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Sir Kiloist

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Posts posted by Sir Kiloist

  1. 11 hours ago, Galerion said:


    You really are inept if you don't understand the context that shaped that statement.


    Holy !@#$... I learn something new about myself everyday. 

    Though it probably says more about your ineptness to not be able to see I was clearly joking. I expect to much around here these days I suppose. 




    2 minutes ago, General Kanabis said:


    It is implied.

    Tbf, we're at war with The Legion and Lucius is only at war with logic, so it really wouldn't be a fair fight.



    Not sure where you get ""begging your allies not to intervene and Alexio to not drop you as a protectorate"


    I see him asking us (GATO) and Kashmir to allow him to hit your alliance without anyone other than the parties he outlined above being involved. Quite the spin job you put there. But hell I'm senile these days so who knows what you kids mean anymore.  

  3. 6 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:


    You have the dubious distinction of being the first GATO leader in history with only one brown team senator. Perhaps statements such as "punish the losers not at war" did not endear GATO's leadership to the producers of the brown team.




    Tywin I'm saying this as a friend. This much salt will kill you bro. It's not good for the heart.

  4. 4 hours ago, eejack said:

    No, Old Guard does not have a program of pumping up their upper tier nations through tech slaves nor have we built up our nations with land farming our own nations, we have been quite pedestrian in our nation building - fair tech deals with allies and others - putting our money and tech into the hands of friends in need.


    As a former Pacifican "tech slave".. The bondage is entirely voluntary and actually isn't a bad deal there are lots of benefits and perks in that line of work. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Alexio15 said:

    The offer was made here for all to see and I even quoted GG as the message. I said provide me with a list of nations needing aid and I shall organise it. No aid list came. There was also further mentions which again I highlighted GG and said provide a list and aid shall come. Again no list was provided. If they can't be bothered to do such a thing why should a big deal be made about it.


    I'm not going to waste my time doing something when a single request can't be followed. As for sending me a list of OoT nations you can gtfo if you think I'll aid you or your ****ant alliance. As for following me around trying to extort money and you denying it that's exactly what it seems like following me around in every thread on the matter. 


    As for me honouring my word I would have done it had the simple task I asked been fulfilled. I'm not going to go doing it myself when I have more important things to do. The whole point of a protector is to be there offer advice and guidance when needed and requested. Not to mention protection. It's not to run around and do everything for them because otherwise what is the point in them existing. 


    Plus not being funny if they was incompetent enough to not even do a simple request like that then good riddance to them. Complete waste of space and time if you ask me. Also before you try the oh what disrespect **** you can again gtfo because I quite frankly couldn't give a rat's ***.


    Just yell stranger danger and blow your whistle 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Banned said:

    We didn't expect anybody to take in a nation at war with us without talking to us about the situation first. 


    But hey, ours is the only side that should follow protocol and extend professional courtesies right?


    You talk out of both sides of your face a lot.


    Woah Banned don't use logic it'll confuse him apparently. 

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