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Vladimir Nikanor

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Everything posted by Vladimir Nikanor

  1. [quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1310103647' post='2752154'] Why do I still have the feeling that this isn't the last that we will see of TGE? [/quote] Because this world is far from ideal and flat out sucks?
  2. Is it legal to say I really did know about this a few days ago? Congratulations though! May this lead to a more powerful future!
  3. You claim our war effort is sad; but the only thing I'm seeing in here that's sad is that chart of yours. I'm talking about [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=410235"]this[/url] one.
  4. [quote name='Ezequiel' timestamp='1310090591' post='2751884'] It's great to see my former allies back. TGE was a great alliance, and I hope KW will be able to lead TGE back to the ranks of before and beyond. Ezequiel. [/quote] They disbanded; keep up with the times man.
  5. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1310071815' post='2751614'] Nice recruitment methods NoR, first act like you owned black sphere, then attacks and disband a new alliance [b]for no reason other than the fact they can't defend themselves[/b] and finally get the members of the disbanded alliance to join your alliance. Brilliant![/quote] Oh yeah; definitely the only reason.
  6. Merge please. Just do it. Consolidation is a good thing.
  7. Nordreich; join it. You won't be disappointed
  8. [quote name='The Mongol-Swedes' timestamp='1310067462' post='2751558'] The folly of empires. Always trying to claim the mantles from one another. Of course, anyone who takes the time to crack open a few history wikis, ask the principals involved what the real story is (while ignoring the emotional outbursts from the OWF bandwagoners), and other simple methods of self-education, can understand why Nordreich has such a huge issue with a TGE revival. Hell, I can understand why, even as someone who fought NoR 1.0 and its various degenerate incarnations before their present revival in the crucible of the KARMA War. The most important lesson that people can take away from this is that one must be ever so mindful of the history of our world, whenever you are considering anything from reforming alliances with troubled pasts, to speaking as an outsider from the sidelines in the peanut gallery; One can argue the validity of a point but, ultimately, it is our actions, past and present, that will win out in the end. Case in point: Nordreich sure had a hell of a legacy to make up for, and a lot to prove. And here they are, doing well, by most standards. I can safely say that whoever is principally behind the neo-TGE has come to the world stage with what some might consider a mediocre understanding of the real significance of reforming TGE. I would've suggested exploring diplomatic measures before making a grand announcement of the fact and failing to really grasp the kind of hard work it takes to build an alliance already tarnished nearly beyond redemption. The argument has been laid out in very clear terms by Nordreich as to their objections to this development. They are exercising their political will to exact those objections. There is nothing left to be said by anyone else on the matter, unless they should decide to declare their determined opposition to either the reformation of TGE (most likely by picking a raid target and having at it) or by the support of TGE's reformation either by joining their cause or exercising their will to stop the naysayers. Anything else really is a waste. [/quote] It's deep insight and understand like this that makes me happy to know I'm the Diplomat to the LSF. [size="1"]That and Aftalia's cakes.[/size]
  9. [quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1309999750' post='2750887'] So basically all you managed to do was call attention to poor AlgarWolf and the rest of the old TGErs still flying the AA and get them rolled. Fantastic. [/quote] Ain't that a b.
  10. Wasn't funny the first time, isn't funny this time, won't be funny when this happens again for real in about half a year.
  11. [quote name='Kaiser Wilhelm I' timestamp='1309997466' post='2750827'] [center][img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081222131836/cybernations/images/thumb/6/67/Wappen_Deutsches_Reich_-_Reichsadler_1889.png/125px-Wappen_Deutsches_Reich_-_Reichsadler_1889.png[/img] [size="4"][b]Final Statement Regarding The German Empire[/b][/size] Over the last 48 hours, I have come to understand a great deal about not only myself, but also this game. I've come to believe that right now, though as heartfelt and sincere as we might hope to be, is not the right time for a rebirth of The German Empire. It truly does sadden me to say it, however for the sake of the credibility, respect and future longevity of such a project it must be shelved for now. I know that at some point there will be an effort by a group of individuals as ardent a patriot as I. When that day comes, I will eagerly march alongside my brothers, and towards a brighter future, together. for now, let us all be content to let things lie where they may, if only for a brief period. I appreciate the support, and respect those who saw me as an "upstart". You cannot fault me for having a passion, or a dream. But I am not without reason, and I see now that this project not only was doomed for failure, but it was executed poorly. Determination and spirit will only carry a man so far. But without support, there is not much hope for a German Empire at this time. Thank you all. Signed, Wilhelm [/center] [/quote] Danke Schön. Your honor is appreciated. You know where to find us if it is a German Empire you would like to be a part of.
  12. [quote name='CrocodillyPontifex' timestamp='1309993196' post='2750779'] Whats worthless is your alliance's war effort. I have 4 wars with you people and you've yet to anarchy me. By any measure, that's just sad. [/quote] The two people you declared on are known for being ridiculously inactive. You had several others within range, but I see you didn't attack them. You went for the weak ones. But don't worry, you'll be feeling some Anarchism here in about 15 hours or so.
  13. [quote name='pd73bassman' timestamp='1309990491' post='2750738'] Your quote bomb failed to find anyone saying the word disband, please try harder [/quote] Agreed. All you did was mention articles of hostile intent. Which....we're not going to deny. Do we intend for them to disband? Not so much. In fact, speak to Wilhelm if you would like, but I had an enjoyable conversation with him last night with regards to his intentions. Honorable, sure.......but his timing and preparation were beyond terrible. I told him this, and I believe he agreed. If you read this Wilhelm, correct me if I am wrong.
  14. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1309937383' post='2750218']I like your line of thought: "We are not coward! We were just strategically afraid of lose our infra if we attacked when they could get some help!" [/quote] Once again, there's a difference between cowardice and strategy. People like you will find any reason possible to detract from our initiatives. The person we're at war with AGREES WITH OUR OFFENSIVE FOR $%&@'S SAKE. Now I'm finding out why nobody around here likes arguing with you. OOC: I've got work in the morning. I'm off. If you hate us, declare on us. If not, kick back and watch us. It's the only argument I need concerning this. Because if you're too cowardly to help out your buddies, you're no better than people you claim we are. Oh? What's that? You don't want to lose some infra? Aww, I swear that's your definition of Cowardly. Oh right, that only applies to people you don't like. Gotcha. You're another Jude Wanniski if I ever saw one. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1309937383' post='2750218']Pro-tip: Scream repeatedly "Get out of here!" will not make me disappear. [/quote]You figure out that phone number yet? It still applies.
  15. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1309936746' post='2750212'] We didn't attacked VE when they reformed, so I can't see your point.[/quote] Yeah, different point in time, but whatever; you're completely useless to argue with. You get an idea stuck in your head and I'd have an easier time loosening drive couplers than changing your mind. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1309936746' post='2750212']So why didn't you attacked TGE when they had allies? OH! May be you were too coward to do that...[/quote] Hey, check this out. There's this magical difference between the words "Strategic", and "Coward". But many a time, the words "Coward" and "Stupid" go hand in hand. We're not cowards, nor are we stupid. Hence the fact we're still around and we're keeping you up at night attempting to detract from our Affairs. You and the imbeciles that attempt to gain entry for nefarious means. What do you think we're retarded? Get out of here.
  16. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1309935998' post='2750201'] I'll not waste my time arguing with what you said since I fail to understand what VE or founding stuff has to do with anything that I said. [/quote] We're at odds with TGE because of things they did to us in the past. VE did ridiculous !@#$ to NpO in the past = Hey! Connection! Nordreich has a founding principal we would at least like to attempt to keep steady. This principal was destroyed by TGE's inability to retain honor amongst their Germanic brothers. Hey! Connection! Go detract elsewhere and stay out of Affairs. If you care about the way we do things, and would like to do something about it, either call 1-800-328-5669 or declare on us. Otherwise, the doors are behind you.
  17. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1309934194' post='2750187'] Don't you have some defenseless alliance to cowardly attack? [/quote] Ah, so when VE goes away, and they come back a few months later....no hard feelings right? You do NOT know everyone in the Nordreich, and unless you take the time to put away your ignorant inhibitions, you never will. Do not blanket our beliefs. Coming from an NpO member, I don't expect you to know what an Alliance with a Founding is. Strap yourself into a time-machine and hop off your Pedestal; you may learn something.
  18. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1309933493' post='2750181'] Is amusing to see this NoR acting like the first NoR, there are just two differences: The first one is that their enablers changed, the second difference is that instead of attacking leftists alliances, they are attacking other Germany themed alliances. In [b]all[/b] the others things they are [b]exactly[/b] the same. [/quote] Your blatant use of ignorant hyperboles baffles me.
  19. [quote name='General Milienius' timestamp='1309932182' post='2750161']NoR, I know you doing your thing but hey, maybe give him a chance to build this back up. Maybe they can be grand allies and like two parts that were once divided, perhaps you can come together as one someday [/quote] This option has not been ignored. Give it time.
  20. [img]http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/4809/lsfpropagandaposter2.png[/img]
  21. [img]http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/4524/lsfpropagandaposter.png[/img] Don't say I never did anything for you guys
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