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Sir Kiloist

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Posts posted by Sir Kiloist

  1. You know... Polaris may be on the other side of me right now. But I've always had respect for them as an alliance (I put up with the last coalition). Dajobo is probably my favorite NpO emperor of all time and I've generally agreed with most of what he has done because I can see why he has done some of it. With that said I'm trying to figure out if I should just think of this as a well thought out response that has all bases covered or was this just done out of emotions and being tired of being raided by DBDC. This going to boil down to how long will you pursue who sells to them, do you war them one round or do you keep hitting them into ZI, and for how long do you pursue the ZI if you do just once or more than once? If you hit everyone who sells to them, what happens if your ally sells to them? Do you drop the treaty and proceed to roll their members or ask them to stop, say you do ask them to stop but they don't, do you roll their members? This can either work or fail miserably, but I personally think this won't change to much. 


    Not reading pages I've missed to see if this has already been asked.

  2. That war was forward-thinking and put the pieces in place to defeat the real enemies of the civilized world. Remember, right before the Disorder War Mushqaeda happened, to me that was the real enemy. What does attacking SNX accomplish for NPO? Just because someone issues you promises and your allies chant at you to do it because they hate SNX, doesnt mean you just go and do it without thinking.


    Stop the charade and just go back to your lovers in SNX. It's clear you miss them. 

  3. I know this is all about the SNX attack that occurred a couple of days ago, but in my heart I want it to be all about Tywin and a spirited defense of Francoism against an ideological interloper.


    It's been about six years since I've said anything remotely like this, so brace yourselves....


    o/ Pacifica


    Hmmm....that didn't hurt nearly as much as I'd expected.


    Secretly I believe this is the reasoning.


    That's why the lulzists will lose.


    Welp guys time to pack up and go home Tywin has called the war already.


    Damn it, Doom Squad, this is what happens when you choose not to make some CB up. Instead of debating the CB, we get Tywin yelling about things. Do you really want another Tywin thread? Do you?


    I think that was going to happen anyway. 


    It's not hard to comprehend, right now order is provided by sovereign alliances, who negotiate with one another and act in a professional, diplomatic manner. Since Mushqaeda last year the lulzists have become increasingly bold in trying to break down both alliance sovereignty with their top tier raids, and also established culture by openly flaunting their "secret treaties," lack of casus belli and general lack of idealism. The goal is to weaken the importance of alliances in asserting order and attack individual revolutionaries and political enemies. This becomes easier when alliances ignore transgressions made by lulzists and lack the political and military will to fight back.


    The end result is a confused and scared mass of "alliances" who will allow themselves to be controlled and exploited by the Haute Lulzists, and above all willing to act as meatshield in their favor against the remaining free and sovereign alliances. By breaking down alliance sovereignty and global traditions, they create anarchy which can be exploited in their political and economic favor.


    So now "lulzist" exist again?


    Edit: I'll take the over on that Warrior.
  6. Yeah honestly if the messages in my inbox are the extent of the LN terror, I'm okay with them. So far it's just fun banter, nothing malicious. 


    Just wait until the messages to other members pour in "Your leader cares nothing for your alliance, come join us and we'll aid you."

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