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Sir Kiloist

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Posts posted by Sir Kiloist

  1. On 1/7/2017 at 9:06 AM, Sephiroth said:


    Thank you to all my allies and friends who have helped make CN. However the Libertarian Empire is deleted and my time here over.


    Special Thanks to Sigrun Vapneir, Sir Kiloist, aNiMaLz, ericsw, kingneptune & Minc. All fearless & great warriors who don't take BS from anyone.


    Thanks to Admin and Mods for the fun experience. Also to the villains who made things fun.


    o/ Libertarianism

    The Libertarian Empire in game is deleted, but the Libertarian ideas I've devoted my time spreading have succeeded.


    o7 FCC

    o7 The Citadel

    o7 aNiMaLz

    o7 Limitless Nexus

    o7 Gremlins

    o7 Aesir

    o/ Libertarian Everything


    Legalize Cannabis for all, Vote Freedom for Everyone! Vote Libertarian!


    Err... Thanks and you're welcome? Not sure how I ended up on this list haha.

  2. 1 hour ago, Lord Hitchcock said:


    ReytheGreat is a wonderful person. Don't understand why people don't see that (no sarcasm btw).




    ReytheGreat is a wonderful person. Don't understand why people don't see that (no sarcasm btw).....


    ReytheGreat is a wonderful person. Don't understand why people don't see that (no sarcasm btw). ...


    ............. ............... ..........


    (sorry admin, I couldn't help his forum Sig)


    You're going to need to provide evidence pointing to the contrary. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Masterchief777 said:

    For the record, no one in GATO is "normal." Especially not our jack ass leader.


    He's the worst, should get rolled because of him imo. '


    48 minutes ago, Alexio15 said:



    Just gonna leave this right there


    This guy here runs a close race for 2nd though. Alexio is sure to get us rolled at least 3 times by copyright laws. 

  4. On 1/2/2017 at 6:53 PM, Neo Uruk said:

    it was really cool making lucius leftfoot melt down a bunch of times


    You see as an expert on this topic... Yes, yes I agree even if it almost led to a dozen alliances getting rolled because we literally don't know how to shut up. 


    On 1/3/2017 at 11:07 AM, Alexio15 said:

    Funny times actually caused me headaches lol


    Headaches or hangovers?

  5. As someone who somehow keeps getting drawn back to Atlas.. I could have done this 3 years ago when i wanted to roll Atlas. Anyway, was nice to dick around with Alexio for *insert amount of my life wasted* years. As a former Vice President and current (until this) Chancellor of Foreign Affairs (booze division), it was fun serving those unlucky enough to put up with me.


    P.S. Alexio still sucks. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Immortan Junka said:

    Brown team is the only team where not only are we not supposed to sanction rogues, we're not even supposed to retaliate when we are rogue-sanctioned. :rolleyes:


    Anyone who doesn't like it is free to move to the grey team, I heard it's a sanction-free team.



    This is essentially true. I was on brown before all of this. It was peaceful then. SNX came along...it was peaceful still. Some more came, that changed. Not going to point fingers though.

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