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Everything posted by KenoCore

  1. Hmm. UCR aids a rouge/spy we are after UCR is attacking a spy. Maybe Kaskus should aid and protect the spy.
  2. Thank you for your concerns but no worries my great, Kaskus and SRA will be okay :). We are tough.
  3. Members represent your alliance. I learned this the hard way in CSN. If a majority of your vocal membership states publicly and privately you warred Kaskus because you were bored, expect to get a backlash. This sounds like protecting ( in the bold) OOC (maybe) it seems odd that two alliances if your coalition has aided him. Why anyone would want anything to do with him kind of shows how your alliances are. Clearly, you are hiding something. Something you should hope isn't forced out if we win. Personally I have no problems with Kashmir ( you can thank letter for that) but you, you I will do everything I can to make sure you get what you deserve. But this is the last bit of candy I'm handing out the rest is between me, a few others and Kaskus.
  4. Do micros even have tiers? Like Kaskus kind of is just one big blob of nations. I mean if that's the case out tier consists if two 200k+ nations. Fear our mighty upper tier!!!
  5. Um, your fellow membership literally just stated 5mins ago that you warred Kaskus because you are bored, your other member showed no interest in defending your CB, I have an in game message from another member of yours stating it was because you just wanted to war Kaskus. Stop saying its for NSO. It's not. It's for yourselfs. That was pretty much my entire point of posting here. No one has a right to say we have a tough fight until you are fighting a side 65x your own side. ( I think Pandora's box was 65 million NS) and being alone. But, no ones arguing your struggle but just as such trash talking a 7 v 2 doesn't really make you tough guys. @ghost You shouldn't fight wars you can't fight.
  6. A post you didn't cuss, I have to quote this. I like the pink elephant it's cute. Like Kashmir sweaters. Can we buy some in the destroyed cities for cheap?
  7. I completely respect that choice, but than why lie? But, because I always respect alliances that fight to fight here you go. o/ Kaskus o/ Kashmir The Kool Kids
  8. I like this guy ^ He doesn't cuss every two words But you can't honestly say DL and Kashmir aren't fighting Shangs war. Unless they blitz us sometime in round two, I think you got used. The main point I was trying to get at though is from what I've seen from DL and Kashmir and SL, you all seem to want to play a clean war. But, your CBs at least Kashmirs seems to say otherwise. I'm just curious on elaboration on Kashmirs true intentions. But it seems Helium answered that for you. To further this point Kashmir broke an agreement per war and aided a rogue Kaskus has been pursuing. Kashmir agreed no protection would be granted to Joland yet aids and plans to offer him membership (from what members in Kashmir has informed me with) But, don't think I'm giving Kashmir crap. Letterkenny made me love Kashmir. ( slightly ooc) All in all in a nutshell your coalition is hypocritical.
  9. Well, at least we have yet to ask an alliance to come fight our war for us. (SRA if I can recall willingly volunteered) You can't argue Shang and Kashmir didn't ask for help. Just above your friend explained " our top tier was busy" ( paraphrasing there)
  10. I am saying no one cares that Kashmir aggressively warred Kaskus, we welcome it. No one cares Java used an optional clause to war SRA, they welcome it. But, do not try to stand there waving the defense flag. Do not try and say Shang did not ask for this war in peace time. But above all man up, put your chips on the table and just admit Kashmir, Java, and DL are simply fighting Shangs war because they just have a problem with Kaskus. ( or because you are bored)
  11. I think we can argue Kashmir themselves just said they had no CB making them the aggressor. So please Java, declare proudly you warred a 8 man alliance 4x smaller than you. An alliance that already was fighting an alliance at the time 3x larger than it, and you used an optional clause to do it.
  12. Maybe, you should call your "friends" Shang to help or consider asking some of the Commies? Instead you pull the usual move from your side and instead of common sense throw money an nations in extreme excess at them. You almost are worse than GOONS calling in Pandora's box to fight a 1mil micro alliance. Also, if I may ask is your treaty with them a MDAP or an MDoAP? For the sake of the possibility of Java using the "optional" to war a 8 man alliance 4x smaller than them, I hope it's the MDAP.
  13. I think he is saying they carry little to no weight excluding the ambitions of a single nation.
  14. SRA was declared on by Java. It's getting close where the wars are going to be integrated into one big one.
  15. Might want to train UCR to buy GCs and Barracks before you go all "Kaskus" on an alliance. Prove yourself vs us. If UCR w/ allies can beat us maybe they can toe to toe with Int after this war.
  16. The Kashmir Coalition doesn't know how to fight so they call in people that do. *cough Ria* *cough NSO (most likely going to slip in after they lose)*
  17. This war has seen Warring for giggles. Sanctions. Attacking POWS Breaking agreements set before the war I don't think at this point anyone really needs a reason. But it's all personal I suppose. You didn't stagger me Kenny! I gotta take advantage of that!
  18. Uh oh. :o But on a side note you could have manned up and warred Kaskus. No need to hit little innocent SRA
  19. We can't look inside ourselves we are an empty void.
  20. It's all good RL > CN, no need to rush things. Clearly from my professional medical experience you mr are not eating enough honey.
  21. But we built all these re education camps :( . What will we do with them now :(
  22. Double standards are a no no DL.
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