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Sir Kiloist

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Posts posted by Sir Kiloist

  1. Facts we should just accept and call it over on this thread:


    1) This thread is about Rey.

    2) Invicta isn't a weak opponent.

    3) Nuke turrents in the 15k range (I've had nuclear nations declaring on me at the 7-10k range as well) will take do a shit ton of damage if they have idk...say over 1k tech on nations who are normally tech sellers and carrying 100 tech. The trickle down effect of nations with larger amounts of tech finding their way down the NS chart will hurt a lot too..

    4) Sir Kiloist is the fucking Vice President of Atlas... This should tell you something. <-- this is the real cause of it all imo. 

    5) Had we not been taken off our original target we'd either be at a 1:1 ratio or better. 

  2. Nah I've seen all the evidence. Personally, I'm not the type of person to throw dirt on other people. I've been given a second chance at Atlas and forgiven for my actions against the many people in Atlas who made up DRN and the several splinters and as a result I'm open to giving them a chance as well. I mean whether or not you all agree with it is your own problem. I had my questions about it and instead of just going "Nah, not worth it" I did this magical thing called talking but you know... That's just my personal approach.


    If you see this as an "attempt to defend a treaty decision" then re-evaluate your thinking, some of you commenting should know me well enough to know that I have a similar past actually maybe a bit worse in terms of how I handled things over a year ago. I have friends and history with UCR thus why I supported giving them a second chance.. Because if you want logs, you'll actually see I hesitated to vote in favour of this treaty.


    Of course, I do have respect for each of you three and at some point or another I have made a decision as of late based off of what I've observed over time watching the three of you and I do appreciate the critique of my post above because how do you learn with out others pointing out things and learning from your own mistakes?

  3. Allying with such obvious, ungrateful backstabbers? Why, Atlas, why?



    Allying people you can't trust is always a great idea. :P


    Sounds like personal experiences with them, no? We haven't been given any reason from them not to trust them... In fact, since the earliest days of Atlas we have had a close relationship with UCR. While it may not be a favourable look for most people, they've given us no reason we can't trust them, so I mean.... Plus they made the attempt to salvage relations when the whole DL thing went down. 

  4. just to note, Atlas has not cancelled this treaty due to some 'infra-saving' frenzy. Being a part of the C&G Union and having an MnDOAP with NPO, their FA position in this war irrespective of the DL treaty was pretty clear- eve. before the lines were drawn.

    I will miss the fun I had with Alexio and Dorian. But Rey will be an Elesufi crush forever ≤3


    I've fallen in love with you again.

  5. atlflag.png



    In accordance with Article V of the "When Elesufis Met Titans Accords", we have given Die Linke the proper notification of our intentions to cancel the treaty we share. We wish them the best moving forward and would like to keep our many friendships that we share, however sometimes you can't always be together due to changes in life.
    Signed for by Atlas:
    President of Atlas: Alexio15
    Vice President: Sir Kiloist
    Chancellor of Foreign Affairs: Dorian Martell
    Chancellor of Defense: Franz Ferdinand
    Chancellor of Internal Affairs: Grealind
    Chancellor of Finance: Bde
    Chancellor of Culture: Blazin


  6. Why is our ally in Atlas performing so bad? :/
    Now, all our allies who are in war have a negative damage ratio irrespective of their coalition(while it makes us a cool kid), which sucks.


    When all you can do is declare on nuclear nations in the 10-15k range it tends to hurt pretty bad not to mention a few inactives here and there but that's no excuse for it. Plus Invicta doesn't just roll over. I'm happy with the fight I'm getting :D

  7. Sir Kiloist:




    It would be fine if they wanted to leave. That's one thing, but they did it right when talks of war started, and cited as a reason for this departure a leak that they wouldn't stop insisting was purposefully done by us, despite the proof, while also running around to everyone and their mother about the "incompetence of LSF", a trial where the defendant is conveniently absent. 
    You do not leave an MDAP bloc on the eve of war. That is not how you do things, and you don't go around lying to mutual allies (re: you) about all sorts of nonsense.


    You are correct, notice I said the timing of this could have been better. I also stated that I was aware of talk from a few UCR members a while back about leaving as well.. That doesn't change the situation about timing though. However, I don't recall anyone from LSF/SWF coming to us and telling us anything, all we got word of was UCR was leaving DL for various reasons and LSF going in on SNX to pay back for the favour that was done towards LSF which I respect wholeheartedly I wish more alliances would do what LSF did, but back to the point, all we knew was UCR was separating themselves and LSF was going in on the opposite side of us. Do you see where I am coming from? Regardless, I have a great deal of respect for you. So I will take your word and admit that this could have been handled better on our part and there should have been more communication between us and for that I apologize. 


    >they were unhappy with where things were going


    yeah, to war


    or did you mean nowhere? because UCR has been going there for years now and so i'm not sure what the issue is here


    >it wasn't an easy decision for any of the parties involved


    which parties would those be?



    I'm sure was an easy decision once they found out war is coming.



    Taking the decision was not at all difficult Kiloist, once they realized that LSF/SWF are not ungrateful prats like them.
    What did involve difficulty is the BS stories they cooked and fed them to Atlas and SRA (and god knows who else) about information getting leaked, about being a post-split victim, faking a screenshot etc
    Thankfully SRA realized that. As a matter if fact,even UCR members are realizing that how their own govt fooled them into believing this and are now joining abandoning the hermit kingdom to join the Elesufis to defend an ally who had helped them during the FAN war.



    To respond to all three of you...


    I was just trying to be positive. I honestly couldn't careless what happened. I was/am busy dealing with other things that have to deal with my alliance. I just tried to post as neutrally on it as I could without overly taking a side since my alliance leader has decided we'd stick beside UCR. I have friends on both sides of the split, and overall it's kinda disappointing to see DL split but it happens. If you would like for me to really post how I feel I can do that instead of trying to be understanding to both sides. 

  9. Exactly no one gives a flying $%&@ how many times so and so have been rolled. So really get your head out your ass and stop implying such. Saxasm had a good point you mentioned ten rollings in x amount of global wars I don't really see that. He replied in a calm and collected manner to be honest a lot better then I am but I am fed up of the !@#$%^&*. You know as much as I know wars happen on bob because there is no other reason then they happen. It may result in NPOsphere being rolled, or NpOsphere being rolled or even AZTECsphere being rolled it's just the way of the world. Stop pretending you are so hard done by getting rolled all the time because news flash you aren't.


    welp..someone's drunk.

  10. this is an awful DoW. With the abilities of Elesufi Mystics at your disposal, you should have done better!

    All the best Atlas! Have fun!


    I didn't know if you were on or not :( I tried to look but couldn't find you.



    It's not so bad, once you get used to it. Right? :)


    (Besides, it's something like the royal road to power. I went from EZI to co-founding and then leading NoR. Ahhh....memories....)




    I had fun during the process.. I went from EZI to following Rey into nation suicides...then I saw the light. 

  11. Ok how about this let's see how atlas does against NPO, NG, NSO, INT, UMB, DBDC, DS and anyone else I might have forgotten and tell me how it works out for you.

    And as a side note don't lose that attitude it pushes you to do better witch is great.

    And another side note since I'm trolling you. Come at me bro.

    And another side note is for !@#$ and giggles


    I feel really bad for you if you took what I said seriously. 

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