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Sir Kiloist

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Posts posted by Sir Kiloist

  1. However I might be willing to forgive if III% & Atlas both want to exit this conflict, as well as admit the sanction on me was wrongly placed and remove it as soon as possible.


    Can I ask why Atlas should have to exit? Their entrance was for SS of their forums getting leaked onto the OWF not over your sanction or whatever. 

  2. I don't know what document you refer to, but I didn't sign anything or was even asked to. I thought nations were free to run for the Senate on brown without being sanctioned right up until the moment I was.


    There is a brown team agreement among various alliances that deal with the distribution of senate seats on the team. 

  3. This attack won't go without retaliation. They had to do the one thing I do support the use of sanctions for, retaliating against lunatics like them who are the real threat to Brown & will use sanctions to try gaining complete control.


    Also I lose wonders if I switch colors, so do others in my trade circle.


    Well I mean, iirc (i signed the document) every seat on the brown team is taken by an alliance. 

  4. They didn't own all the seats. Although I'm sick of moving spheres to avoid tyranny, no more running away or moving. This is where I will make will my last stand, either I win and Brown has a chance; or its over and my nation dies along with any illusions freedom exists on Brown.They call themselves III Percenters, but seem more like the type who would take away the other 97% of the populations guns to maintain total control if they ever had it.


    There is no tyranny on grey. May I recommend that team?

  5. Damn it I knew we was missing something thank you for reminding us. Like seriously don't know what we would do without you, your experience is invaluable.


    You mean to tell me you never read that damn thread labelled "War Guide (read this if you don't want to get rolled dipshit)"?

  6. What I'm gathering itt: 


    1) CN bitches when there is no CB, then when a CB is valid...they bitch it isn't valid (then bitch there are no wars when this happens and nothing is done)

    2) Smurf wants to enter but isn't quite sure he should so he is posting on the owf (let's be honest with ourselves Smurf)

    3) No slot coverage ("come at me bro" chants being used) despite there not being a lot of slots originally and Atlas I'm pretty sure limited what nations went into war

    4) Atlas needs someone like me to post threads because none of my posts/threads are taken seriously thus are ignored

    5) President Hardin never let Atlas know he was leaving then gave screenshots of a forum to MInc thus betraying an alliance he was a founder in (yeah that hasn't been pointed out yet has it? the more you know right?)

    6) Kiloist still needs casualties to reach one million :/

    7) CN politics are a joke - "Hey, we have a valid CB for posting private member discussions on the owf" *declares war* response --> "Hey!!! You can't do that! It's not valid because you didn't ask MInc if it was okay to go to war!!"

    8) I saw this one somewhere else in this thread "Could have hit them when other alliances weren't hitting them" - whoever said that, you must not be familiar with wars on Bob alliances tend to hit each other despite being engaged elsewhere.


    Of course, I could be wrong about all of this because "lolKiloist thinks he understands things"

  7. It is. Why don't you wait until monsters is done fighting the 50 alliances they are at war with and then fight? Show some balls.


    Because if Monsters was at war with 50 alliances nothing would be left?  :awesome:


    have nothing to do with the current conflict? the postings were about the current conflict...




    Depends on how you look at it really. 

  8. Those balls must be covering your eyes because not sure what fantasised hard on you get here. But for an alliance with a group of people who have never fought a major war. Or any kind of war for that matter isn't going to be dishing out damage like established experienced players. But by all means I can go find people from the war that are far more experienced then ourselves with worse war ratios. But again you must be far too blind to see that. As for laughing at myself he is providing me with entertainment just letting him know to keep doing what he is doing because it is giving me something to read on the bus in the mornings but $%&@ it.


    I call your bluff. You guys were terrible at war, I mean come on you should have easily been able to handle nuclear nations tearing your non-nuclear nations up. Get better at war please.

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