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BillyBob Kenobi

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Everything posted by BillyBob Kenobi

  1. No environmentally-friendly "control their population with insect predators" option? For shame.
  2. No wonder the ants had their foraging parties out in force today; it looks like a full-scale war just started between them and that nest of fire ants under the rotten log. Ants themselves don't interest me much - they're barely even a snack - but pupae, or even queens.... I see opportunity here. Back later. *update* Success! By following the vanguard of soldiers, I made it into the hive and struck while the guards were preoccupied by my unwitting ant allies. The red queen was delicious. Current mood: well-fed.
  3. I know my limits. Taking out a full-grown mantis is a little beyond me, at least until my final molt. Once I can fly, things should be a little more even.
  4. We'll see how she likes it when I reach my seventh molt. Payback is hell.
  5. Spent the morning familiarizing myself with my new surroundings. The ants seem to be pretty busy today. Well, busier than usual; they are ants, after all. I shadowed a few of them just to get some idea of their regular foraging trails - I don't think I was seen. Finding a place to lurk was a bit tougher; there was a good spot near the anthill, but I didn't like that oh-so-convenient Jolly Rancher just sitting around waiting to be picked up. Had the smell of a trap. I dug in under some mulch on the far side of the hill, instead, where I would have a clear sight line. So far, no sign of pursuit from the mantis.
  6. After that close call with the preying mantis yesterday, I've decided to move on to less dangerous surroundings. I found a spot near this anthill; seems quiet enough for the time being. More tomorrow.
  7. We received the following message from Trowa, formerly of the alliance Illuminati: As neither Trowa nor the original recipient of the message have CN forum accounts, I am posting it on Trowa's behalf to satisfy the terms of surrender.
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