an alliance, if you having nothing attracting members other than "protection and free aid", then you seriously need to evaluate your alliance and make the right changes before it's too late.
    If you have no purpose as an alliance, no reason to exist, then good luck attracting members who actually want to amount to something in CN. In addition, good luck in amounting to anything in CN yourselves. So if you plan on starting an alliance, or you are currently in the government of an alliance; I hope you heed this advice.
  6. Malik Shabazz
    This is the first entry in Loki's words of wisdom, I will be writing these from time to time. I know there are plenty of people out there that need to hear some good word. If that's you, you've come to the right place. So Comment, Rate, whatever.
    If you wait around for change, it may never come unless you act first. Be a leader, not a follower. Be the change. If your tired of the situation you're in, work to get out of it. This is the only way you can improve yourself.
  7. Malik Shabazz
    I have suffered from depression and anxiety issues probably for as long as I can remember. I have struggled with feelings of inferiority, weakness, and ugliness my entire life. I couldn't tell you what genetic dispositions caused these ailments either. All I know is that it is something that torments me and holds me back from achieving long-term happiness in my life. Around this time last year, I was suicidal, and the only thing keeping me alive was my family-- particularly the fact that my little nephew was born. It was a dark time.

    What made these things even worse was that I was failing in school, dead broke, and without a job. I started smoking weed a lot more than I used to. The weed didn't make things better either, despite what I tried to tell myself. It made things worse because I became more paranoid, and began to withdraw myself from people. I didn't want to talk to anyone about my problems because I felt that people would either make light of them, or that I would just be a burden. As a result, I didn't want have anyone to tell me that it was going to be okay and that it was going to get better.

    Why am I saying this? Because depression is real. It is a terrible illness that has taken the lives of thousands. If you suffer from depression do not be afraid to get the help that you need, and if you know some one who does, just be there for them. Let them know that you love them, that they have people who love them, and that it's going to get better.
  8. Malik Shabazz
    Why did people end viceroyalty after Karma? That's how war is supposed to be, defeating and conquering enemies is how the game should be. Instead of the crap we have now, where enemies are defeated and allowed to escape with their lives, why not bring back viceroyalties?
  9. Malik Shabazz
    Delete all of your social media (Facebook, Twitter). Just do it. I would make a hypothesis say about 85% of those 500+ friends of yours are people you don't, and will never talk to IRL. So you basically log on everyday to read about what's going on in the personal lives of people you probably don't care about. Not only that, but Facebook is depressing in general.
    Whether it's somebody you went to high school with dying, or whatever tf is going on in the world right now, you don't need it. It's not good for you. I didn't realize how much Facebook affected my emotional health until I finally realized how pointless and stupid it was to have one and deleted it. So if you want to be happy, and stay happy, disconnect yourself from that stuff and never look back.
    You will thank yourself for it.
  10. Malik Shabazz
    The Imperial Flag: Standard of the Emperor

    Your footsoldiers grow weary of war, to quote one of them:

    This was after I told him my story, and he sympathized with me and began complaining of similar treatment.
    You have no means of opposing me. You cannot stop the revolution, nor can you stop the army of Haile Selassie. Even with your numerical superiority, you have failed in silencing me after four days of war. Rather unusual. Have you lost your thunder? Are the pubbie-wreckin' days of the past over? Sard, Marx, which ever one of you sees this: We can end this. Once and for all, because I will not stop until every footsoldier in my range is destroyed or I myself is destroyed. The solution is simple: Apologize for past slights and pay me 12 mil and 200 tech in reps.
    I have made this statement public for posterity, because history is truly being made. History will judge you for your actions. The ball is in your court, and I pray that you do the right thing.
    Loki Laufeyson,
    Supreme Regent of the Killuminati Empire (Signed for HIM Haile Selassie I)
  11. Malik Shabazz
    Because it just stirs up ill will and resentment. Both sides walk away with their opinions intact and it doesn't change anything. Everytime I get into an argument with someone about something, they don't see things from my point of view nor can I see things from theirs (even though I try). It's a literal waste of time, which is why I've learned to just state my opinion and walk away and if you disagree oh well.
  12. Malik Shabazz
    With that out of the way, I would like to get into my discussion. We Americans like to think that we have this perfect utopia-like democracy, where people get a free vote. I think that this is funny, because there is no free vote. Look at the last Presidential election, out of the six people that ran; only two were allowed to debate. Yea, so much for "free and fair" elections. Our government likes to talk about "upholding democracy" around the world, when our republic is so flawed. Our republic has a lot of flaws, but to be specific one of the biggest flaws it has are the self-serving political parties.
    Americans, take a look at our country: Our economy is in the toilet and we have a do-nothing government. Why? Because of political parties. It has been argued that political parties are the foundation of any democracy. I think that this is a load of crap, because they only encourage division. Why do you think that every bill that has been proposed to fix our economy has gone nowhere? One of the two political parties always shuts the plan down, that's why. Then, the sheep who don't know any better argue about who's party is better and which party is responsible for what. Whenever I hear or see Americans argue about things like this, I . The reality is that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans care about you or you interests, but only their own. Proof of this: When a plan is proposed that will fix the economy, depending on who's proposing it, one of the two parties will instantly vote against it. In contrast, when it's time to go to war or bail out some greedy corporation; they'll agree in an instant.
    Brothers and sisters, the reality is, political parties are not democratic. You can sit here and say that our founding fathers envisioned a republic and not a democracy, and as such it really does not matter whether or not they are democratic. As you can see in the quotes above, our founding fathers warned us against political parties and how they will divide the United States. Now they have. We have no one to blame but ourselves, because these are the people we vote into office. I'm not saying we should ban political parties, because that would also be undemocratic. I'm saying that we should grow balls and call these politicians out, even if they are in the same political party as you. Let's stop pointing fingers: "Those damn liberals, conservatives are retarded", and come to the realization that they're all just two separate turds in the same toilet.
    This is From the Mind of Loki, Thank You and God Bless,
    -Loki Laufeyson
  13. Malik Shabazz
    An Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack is a scary doomsday scenario that is often discussed, but people rarely take into consideration. One of the ways one can be delivered is by detonating a nuclear weapon above the Earth, unleashing a pulse of electromagnetic energy. Once the pulse passes the Earth's atmosphere it damages the electrical grid and all electronics.
    We as a society have come to a point that we cannot last a day without technology. If some outside entity was to unleash a nuclear EMP on us, our entire society would be thrown into complete chaos. Riots, looting, killings, economic collapse. I don't know about you, but my life is screwed up when the power is out for a couple of days. Imagine if the power was out for months, possibly even years. No internet, no computers, no cell phones, no HVAC, no running water. Nothing. My advice for you would be to not take anything we enjoy as a society for granted, and to be prepared for anything.
    This is From the Mind of Loki,
    God Bless
  14. Malik Shabazz
    It is, by far, the best of the individual MCU films. I didn't even expect it to be as good as it was, considering how average the first one was. The plot, action, and everything about the film was perfectly done. I also liked how they really showed off Cap's abilities. They made him look more badass as well. He wasn't as useless as he was in Avengers, nor was he as plain jane as he was in the first Captain America movie. I'm probably going to get killed for saying this, but Captain America: TWS is better than The Dark Knight. There, I said it. Don't believe me? Go watch it.
    Would watch again
  15. Malik Shabazz
    Here is a short story I just wrote called "Wasted".


    By: George Gordy

    I’m wasted. No, not wasted as in drunk or high. I mean wasted as in my entire life, thus far, has been a waste. I’ve wasted so many opportunities to do better out of selfishness and stupidity. My mistakes have caught up with me, and I don’t see the point of doing this whole life thing anymore. Should I end it all, right here in this bedroom? Should I put my loved ones through the shock and horror, of finding my lifeless body lying in a pool of blood? Should I take this gun here and put a bullet in my head? I mean, why shouldn’t I?

    “It’s selfish! There are people out there who care about you!” Okay, forget suicide. Say I was driving on 695, I get hit by a truck and that’s the end of it. Would anybody really care? Sure they’ll dress me up real nice, put me in a casket, put my face on t-shirts, and throw me a nice little funeral. After a week nobody will care, and they’ll forget it ever happened. It’s not like I found the cure for cancer, was a famous celebrity, or a former president. I was a nobody who contributed little, if anything, to humanity.

    “People who commit suicide go to hell!” Is Hell really worse than a worthless existence? Burning in a lake of fire for all eternity really worse than being a screw up? Is it worse than everyone hating you and hating yourself. Does God really care if I go commit suicide? I’ve been told my entire life that I was “fearfully and wonderfully made”. If God really gave a !@#$ about me, then why did he make me this way? Why does he put us on Earth to suffer, so that we spend our entire lives hoping that we die so we can go to Paradise?

    So with all that being said, I have nothing to lose. Time to put an end to a wasted life. This Glock 40 has one bullet in it, for one purpose… Wasted.
  16. Malik Shabazz
    I'm trying to start an ongoing series. The story takes place in a fictional city called Silver City It's about three teenagers who gain superpowers as a result of a nuclear explosion. In this same explosion, their parents are killed and the entire city is thrown into anarchy as others who gained powers from this explosion used their powers for evil. So these three teenagers decide that they're going to use their powers for good, and to this end they call themselves the Radicals. Here are the three main characters:
    Paige "Sparky" O'Neal: The leader. She has the power to manipulate electricity and magnetism with her body. She is beautiful, charismatic, and optimistic; all of these qualities make her an effective leader. She loves freedom and having fun, and she hates being tied down; she usually avoids getting into relationships because of this. Prior to getting her powers, she was a popular cheerleader. Even without her powers, she stood up for others; thus setting the stage for her becoming a hero. She and the rest of the Radicals gained their powers after they were caught in an explosion at the Element Red plant that their father, Arthur, ran. Her father was also killed in this explosion.

    Blaine "Warbandit" O'Neal:Sparky’s younger brother. He has the power to use 99.9% of his brain at any given time. As a result he has a genius level intellect, and his memory and focus have been significantly enhanced. In addition, he has the ability to learn and completely understand anything by simply observing it. For example, he was able to teach himself Taekwondo by simply reading books and watching internet videos. Although he has always been very intelligent, he suffered from a learning disability which hampered his academic performance. With his newfound powers, he excelled in school and became on top of his class. He creates the equipment the Radicals use to fight crime, and uses his own weapons and gadgets such as: His signature Bo fighting staff, a Taser wire used for stunning opponents, sticky bombs, and ADA (Applicative Defense Assistant); an artificial intelligence that controls Tower R and assists the team in their adventures. He has a sarcastic and witty sense of humor, throwing insults at friend and foe alike.

    Cortez "Rock" Campbell: A longtime friend of Paige and Blaine and star runningback on the high school football team. His powers are superhuman strength, endurance, and durability. When angry or his life is in danger, he goes into a state called “Rock Rage”; in which his speed, strength, and durability increase exponentially and he gains unstoppable momentum. He is also highly skilled at fighting and is one of the toughest kids in school. He loves sports and partying, and he secretly has a crush on Paige but does not know how to tell her. He grew up in a poor neighborhood, but moved once his father started working for Arthur O’Neill.

    Then here are some supporting characters:
    Arthur O'Neal:Paige and Blaine’s father. A wealthy scientist who owns a research firm called the O’Neal Group. Arthur discovered Element Red on the moon and found out that it can be used for energy purposes. He built a new energy plant in the Science Hills district of Silver City. He was killed when the plant mysteriously exploded. The Radicals use the O’Neal family fortune to fight crime.

    Miguel "Thunder" Hernandez: An on and off member of the Radicals and the twin brother of Lightning. He was initially a member of the Kliq along with his brother and Razor, but after growing tired of a life of crime he joins the Radicals. Although the Radicals initially mistrusted him, after proving himself, they eventually warm up to him and he becomes a full member. He has the ability to generate concussive sound waves by clapping his hands against any surface. He becomes close friends with the Radicals, Rock in particular. He is a loner who dislikes taking orders.

    Byron "Blue Baron" Montgomery: A former colleague of Arthur O’Neal. He, like Arthur O’Neal, was once one of the most brilliant and world-renowned scientists; nicknamed the Baron of Genetics. When the Radicals gain fame around Silver City, he becomes fascinated with their powers. He creates a serum that can give people superpowers after a series of tests, he tests the serum on himself; giving him enhanced strength and agility. Seeking to improve the serum, he begins hiring thugs to kidnap people so he can test it on them. Seeing this as unethical, the Radicals are forced to shut him down. They confront him in his laboratory and after a short fight, Montgomery falls in to a vat filled with a blue substance. As a result, his skin turns blue and he goes insane. He then creates a super-powered mafia called the Kliq. Along with the Kliq, the Blue Baron begins terrorizing Silver City. He is the Radicals’ initial archenemy.

    Diego "Razor" Garcia: Cortez’s rival and fellow football teammate. He is an arrogant, narcissistic, and egotistical bully who is obsessed with his appearance and making himself look good. After he loses a fight to Rock, he agrees to have some of the Blue Baron’s serum. After taking the serum, he becomes as strong as Rock and joins the Kliq. He and Rock grew up in the same neighborhood, and they have a strong dislike for each other. In addition, he has a crush on Sparky.

    Renaldo "Lightning" Hernandez: Razor’s best friend and sidekick, and Thunder's brother. He usually follows Razor around and does whatever he does. He also agrees to take some of the Baron’s serum, which gives him superhuman speed. He is best described as reckless and hot-headed. He and Razor were written out after Season 2, but reappear as drug addicts. Andrew White promises to get them off of their addictions, if they help him destroy the Radicals. He gets cleaned up and approaches his brother, asking for forgiveness for his past actions, and asks if he can join the Radicals. He accepts his apologies, but the Radicals are skeptical. After awhile they warm up to him. Little do they know that the Rocket was using him as a mole, in order to exacerbate the discontent within the team and take advantage of the teams vulnerabilities. He did this by pitting each of them against each other. He planted a bomb in Tower R while the Radicals were off fighting Doctor Sunshine, which destroyed the building, even leaving a note saying that he did it. This drives the Radicals over the edge, with Sparky blaming Thunder for trusting his brother; while Rock and Warbandit say that it wasn't his fault. After this the Radicals break up and go their separate ways, meaning the Rocket had finally gotten rid of his archenemies.

  17. Malik Shabazz
    Human emotion is one of the most destructive forces in the universe. Once it takes hold of you it clouds common sense, logic, and reason and can lead one to do destructive things. Try to control your emotions, swallow your pride sometimes, and never let anything get to you.
  18. Malik Shabazz
    Here's another short story from me, it's called "Crushed".


    It’s a late night. The TV is running. I sit in the middle of the sofa, while she sits to the left of me. There is a silence, and then she puts her feet on my lap. Those legs… Those brown, silky, long legs. I find myself resisting the urge to kiss and lick them, as if they were Fudgesicles. Trying to fight this feeling is futile. Maybe I should give into temptation just this once.

    Then I woke up, and realized that it was just a dream. A dream that will never become reality. I’m just one of the many in a long list of men who seek her attention on a daily basis, and I’m all the way at the bottom. I’m not even honorable mention.
    Every day I see her, and my greetings are met with cold shoulders. I’m not the best at taking hints, however. The more she ignores me, the deeper the obsession grows. It just makes me pursue her even more, like a dog chasing a cat. Then I realize that I mean nothing to her. If only she knew the depths of my lust for her. Dreaming about her helps me escape from reality; the reality that I can never have her, never hold her in my arms, never call her mine. The greatest feeling in the world is to love and be loved back, a feeling that I’ll never experience.
  19. Malik Shabazz
    Know your friends. The same people you shake hands with, go to parties with, and allow into your house may be the same people who will stab you in the back. There are those who'll have your back through whatever, and like you for who you are; not because of what you can do for them. These are your real friends, treasure them. Some of the people you think are your friends, the moment you're in trouble they'll abandon you in a heartbeat. Stick with your "Day One" people: Family and your real friends, these are the people who will love you no matter what.
  20. Malik Shabazz
    Looks like Xenios, the guy who attacked Jewish nations, is back under a new name. This should be fun, if only he was in my range.
  21. Malik Shabazz
    Hey guys, I haven't done one of these in a while so I think that I should bring it back:
    Ideas are like fires. What starts off as a little spark, can turn into a massive flame capable of destroying anything that stands against it. Once you feed that spark with fuel (people, resources, etc), that spark will become a flame and continue to grow and grow until nothing can stop it. The French poet Victor Hugo once said "No army on Earth can stop an idea who's time has come", there are few statements that are as true as that. Once you have an idea you think is good, build on it and improve it until it becomes a great idea. Who knows, maybe you can change the world.
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