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Sir Kiloist

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Posts posted by Sir Kiloist


    No point defending a lost cause, that makes silly threats on whole alliances.



    That's why, I'm looking out for your alliance for you instead and will continue too till the day comes you decide to wonder off looking for santuary.


    Yes, "join my alliance or you won't get peace" good looking out.

  2. Anatomy of a post by Neo Uruk

    Introduction: Begin with an ironic (usually heavily sarcastic) statement of congratulations to the poster being quoted.


    Good questions, all around! Gold star!


    Body: *Always* ignore the basic premise of quoted post (VERY IMPORTANT). Extract one minor, often insignificant part of the post and mock it. It is crucial to surround one word or phrase with tildes, thereby presenting it as being the most ludicrous idea conceived in the history of mankind. In general, there should be little to no reason for mocking the post or author of said post. Typically there will be no apparent cause or reason.


    So, Margrave, do you think user Blade 619 getting so worked up that he comes onto the OWF to divulge that, oh my, he ~has a girlfriend~ will work in protecting him from such acts in the future?


    Conclusion: There will rarely be need for a conclusion of any sort, as (see above) there will generally not be a point to the post or reason for posting it. A conclusion for nonsense is unnecessary and a waste of time.


    Additional notes:


    A) Excessive use of hyperbole is helpful and sometimes necessary.

    B) There will always be AA's and users whose asses need to be kissed. This list changes monthly so be sure to post accordingly.

    C) Always remember Neo Uruk posts are the most important in their respective threads.

    D) The length of the post/argument being responded to is irrelevant. One or two sentences will suffice in any and every Neo Uruk posting situation.







    Also, I'm still curious which rerun of The Office was being watched. When you've got a minute I'd love to know. Thanks!


    This is fairly accurate. Although, D can be wrong at times, sometimes he uses just 2 words, or if you are really lucky he'll go for a paragraph.

  3. Honestly, you know the politics of planet Bob as well as anybody around and you know the basics of running a nation.  As somebody pointed out, though, you often let you mouth get in the way of reality.  Last time that happened, LPH ended at the hands of SRA.


    I'd like to ask that factual information be used. We didn't end because of SRA, Rey and I went inactive. 



    Our tech deal obligations was a voluntary contract that all parties involved agreed upon and signed. Farks demands were not proposed as a voluntary contract, they were proposed as demands. Big difference.


    That is what I said I wasn't clear because I was mocking someone. 


    Where were you when DBDC was infringing the sovereignty of Polaris and her allies, except for no reason other than to exploit upper tier nations? Oh wait, looks like you are enjoying fruits of said exploitation, looking at your alliance stats.


    In any case, sovereignty was not violated... this wasn't a random act of aggression as DBDC is prone to inflict on others... it was a measured response that this micro decided to inflict upon themselves with their flagrant non-cooperation.



    Again, this micro is facing the consequences of their decision. This was not a random raid with no warning beforehand.


    I'm going to use your faulted logic against you.


    WFF was using their "alliance sovereignty" or whatever you want to call it to do the tech deals and according to what I've read they have obligations to their protector regarding the deals. You've, in the past, said it was okay for an alliance to sacrifice some of it's sovereignty to follow through on promises it has made.


    So using your logic... FARK is oppressing WFF because they demonstrated loyalty to their word. So it's appropriate to say.. Free WFF from FARK tyranny, correct? I mean I may be wrong here because I don't understand idiocy very well but I tried. 


    I mean you are right I am smarter than that but, on the other hand I like to deal in facts and lets be honest this is a official quote from your Emperor.



    Now considering that a peace agreement is at this point and quite possibly the for seeable future unattainable, I believe that leaves Polaris in a state of war with all DBDC tech sellers. I mean feel free to correct me if I am wrong on this point, and I will listen to your side I'm not an unreasonable man. Although I just don't see how you can all claim anything different, because lets be honest it has been worded finely to make you think otherwise. However if you are able to read through the lines you will see what is clearly there, and what is meant by that post. You retain that right to do this by all means but lets just call it what it is war on DBDC tech sellers. 


    What have I told you about using logic here?


    I have spoken out against DBDC since I was allied govt to Dark Templar, so your point is null.


    That wasn't my point


    If you are saying NpO planned or even stated we planned for eternal war I think you're not guilty of reading at all! We didn't.


    Notice I said I didn't read it. 

  8. The fact of the matter is, you have no claim to moral outrage after supporting DBDC's plans for eternal war, attacks against sovereign alliances, Casus Belli -less wars, reprisals against free speech, and other efforts to create a global totalitarian upper tier. The longer you seek to oppress free alliances like FARK, the more this trend of logistical disruption will continue.


    Given I'm guilty on not reading long posts and what not... I'm going to say that the plans for "eternal war" was first done by NpO in this situation. I would love to see your posting of "oppressing free alliances" if DBDC was on the other side with you. 

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