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Vidarr the Terrible

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Everything posted by Vidarr the Terrible

  1. The crest of House Aumatir was barely a painted drawing on the archway to the Sealord's Palace. The words were a barely legible "For Iron and Silver", and you could make out scales hanging from a sword. No matter how many times it was repainted in a week, the salty sea air would weather it away. Vidarr was only two months into his rule, and even though his first task was to commission a banner for his "house", the painted banner was still a necessity. "My lord," one of his servants explained, "we have exhausted our resources. You are not recognized as nobility, so anyone of notable skill is refusing to make a banner. I apologize but..." "Relax, Jorei." Vidarr sighed and looked past the aging man through the front doors and out to the sea, seeing the blurry outlines of Westeros along the horizon. "Just...find the most skillful of the willing, and it will do. I am growing tired of seeing the painter slave over the palace walls every week, I'm sure he has more exciting things in his life." "My lord, working for the sea-" "No, I don't buy into the whole peasent-lord 'relationship', Jorei. I'm trying to run a successful trading empire here, not a despotic kingdom." A thought crossed his mind, imagining how other lords reigned over their people. To everyone but his trusted advisors and servants, he was an authoritative, decisive ruler. To those advisers and servants, however, he was a friend, an ally, someone that they could trust, as well as someone who could trust them. It was a far different scenario than the lords of Westeros. Maybe, he figured, that was why he would never be recognized as a noble. He dismissed Jorei to his task, and then left to find something to read.
  2. 40 years ago, Ralof Aumatir led a revolt against the then Sealord of Braavos, promising the people to install an elected council who would make decisions on behalf of the people. What Ralof did not tell them was that his word would trump all. Ralof had one son, Vidarr, who made it a point to study under the best instructors the city's money could buy. When Ralof died, he left the city a more than competent Sealord. Vidarr decreed that all lands North of the Altarian Empire belonged to Braavos, and has been slowly campaigning to make that official. Vidarr's enemies have given him the nickname Vidarr the Terrible, which Vidarr adopted as a tribute to the lands he conquered. Other than conquest, Vidarr focuses on keeping Braavos at the forefront of trade across the Narrows, along with minimizing the city's expenditures, except for his professional standing army, of course.
  3. Literally already claimed Braavos dude, soz. Lord of Braavos will be a deserter of the Wall, Vidarr the Terrible (tee hee).
  4. Government Reorganization After a joint session with key Representatives and Metropolitan Councillors, the Republic of California has agreed to change the duties and organizations of the elected bodies in a new resolution, signed by Chancellor Bogart and President Markir. I. The House of Representatives will henceforth be referred to as the National Assembly, and will be the primary legislative force in the nation. a. The people of California shall be represented by a ratio of 1 representative for every 150,000 citizens. b. All duties of both previous Californian Congressional Houses will be delegated to the National Assembly. II. The House of Councillors will henceforth be referred to as the Constitutional Council of California a. Their terms will be extended to ten years each, with unlimited terms allowed. b. Their duties will include the creation of laws, and discussion on the constitutionality, morality, and logicality of legislation. c. There will be one Councillor from each state, and one from each Metropolitan District. III. There will no longer be autonomy between states and districts a. All provincial, state, district, county, and city laws will be reviewed and formed into one unitary law for the Nation. IV. The San Fransisco Stock Exchange will no longer operate, and public trading of stocks and investments will be made illegal. V. All banks will be reorganized into the National Bank of California VI. All law enforcement officers will be reformed into the Californian National Police. VII. All state national guards will be reorganized into a Unitary National Guard. IIX. After a period no longer than one (1) year, the internal borders of California will be reorganized into smaller Provinces.
  5. Today, Google announced that they will be sending software to the Amazonians in order to help their cell phone program compete with the evil chin Lenovo.
  6. In my day we had to eat our way through the piles of the terminated pregnancies of our mothers in order to gain the right to live.
  7. Updated. Triyun I did not deliberately do those things, so don't get all belligerent thinking that I did. I've discovered an issue with my system of protectorate marking, in that it can sometimes have some pixel casualties, such as accidentally coloring some territories in the color of the outline. So, I'm not going to do that to protectorates anymore. I won't erase them off the map as they are, but I won't make those things anymore.
  8. Californian Election Results - Fourth Government of California Third President of California Sylvester Markir of the Distopyan Party did as expected and swept the popular vote, gaining presidency despite the Third Congress' best efforts. One of his more important campaign points was that his grandparents told him the stories of growing up in the Distopyan Republic of Norsvea. Fourth Californian Congress To our surprise, the Green Socialists did the exact opposite of what we expected, but to our credit, nobody could have expected what happened during elections. Several members of the Distopyans, Green-Socialists, and the CPRP were already members of Chancellor Bogart's Unitarian movement, and three weeks prior to the election, formed the Federal Reform Party, drawing members from nearly every competitive party. Combined with the liberalization of many TNP members into the Urban Republican Party, the FRP swept the elections. It should be noted, though, that the Old Federalist Party, which barely clings to relevance, recieved a general popular vote that would have given them 10 seats, if California ran off Mixed-Member. Federal Reform Party - 216 seats Distopyan Party - 99 seats Urban Republican Party - 67 Seats Progressive Reform Party - 59 Seats Green-Socialist Party - 28 Seats House of Councillors Chancellor Bogart's Unitarian movement seems to have swept the Upper House, with nearly all members except for the conservative members from the Los Angeles Metropolitan District. Still, having 9 seats short of a unanimous petition is enough to start a constitutional reform. Some conservative pundits are counting down the years to the Californian Average Mortality age of 86, reporting 34 years left of Distopyan tyranny.
  9. Californian General Election Season Beginning The Third Californian Government is coming to a close, and the Fourth government is soon to be elected. There are a number of major issues that are being debated, with the public eye on the ending of semi-autonomous state governments, and reigning them into a sort of unitarian government. These elections expected to be influenced by the recent protests and outrage over the year-old documentary about stateside life. Many stateside governments see that the end of lax federalization is imminent, with more government regulation coming in. That said, it looks like the Cascadian Green-Socialists are poised to take the government, according to our political speculation expert.
  10. What nation name, what color You can't have the color black, because borders are black. Do you want a different color?
  11. Can someone link me to what they are in here? I don't want to hunt through the thread.
  12. If enough people want me to remove it from the map, I will, and if Triyun wants to, just mark it as red like the Shahdom of Timur, or the French Confederacy, or the Greenland protectorate that was managed by Kankou. Also, map update will come in a couple days. I'm away from my main computer right now as I'm visiting Seattle.
  13. Updated. Costava I'm going to have to wait for a confirmation from Centurius.
  14. Although the Tahoe Catholics in California did not recognize the Roman Pope, they joined the Roman Catholics of California in the mourning of a Catholic leader.
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