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Vidarr the Terrible

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Everything posted by Vidarr the Terrible

  1. Breaking News: Protests in Spokane Spread to Other Major Cities, Some Escalate into Riots Yesterday, Commerce Police in five states were deployed to protests in full riot gear in order to detain all protestors and enact a curfew upon key cities. During the course of a few hours, the protests became full-blown riots, which saw state defense forces pitted against rioters in a so-far non-violent conflict. The events in question, which happened at roughly the same time, are as follows: Commerce Police employed Water Cannons with trace amounts of Pepper Spray against protestors, according to federal investigators. Some black-bloc protestors set fire to a Chamber of Commerce building in Salt Lake City. The Californian Army was deployed outside of a few major state-cities to enforce constitutional law. The rioting began in the cities of Spokane, Salt Lake City, Cruachan, Reno, and Kamloops. Protestors donned masks, concealing clothing, and took to social networking sites in order to organize destructive force against their "oppressive" state governments. The governors of Palouse, North Columbia, Emerald, Tahoe, and West Basin petitioned Shasta City to assist with the Californian Army. However, due to federal protocol, the request was denied. Commander-in-Chief Gonzalo Travieso issued this statement, "Californian Military protocol is very clear on how we deal with civil or criminal epidemics that occur within the jurisdictions of the states. Because the constitution is very states-rights heavy, but also voluntary, states must forfeit full control of investigation and criminal proceedings to the Californian Military. Barring that, we can only become involved if these emergencies become violent." Shasta City, for the most part, has not announced whether they are for or against the protests, but a Public Relations Officer has issued a statement that the government wishes that both sides will, "keep their heads on right," and, "not do anything stupid". However, a few individuals in the House of Councillors say that they hope the rioters overthrow the state governments and their, "childish anarcho-capitalist pipe dreams".
  2. I'm agreeing with Tanis on this one (although I'm not entirely sure of the OOC metagame).
  3. The government of California is confused by the recent turn of events, and would like to see a reason for this seemingly unprovoked and asymmetrical attack against this nation.
  4. Palouse Government Under Pressure Following Scathing Documentary Although most Business Associations wanted Upward Mobility banned from all stores and televisions in Palouse, the state government had no constitutional or legal grounds to censor the documentary, especially as the presentation was played daily on East Cascadian Broadcasting (ECB), which remains under Federal jurisdiction. The documentary caused citizens of Palouse, as well as a few other states along the Rocky Mountains, to create government services and stricter labor regulations. Additionally, people were driving all the way from Seattle and Portland to Spokane in order to protest the state government for allowing these injustices to occur. The protests became riots after Enforcers attempted to scatter them for Vagrancy, which can apply to anyone who does not have adequate accommodations within a city, under many Chamber of Commerce laws. The conflict became more aggressive, starting with a series of death threats to Wolfe, the director and presenter of the documentary. Wolfe posted these letters online, and although they were anonymous, rioters pegged the mob-like Corporate Associations, and began setting fire to their headquarters. Fortunately, Spokane was as bad as the rioting got. President Lovell, when asked about the documentary and the riots, had this to say, "While it would make me the happiest man in the world to do something about it, Congress is constitutionally bound, and we cannot touch matters of the states. It would take the state governments themselves to do something, just like The Gorge did. And, if we tried to change the constitution, we would have states threatening rebellion." Grand Chancellor Bogart had a differing opinion, "Forget the state governments and their pithy rebellions. If I had the authority I'd round up the troops and send them into the capitals, round up those 'cartel' leaders and cement shoe them in Puget Sound, and you can quote me on that. The problem with the west is that you've got rational people collecting in population centers, and idiots collecting out where "big government can't touch their stuff". Making the education reforms only apply to Metropolitan districts was a mistake, but we had to do it to get the state reps in line with it. Unfortunately the cities keep getting smarter, and the states keep their wage slaves dumber." Comments - 564 (Showing Top 2) - Read All libertylover1832 chancalor blowhard just wants us all under a commie dictatorship like all the other leaders fuck him & his house of farys NORTHWEST FRONT 20XX 3 - 54 ccwhite253 (reply to libertylover 1832) It's faeries*. Go back to polishing your penis replacements...oops I mean gun collection. 79 - 22 worldpeace. Can our Chancellor get any cooler? I'd let him be our dictator. 115 - 72
  5. Chapter 4: The Last Straws Fire woke the Varnham residence this morning. Someone had lit ablaze their front lawn, dry from the summer heat. It took two hours for Max and Darryl to stamp out the fire, and when they did, their front yard was just dirt and patches of blackened grass. We arrived as quickly as possible to see if we could help. "This was the association's fault, I just fucking know it, Darryl," Max said in anger as he sat on the curb, facing away from his destroyed lawn. "We don't know that for sure, and we won't because you didn't call the Fire service." Darryl was pacing up and down the cracked sidewalk. "Too expensive, you know we can't afford another 999 call this month, and they wouldn't have showed up until the entire house was burned down anyway." Palouse is one of the more terminal examples of an anarcho-capitalist ideology at work. There are three fire companies in the city of Spokane. All three of them are A or B rated by the Chamber of Commerce, and a call to 999 will let you pick one of their services. Unfortunately, the workers are underpaid and under-appreciated, leading to horrible service for most, and a high turnover rate for all of the emergency service companies leads to a barely-trained response team and Entrepreneurs unwilling to invest in employees who will statistically leave in six months. The bad news that day continued when the Neighborhood Association called and charged the Varnham household with a fine for not maintaining their lawn properly, as no other lawn caught fire but theirs. We won't state the amount of the fine, but it was enough to wipe out the entire family's funds, including Darryl's, who recieved some bad news of his own. "What's that you're holding, Darryl?" The camera zooms in on an open letter. "My response letter from Seattle Metropolitan University." Excitedly, he opens it. "Mr. Varnham, we thank you for your application, but due to your PUP performance we cannot accept you at this time..." We turned off the cameras at that point and left. We conducted one last Q&A with Darryl, outside of the CRRS Station in Spokane. He seemed angry and determined, with a large backpack and a pocket full of cash. He had a pretty thorough rant to share with us. "I don't have to take this shit, you know. My parents are non-stop berating me for not getting into college, like it was my fault. I've been working 80 fucking hours a week trying to make enough money to go to work and save up for school, and bust my ass in the books and in the classroom trying to get into it. They don't fucking know, you know? And now, for all my work I get fucking fired and rejected from school. Why is all this happening? Because my dad and mom didn't want to make new friends in a new place, especially Seattle. They 'don't like the urban trash' of the big city. Fuck that. I know I'll get better treatment as a street urchin in the city than as a slave here in Palouse. I'm not fucking taking this goddamned state anymore. It's bullshit. I can at least stay at a shelter, study, retake my University Aptitudes, and try again. At least I'll be able to get a good job, healthcare, and some decent food." Before he got on the bus, he shared one last message that we've been prevented from showing in this film due to Federal Law. However, we hope Darryl has a better life in Seattle, and we hope that he catches up with us later once his life is on track. For Seattle Metropolitan News, I'm Wolfe Giles. Roll Credits.
  6. The Republic of California extends its recognition to Great Britain, and congratulates Prime Minister Clarkson on his victory.
  7. Updated. If anyone is cool with me erasing all the pixel islands off the map, let me know, because I'm halfway about to do that.
  8. Chapter 3: The Economic Ceiling At the age of 15, Darryl is approaching the age where he needs to get a job and a car to function like a regular adult. We set him up with a hidden camera and a wire as he went into various job interviews, which accounted for maybe 20% of the applications he filed. We chose one to effectively illustrate what Darryl's life is like as a Federal Aid Recipient, or as the children his age call them, FARies (pronounced like faeries). Interviewer: "Come in, Mr. Varnham, have a seat, please." Darryl sits. "So, why would you like to work for [name removed]?" Darryl: "I want to be a part of a friendly atmosphere, work hard, and give guests the best service anyone can give." Interviewer: "Well, your resume states that you're going to the Spokane Federal PUP, which doesn't give any of our required work experience. Do you have any outside work experience?" Darryl: "No, sir. This is my first time applying for jobs." Interviewer: "Well, I would recommend that you get some experience before applying for jobs, as most employers around here don't want to teach you how to be a proper employee." Darryl: "But, si-" Interviewer: "I'm sorry, but the positions we have require experience. Thank you and have a good day." Three interviews go the same way, until Darryl gets a job at an unrated grocery store at the opposite end of town. However, because the store is unrated, business is extremely slow, and Darryl doesn't have many paid hours, forcing him to work as much as possible, and his grades suffer as a result. However, he figures he only needs six months of experience before he can start applying for better jobs. The state of Palouse has allowed businesses to have their employees work "unpaid" hours, where they work and can collect state benefits if they're eligible (most of the time they're not, if they're working for an unrated or F-rated business). This is only allowed if the business makes less revenue than a number set by their charter. As you may have predicted, employers continued to make up excuses when Darryl went back to looking for new work after his six months were up. We have found that employers outside of the Metropolitan districts have their way of keeping out Federal influence, and that is by barring anyone who receives federal aid like the person is a leper.
  9. Because I messed up and didn't deselect them when I was trying to do the border thing. It's an easy fix though, thanks for pointing it out.
  10. Chapter 2: The Enforcers "My name is John Jansen, and I'm a former enforcer of the Salt Lake City Commerce Police." The Enforcers are the private police force for the "Associations". Officially, they are put in place to settle civil disputes, and commercial crime. They are mostly made up of detectives, but in the past few decades they have been adding more traditional police forces to their ranks to enforce laws that aren't covered by federal statutes. "What were your usual arrests made of?" "Uh...well vagrancy for one, a business would see a bum shitting on, pissing on, sleeping on, or even just begging for money on their "liability square". They'd call 111, report it, and we'd come down and remove them." "What do you mean remove them?" "Next question." What Mr. Jansen doesn't know, or just chooses to ignore, is that most of the population knows what they mean by "remove". It depends on the business rating and the city. In Spokane, A or B businesses can have a clean up crew come in, throw the offenders in a Police Truck to be taken away from town, burn their belongings, and have the area cleaned up. For C Businesses, police will come and just evict the offender from the property, usually by throwing them into the street, or into the liability zone of an F-rated or unrated business. Mr. Jansen's interview was cut short after we asked about other things we know the enforcers do. He declined to answer any more questions and ordered us to leave his house, threatening to dial the enforcers. However, after an interview with various citizens around Spokane, here are some things we know the enforcers to have done. Intimidation of Federal Aid recipients, Over-patrolling of federal buildings, and Harassment of unrated or F-rated businesses. We interviewed Darryl during the second year of his Pre-University Program "So, Darryl, have you experienced any kind of different treatment from the other people at school?" "No, not really, I don't think I had anything out of the ordinary." Silence for a moment. "I mean, I did wish I was going to a commercial school for a while, like for Boeing, because at least then I wouldn't have to have dealt with the checkpoints around my school." "From Californian police?" "No, no. The Feds pretty much stayed around the state schools, but they didn't really harass anyone, they just kind of watched. The enforcers, they set up huge, like, almost military checkpoints around school. They search random cars, I get searched around twice a semester, looking for drugs or whatever. They're not very good at it, though. "Why not?" "I've had weed in my car many times. You know in those twist-off cans? Yeah. They're not very bright." "Darryl, do you ever think they're looking for other things?" "Like what?" "Well, the states have a major conflict with the federal government over aid and federal services. They could have been looking for evidence to put your family on a list."
  11. Done and Updated. Also fixed the problem I had with the map. Protectorates should look cooler now.
  12. The Republic of California extends its recognition and warm regards across the border.
  13. This. I hate all of this ganging up on every single new person that wants to RP some really big or fascist or antagonistic government, and then demonizing them OOC. Not everyone who comes in all high and mighty IC doesn't need to be cut down to size OOC. This is the sole fucking reason CNRP is "dying", because 75% of all new people get attacked OOC.
  14. I'm gonna need a better request than that. Either draw me a picture or give me a basic description of the land (and optionally the color) you want.
  15. Updated. I tried to do the outline, but I ended up screwing up all the colors (my photoshop is very touchy). I'm gonna see if there are other ways I can do it.
  16. Next map update, I'm going to do something for protectorates to make them easier to manage, like making a small outline within the border. Example:
  17. Chapter 1: A Political Struggle In school, Darryl had a more traditional education program. He and an estimated 40% of school children like him take a lecture-format education, where they enter a classroom, receive multiple examples of the concepts the lecturer is teaching. Afterwards, the children are assigned homework which lets them practice the concepts they've learned in school. Of course, many of Darryl's friends are in differing education programs. For those of you not aware of California's education programs, I'll give a brief explanation. There is a Montessori method, where children are encouraged to explore concepts on their own, either with computers or objects around the classroom. There is a teamwork method, where students work in small or large groups to learn concepts, standing on each others strengths and pulling up each others weaknesses. There is also a single-tutor option, where qualified instructors are assigned to a single child throughout the 16 years of their basic education. Children can be switched from program to program easily, and for the most part, they have the same rate of higher-education-advancement. Outside of school, though, Darryl faces the pressures of Spokane's pro-labor society. Children who ar
  18. Hello, my name is Wolfe Giles, reporter for Seattle Metropolitan News and director of two other documentaries: The San Fransisco Scam and A Brief History of North America. 31 Years ago, a child was born to Max and Amalia Varnham, two lower-middle class individuals in the city of Spokane. They had moved to the city when it was the capital of the Republic of Cascadia. Max was a Sergeant in the Cascadian army during the war with Ouragon. Almost nine months to the day his service ended, a child named Darryl was born into the family, followed a few years later by his younger brother and sister, Sylvester and Erika, both twins. When the capital of Cascadia moved to Portland less than a year later, Amalia lost her government job, as the family couldn't move due to Max's then lucrative position as a Solar Farm Engineer. The family continued to stay solidly in the middle class, and Darryl was doing alright in public school. Five years later, Cascadia and the Californian protectorate reorganized into the Republic of California, and over the next three years, the Distopyan Ideology took over. Soon, all intellectual capital was concentrated on the seven Metropolitan Districts, and income inequality became a rapid problem, due to Palouse's relatively Libertarian-Capitalist state government. Max became less of an engineer and more of a maintenance man, and saw a reduction in pay come with it. Spokane became two different cities: the rich suburbs, and the extremely poor urban areas (save for the financial district). Before the family even realized what was happening, they became too broke to move to Seattle. Unlike his siblings, Darryl was lucky enough to get placed into a Distopyan Public School, meaning he was in the running to be selected for higher education in the Metropolitan Districts. However, various social and economic pressures would plague his rise out of the "ghetto" of Palouse State. This is the story of Darryl Varnham's struggle, and the struggle of many other Californians living outside of the safe Metropolitan Districts. I will be uncovering the various glass ceilings put in place by State governments and businesses, and the ignorance of the Californian House of Councillors to these issues.
  19. This argument is done. Take it to the CNRP OOC thread because it has ceased to be a map issue as of now.
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