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Everything posted by Eddard

  1. While we wait on the screencaps, we can discuss history. NPO, you held the LUE accountable for the actions of ONE MEMBER. Who posted a FILTHY, DISGUSTING thread on the forums that NOBODY condoned. We didn't think it was funny, yet you had the gall to attack us anyway. And the entire WORLD allied and defeated you. Yaridovich was a filthy nation who had no business being a part of us. So maybe you can answer for that debacle? Or perhaps the time you decided that red wasn't enough for you, you had to control blue too? So you IMPERIALIZE and COLONIZE the blue sphere by forcing the NpO down NAAC's throats. But go dforbid that VE try to set up a black sphere colony!
  2. They're on the old INIATAITVE forums. I need one of you loyal, anti-initiative friends to go get them. We can expose even more of their crimes through this
  3. Friends, A study of the history of the bob reveals a startling change: we have been losing players for quite some time. Why is this happening you ask? Where is the cause? I implore you to look at the DATA, the numbers that show us what is oging on. To ignore them is to doom this game. We can see the MAJOR drop off happena round the time the initiative (NPO) conqured the world and started gang attacking alliances, sometimes as much as 20 to 1. This causes many gropus of playser like the FAN to leave because they are sick of waht is happening. My alliance the NAAC was forced to disband along with many others. We carefully study our history to produce these results and come to the conclusion, that NPO and the initiative are responsible for ruining this game. I represent the many who left because of this. I amo nly here to force a reckoning of their crimes. NPO, I hope you can rest with the knowledge that your bullying tactics resulted in people LEAVING because everything htey loved abotu the game was destroyed. When the time comes, we can RESET the game with new alliances and make it fresh again.
  4. I see. So you admit to NPO's wrongdoings and atrocities? It doesnt matter what year they occured in, it harmed many people and we demand that you answer for them! If you refuse I will RELEASE the screencaps!.
  5. The pinks do exist. Many of the Europeans that yousee featured in movies were not so white as they would have you beleived. Just look at Einstein's wife, a jewish negress.... A mother lovingly craddling her PINK child... Abraham lincoln was a melungeon, he BLACK... I have discussed this before... or wereyou not paying attention?
  6. So the cowards finally come out of the woodwork to show themselves. Let's see how they answer for their crimes!
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutions_of_1848 According to a Wikipedia article about THE FINAL REVOLUTIONS and THE SPRINGTIME OF HUMANITY, in 1848 the 97 percent majority in all of Europe were given political rights and men were given universal suffrage. I believe this 97 percent majority were the pink Europeans. The 3 percent minority were the nobility and the bourgeoisie. They were descendents of the founders of Europe, who came from North Africa after the ice had melted 45.000 years ago. The pinks came around 3000 BC from Central Asia, and were never considered true Europeans; and were not given citizenschip by the Greek elite. They were the BARBARIANS, PARIAHS AND PLEBS OF EUROPE TILL 1848. In 1848 they were allowed to vote and voted revolutioniry governments in power. Those decided that all portraits of the ancien regime, the brown and black masters, had DARKENED and were in need of a RESTORATION. So, they over painted the hell out of them and the figures emerged as pink people. 1 So this is why it seems there are no Black inventors because they were turned pink, and you can still see this if you see these paintings. Its like a black person wearing pink or beige make up. 2 There were engravings made from these portraits as soona sthey were made for reproduction and sale and these negravings still show the black complexion. 3 many of these persons who became famous have biographies and on the first page is written how they looked and they are all described as brown and black of complexion. Washington was of a mulatto complexion. He was not pink. 4 Many pink people do not know that if a black family marries pinks over four generations, they will be all pink, but still have the name of the black ancestors. I wonder if any of you actually spoke to a BLACK person ever. Hereby I answered the serious questions in my first thread that is closed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutions_of_1848 I suggest the true students of history read this article to understand what I am talking about. All knowledge is acquired and none of you was around in 1848 to know if the masters were pink of Blacks. I attempt a reconstruction based on not portraits alone. ANTHONIE VAN LEEUWENHOEK WAS A BLACK NEGRO AND INVENTED THE MICROSCOPE. hE WAS A CITIZEN OF DELFT AND SOLD WOOLLEN CLOTH FOR A LIVING. NOT A SLAVE BUT A MASTER
  8. Miseducated friends, History as you have been taught and known it is mostly lies. On the surfaces, dates and major events are truth but THE REASONS they occured are not whay you thihnk. Why has this elaborate shroud been thrown over our eyes? That is what this blog intends to discover. Join me in my resaerch as I delve into the deep questions of history and we try to solve them, and maybe one day determine just who is reposonbible for the poor state of history education. (Hint: the educators themselves were miseducated)
  9. It matters not what year it is. History is a continuing flowing sequence of events, not marred by any kind of timeline you are trying to force on it. The events we are speaking of continue to this day, even now, history is beind made. The Armenian genocide occured a hundred years ago, but that doesn't eman we dont talk about it anymore. Where are the NPO apologists? IS your propaganda mchine really this lazy? I see you have grown far too comfortable in your hubris.
  10. Dilber, Ivan Moldavi, are you ready yet to defend your heinous transgressions? Trotskysrevenge, where are you now to pump out your propaganda? Or will you all continue to ignore my arguments? Silence is just another form of assent.
  11. I find it itneresting that NPO has quietly refused to address my arguments. That's fine, ignore me, ut dioesnt make you right.
  12. Where is the moral indignation at the atrocities committed by the NPO since their first inception? I fought in the GWI, the war that we all realized.
  13. Yes congratulations you cowards. 12 years built on a legacy of cruelty, hatred, and evil. Enjoy your celebration while you still can.
  14. We study history to learn, and improve, ourselves, and our alliances, and the cybververse. In our studies we have always noticed that the NPO inflicts the cruelest, most inhumane punishments on its conqured foes. What iare these punishments you ask? It is simple. Most aliances, having declared their victory, simply ask for reparations. The most honorable alliances (such as those of the CoaLUEtion) ask only for an apology and peace to the turmoil. But no, glory hogs such as the NPO and their lackeys have to drag defeated alliances and countries through the mud for months and even eyars on end. Unconcianable reparations are demanded, to include cash and even tech! But these atrocities do not stop there. No, the NPO has to install a "viceroy" (an evil dog sicced at the defeated alliance, like a brokena nd defeated man who is to then be ripped to shreds by his victorious opponent). Waht is the function of this facetious demon you ask. It is to go OFF SITE, in a CLEAR VIOLATION OF THE TERMS OF SERVIC, and install himself as the DCITATOR of the defeated alliances' forums. He then takse complete controlo f tthis alliance (for however long the NPO decides, the victim has no right to negotiate here) and effectively runs it into the dir tby forbidding new recruits and enforcing ridiculous repayments to the NPO. These villians also took care to post the REAL LIFE video of a gentleman who was also wronged by the NPO. This is the lowest of th elow that has been sunken to, by Pacifica, or any other: So I ask you, at what point do the atrocities stop? Can we really sit by while innocent players have their personal information and images plastered everywhere for the NPO's entertainment? This is how NPO amassed their vast fortune. So do not look to them with admiration, look to them in horror as you ralize that their #1 position comes from fighting unfairly (using spies) and by completely ravaging defeated alliances. What is astonishing is that these acts are permitted to continue. When will the cybververse learn its lesson????
  15. My noble and wronged friend, this goes farther back than GW2. Even in GWI the treachery of NPO was just beginning. They first had the audacity to move their pwer hungry gang from nation staates and unfairly build a massive power base in this cybverse. Sure, they were willing to have "peace" with GATE and the the others but not with NAAC. NAAC was just their first punching bag. What amazes me is that nobody has stood up to these criminals and called them out for their many wrongs over the years. And how dare they bring their gang of hoodlums from one game into this one to achieve a selfish and unfair advantage over those of us who built our alliances from the ground up.
  16. I just happen to be the most visible leader of this movement. I represent the hunrrdeds that were wronged by the initiative.
  17. For my part, I was ruined by the thugs that call themselves the initiative. We can't bring back what was lost, only hope to make amends for the catastrophes that happened. ODN, Legion, NAAC, and everyone else fought valiantly but beacuse of the NPO spies and traitors they were outmatched. How can yoy enjoy a game when every part of what you loved about it was destroyed by a single evil organization.
  18. Enough of your inane prattling. This discussion is not about fission or boiler rooms, it's about the atrocities committed by the NPO and how they can repay. There was an offer of reparations. That is a good start seeing as how the ASTRONOMICAL reparations were forced on the defeated AEGIS. The AEGIS suffered 22 million NS loss following GWIII. Countless other non-affiliated nations, and that's not counting everyone else who have suffered. So we'll round that up to 50 million NS unless the NPO accounatans can come up with a different figure (I suspect they will have a very hard time doing this). We can figure 1 NS point to be worth about $100,000 in CN cash, so we can start the reparations at $5,000,000,000,000 (att his point in time this should be no proelm for ones so "great" and shrewd as the Pacifica) I am charging the NPO recruiters with tracking down former AEGIS and CoaLUEtion members who were wronged. In addition, the members of FAN and the OBsidian Entente that were destroyed. The screencaps will be released if NPO refuses. You can start making the payments to me, I'll dole them out as I see fit because I too am owed a part of this great debt. This game was once great before the destruction of MY alliance and MY nation, and it is time for NPO to pay back what is owed.
  19. My friend, the purpose is to completely annihilate the NPO. To force them to suffer what they forced upon so many innocents. I need individuals to head up the following counterattacks: NpO GGA TOP GOONS CIS FAN (These members get special consideration!!!) Genmay The GGA m MDC MCXA TPF VE /b/ is welcome NoR is excluded for obvious reasons!!!
  20. Former FAN members will be redirected and given special treatment, due to the cowardly betrayal of NORDREICH (another group of NPO boot lickers)
  21. Cybernations, I've spoken often of the transgressions against common decency that we ALL have suffered due to the NPO and their cronies. The truth is that NPO does not care about world unity. The thugs and IOs who have run this despicable organization from the bginng claim to care about "peace, order" but this is BLINDING the FOOLS that cohabit this verse with them. The truth is they care only about themselves and how much pleasure they can get from maniupulating well meaning alliances. The PROOF is that none of the WUT alliances once alied with them remain allied with them- how can we forget the UNFAIR and IMMORAL destruction of the OBSIDIAN ENTENTE, the UNJUST WAR AGAINST VE, the BETRAYAL of ODN BY THE GOONS. HOW COULD YOU HAVE LET THIS HAPPEN. How dare you take your place in the verse, building your infrastructure and alliances, without holding the people who ruined it accountable. The time for action has come. The WORLD UNITY TREATY is coming back in the way it was meant to- starting with the new NPO, lead by myself. We are in the process of reviving those alliances that were ocne NPOs closest friends. NPO, the ghosts of the past haunt you and they have come to take their vengeance. I hereby proclaim the declaration of the NEW PACIFIC ORDER (WUT) and the THE INITIATIVE. NPO can now suffer the humiliation that was so wrongly forced on so many noble alliances that now lay dead. I hope you enjoy your new viceroy.
  22. No, you don't get to claim non involvement as an excuse! YOU are aware of their actions! You must suffer for them.
  23. History as we know it is a series of event that must be studied, to produce tangible effects. We make our prognoses based on what we have seen in the past. And we hold people ACCOUNTABLE for their past actions. The NPO's atrocities are numerous, as we can all agree. What we can't agree on, these cybernations nations, is that the NPO is RESPONSIBLE for the destruction of many nations/alliances/NAAC. In the aftermath of the "THIRD GREAT WAR" the NPO claimed total victory of the bob. but this was not enough for theM: their treachery knew no bounds, and by forcing one half of the world into an unhappy alliance and humiliating the other half, their remaine donly the PEACEFUL GUARD. The GUARD were interested only in building a ns, but no, NPO IMEEDIATELY plots against them and their destruction. I have the screencaps. NPO, you can't lie your way out of this one. The most disturbing thing is that they are still permitted to own their lofty position. I will begin organizing the WUT, the WORLD UNITY TREATY, to turn on the NPO what was once their greatest source of power. Those who claim to have done nothing wrong, are nothing but bystanders that permitted evil to continue. These individuals will be dealth with also. And then YOU will know the taste of humiliation. The ridiculous reparations and ILLEGAL VICEROYS that were shoehorned down innocent alliance's throats. The GOONS the accomplices will get a taste of their own IMMORAL raiding.
  24. This HEGEMONY, the NPO, must be held accountable for their atrocious actions throughout the years. Why are they still the major power in this, the world? Who is responsible for their rise to power? The answer is the gang of crooks that has run this organization since its inception, and a weak cybernations that have allowed the NPO to do what it wants while never holding them accountable. Why does one alliance get an entire trading sphere to itself? Hear me, those who are ready to start the resistance against this foul empire. A reign is only a reign so long as an ILLUSION of power is maintained. The Vox Populi will not allow this to continue... MORE to come...
  25. We study history to see the reason behind these wars. The tragedy, of MH17 can't be understated. Who is responsible? We need to hold the state of the Netherlands responsible for their atrocity. Where is the force behind the UN? Where is the moral indignation> These events are allowed to happen to give RUSSIA the WAR that it desires. The stataed intention here, to destroy the Baltic states, and subject the MUSLIMS to the scapegoat experience.
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