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Sir Kiloist

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Posts posted by Sir Kiloist

  1. 1 hour ago, Nightside said:


    It is functional and active AFTER this restructuring...


    Before that we did things by consensus. Before Roal36 joined us, the alliance was basically just me and my trade circle plus inactives. Guaravita and I were promoted without being given official positions during this period so we were de facto in charge, but we did not speak in the name of the alliance except when we were mediating conflicts. My only purpose was to mentor my trade circle on how to grow their nations, and a quiet micro that had DT and TTK protection was perfect for us. We had only two incidents - when Josef K went nuke rogue on me, and when Varangian Guard attacked me for something Guaravita did alone. And they were both resolved with Dark Templar mediation. We only expanded to over 20 nations when Roal joined us and started recruiting -_-


    In other words, despite not having an official government, Guaravita and I were around, as was Tyronia, and there was no excuse about not approaching us with a dispute. The internal workings of OoT should not be anyone's business as long as we fulfill our international obligations - which we have always done and will always continue to do.


    I'm gonna let you slide here on account I don't really care. Was just a wee bit confused on why there was conflicting statements. Should have probably made it more pronounced. This is a good start though.


    just fyi.. no official govt and you expected people to just know? bad idea in CN most people in this game dont put their shoes on correctly.

  2. 2 hours ago, Roal36 said:

    OoT has never had a govt till today. It's not our alliances fault that you and others thought otherwise.


    7 hours ago, Nightside said:

    After two years of semi-anarchy in which it was abandoned by its original members, the Order of Tenebris hereby restructures itself into an organized alliance with a functional and active government.


    So which is it? A functional and active government? Or never had one?


    Who was doing the talking on behalf of the alliance - that person would be the govt. 

  3. 12 minutes ago, Roal36 said:

    As I told you just before I am telling you again. VG/AM has been attacking me and my alliance before without provocation during the post Monster Mash recovery period. There was atleast 3 NAP violations from their side.  Even when I didn't bother them in Forums they have been attacking my nation.

    And about me crapping about Alexio. I have started doing that when I was in COBRA. Kashmir didn't mind me doing it then, I wonder why they are bothered by it now.


    Speaking ill of the great one named Alexio is most unwise

  4. 9 minutes ago, Overlord Wes said:

    how could they know how much aid was 'necessary' without a list?  were they expected to individually check nation damages when presumably it was already being done internally?


    Magic. I've been known to work it if I'm made aware of what's needed.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Roal36 said:

    Look at you complaining about the death of an alliance when it is your own allies that played a key role in its decline through threats and intimidation.

    Its easy to say TMG was under no obligation to do anything now but when Monsters were rolling on VG, Jack Layton was busy making threats against TMG and GG the sovereign himself admitted that he was getting threats.


    You're new to this game aren't you?

  6. 22 minutes ago, Roal36 said:

    Why should GATO protect them?
    Now that is a good question and I can see why a person with little to no knowledge of the circumstances in which TMG was made to sign the treaty with Atlas may have similar reasoning as yours.

    Monsters University a bloc partners with TMG declared war on VG/SRA. As VG guys were shedding tears in OWF and elsewhere 11 allian es decided to come in defense of VG/SRA and make the world a better place. I was a participant of the the war on Monsters side after I resigned from my position on TMG.

    TMG's only link in the war was myself and their optional treaty with Monsters. Since I had already resigned and the treaty was largely optional as far as wars are concerned they didn't really have any real link to the war and tears of VG loyal soldiers.


    So the coalition during those early stages in the war does what they can do in the circumstances - Threaten TMG with curb stomp because of TMG's nonexistence participation in the war on the side of Monsters, these threats started the moment VG declared the state of war. After days of threatening TMG finally was sort of forced to sign up for Atlas protection after they agree to ban me for a year and not help anyone fighting for or against Monsters.
    To answer your question, yes GATO should continue to protect TMG inorder to fulfill Atlas's obligation. TMG Guildmaster GG continues to ban me from the alliance to this day. He has upheld his alliance's side of the agreement to the full extent and GATO has to do their side. 


    As Archangel rightly put during the one time his former alliance TMG needed GATO's help Alexio didn't respond to his messages.

    Alexio keep saying that he solved it diplomatically bla bla bla. What did he solve? Nations that suffered damages due to COBRA aggression never got any compensation. Instead of trying to defend NG/NOR/TLR from Avalanche and Oldguard let GATO settle some of Atlas's obligation first.

    VG rushed to help COBRA when the conflict escalated, GATO chose to solve the issue peacefully(that is what Alexio claims). Issue is not solved till the the wrongs have been corrected and in this case its not corrected.

    @Alexio15 Xenius is still waiting for the aid you promised him when he was in TMG.


    That's a lot of words to say "You should peace out and roll an alliance that has 200k NS, oh also if it escalates it could see you opposite an alliance that you have a MDoAP with... Oh, said alliance also joined this war through the treaty it has with you"




    You are jealous you aren't part of this good ol shindig.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Roal36 said:

    But don't let small matters like TMG bother you people. Continue your valiant defense of NG from the jaws of death.


    Did you even read the OP of this thread? I'm 99.999999% sure we came in on Avalanche due to them hitting TLR. Reading is fundamental. 


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