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Sir Kiloist

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Posts posted by Sir Kiloist

  1. 1 minute ago, Horatio Longworth said:


    Obviously, the attorney for the defense didn't provide the proper coaching.


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    Should have stuck with the experts!



    41 minutes ago, AlmightyGrub said:



    Lawyers don't feel the need to take the 5th, they think they are clever enough to talk their way out of the situation....kind of how Aurelius is now.


    Deny everything, demand proof, make a counter-allegation.  It is the way we should all live our lives.



    Oh the lawyer side... Idk.. I trust Saul. I just prefer you know.. Not to get in trouble xd

  2. bannergato.png



    So our elections just ended - This is going to be an extremely interesting time. Clearly, the tequila and non-stop partying got to us this go because there is literally no excuse for the results of said election. We actually realized we were doomed from the start and gathered at a bar to watch the results roll in.


    We take this time to formally apologize for such a mistake. In fact, we can verify this was our reaction the moment that we realized the joke went to far. Also since I am terrible at formatting these things... We apologize for that too.





    The Results:

    Assembly Chairman - Sir Kiloist tequila-cat-cuca-montoya.jpg

    Deputy Assembly Chairman - Alexio15 17hk0w.jpg


    Minister of Foreign Affairs - Crv24 BsiKA5MIQAAET7A.jpg


    Minister of Domestic Affairs - Overlord Wes sexy-cat_o_2894867.jpg


    Minister of Defence (note the correct spelling Yanks) - Tevron 49ef846dc93c67358f8133300c12ef92.jpg


    You thought we were terrible last time... Ha!


    We here at GATO are like 99.99999999% sure this election and announcement is a pretty valid CB. We’ve all bought 50 cruise missiles to ward off those evil doers.


    Below is a showing of our magnificent weapons testing





    P.S. We got some flak for a lack of Dre4m last time so we asked for him to make an appearance he simply responded, “Get off my lawn”.

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