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Everything posted by NoMercy

  1. Doch, I don't think all treaty obligations are equal. For your theory to work, that would have to be the case, though. LoSS chose to go a shady way with over several oA clauses instead of honoring a defense obligation. That however doesn't answer the question if this bailing is justified or not. At this point, we probably agree with each other. With this move LoSS frees itself from being the meat shield people claimed it to be.
  2. It's called bailing out, not friendship. ;)
  3. No U. And what WC said. Seriously, we won't convince you anyway. Let's hope you can use this war to blow off some steam.
  4. It's kinda funny that no one wants to fight for or align with "Baghdad Buscemi" :P Have fun, MCXA.
  5. We can applause that. I think it's called irony. You call bassmann, probably the fattest anti commie in this world a commie - be it. Then we, the minions of the chief disciple are also commies. Like you, we defend our own, especially our leaders. No actually we are fulfilling a treaty obligation. The vote to hit you wasn't unanimous and most of our members hardly had any contacts with NOR whatsoever. To think we took this "cheap" opportunity to hit you, is wrong. There are some that disguise you guys but don't care enough and those who don't know you at all. This or that way, we are all ready to help an ally.
  6. Thank the Nazi-Commie Disciples of NORs Destruction. Always on for a good show. I am all for opening diplomatic channels with Nordreich. Just imagine what would happen on non regulated Forums. Bonertime for CommieCruncher.
  7. We don't have or support a senator. If Umbrella sanctioned your nations, they'll have a reason. You have made the dumb mistake to hit an ally of an ally. It's called cooperation and coordination during warfare. After all it's how this game works, if you like it or not. If you don't like it, however you can set the precedent and hit us after the war. I can't do more but keep inviting you.
  8. Yeah, we are already working on a virus that changes your government to communism and then deletes the "Edit my nation" button. Seriously get your head out of your .... . There is a difference between a game feature and the things you have listed. Personally, I am not a fan of sanctions and I doubt it was something planned by Umbrella. Edit: Is it fair to use nukes on non nuclear nations? Is tech raiding fair? No. So I'd like to see the alliances complaining about todays policies, to change theirs tomorrow. Will you stop tech raiding tomorrow, Buscemi?
  9. As long as it means to be hated by you, I'll gladly be a commie. Kinda sucks now, that commies kick you in the gut. Kinda sucks, that commies will decide about your surrender. :P
  10. You can come as NoR diplomat on our Forums (at least as long as you guys exist as an alliance) and go through our public discussion Forum. You will not find one post indicating racism. We have a politically neutral alliance theme that attracts people from all over the world, no matter what skin color or religion, can the same be said about your alliance? While I understand that one can be irritated about the names, we certainly won't take critique from filth like yours.
  11. The difference is, that you are using it as open provocation. Like Nazis usually do. Their choice of alliance (see above) indicates differently.
  12. Now we see your true face, it didn't take long, huh?
  13. I will just repeat what I said, hoping it'll finally reach you: We have not one post on our Forums indicating any form of racism. We are an international group of people, our leader is [ooc]jewish[/ooc]. So seriously, playing the Nazi card will not work, especially coming from a cult like yours. We don't worship to ambiguous signs. I really hope you outlast your surrender talks (which I doubt after this post), and I really hope that you guys knock on our door. But we both know it won't happen. The time you guys stood up for anything is over. Again: You are a wimp with a big mouth. Not more.
  14. Try annoyed. That works better. I knew Nordreich as a strong, proud fighitng alliance, standing up for whatever ideals (which again, I don't share), posting Declarations in a wrong but cute german. All Nordreich seems to have today are wimps like you.
  15. That's the part that's saved for your alliance in your war, but glad you asked. :)
  16. If "uncool" kicks your ass, I am perfectly fine with "uncool". I am not sure what you are attempting to claim, but I can assure you that everyone who knows us would laugh about the claim of being a Nazi-Alliance or racist of any kind. You can't deny that your theme attracts this kind of filth.
  17. On top of being dumb, your opinion has no relevance. I'd get your points if wars were fought for a week or if TOP were left alone on the battlefield. But neither is the case. It's comparable with crying about PM strategy. Pretty lame all around.
  18. You are a funny man. How's your damage control? http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/119107-non-grata-declaration-of-war/page-11
  19. Good luck to you, too kerschbs. We still love ya. :D
  20. Two wrongs don't make a right. He sure as hell can criticize them for this shit move. And I am saying that, supporting the same side. Hi kerschbs.
  21. I smell overestimation in this thread. It smells like pony poo.
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