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Everything posted by Maleatu

  1. [quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1292997805' post='2549485'] I asked my magic 8 ball if Sparta's [i]elite and powerful military[/i] was going to have any effect on the outcome of this war. It said no. [/quote] Heh. I saw wut you did thar.
  2. [quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1293049524' post='2550268'] Oh please, we both know you only countered them so you (and your allies) could stomp their allies. They called your bluff, get over it. [/quote] Well played good sir, well played.
  3. [img]http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/5429/newskf.png[/img] [b]Politician defends funding decision[/b] [u] PATOR[/u] - Wentach Mennar, a former member of parliament for the Representative Party, issued a statement today defending the decision to award grant money to the Minmatar People's Theatre for their staging of an admittedly "racist" 600-year-old play entitled ‘Plantation.’ "[i]Grants are made on the basis of the applicant, not on the merits of the project. The MPT has been providing quality theatre here in the capital for over 15 years,[/i]" said Mennar. “T[i]he fact so many people are talking about the play should be proof this troupe knows what they are doing.[/i]” Equality in Action, a media watch group protesting the staging of the play, responded by saying they found nothing funny about "cashing in on racism to fill seats."
  4. Taking a drink from his glass, Sanmatar Shakor smiled broadly. "[i]The Minmatar Republic is always looking to find friends, and we would welcome an opportunity to expand our markets and sell our goods and services abroad. Indeed, we are currently amidst negotiations with the Kingdom of Cochin to expand our land and territory as well as gain access to Cochin markets.[/i]" "[i]We would be honored to join you in a hand of friendship, so long as there are no military or political obligations attached.[/i]"
  5. Payments from the Republic Central Bank have been processed and you should receive them within one business day. While we regret the loss of life for native Kazakhs, it has been noted by your own government that use of force is a fairly routine method of expansion. War is a dirty business, but it is sometimes reluctantly necessary to pursue it. We only hope that our future actions will display our dedication to supporting and building up both Minmatar and Kazakh people to a prosperous level of civilization.
  6. The Minmatar Republic agrees to the legacy treaty in principle and invites Cochin to seek a referendum in the region of Storia. We eagerly await the results. Further to that, I thank the Kingdom of Cochin for it's generous trade and food agreements to our people. They are most appreciated. However, at this time we feel that foreign troops along our border, even if in service to protect us, would not sit well with the people we serve. Nevertheless, we thank you for your offer.
  7. Our people and government have no history of oppression. The Republic is a just government, kept aloft by the consent of it's people. We will not sanction any form of force relocation or resttlement of existing populations. We have it on good authority that most of the major population centers reside on the western and southern areas of Storia. The areas we would seek to gain, are ones to the east. The lands are primarily for goat herding, farming and light industry. There is little existing population, and any residents there would be respected as locals, and welcomed with open arms into the Republic. We would like to inquire as to the future status of Storian territory, and if it might be possible for the Republic to be given administration over those lands and the right to settle our citizens there?
  8. OOC: Ioannes' reply was not marked as private. All private communications have to have a SIC tag to them, or they are public. So essentially, he just shared your communication to the world. His acknowledgment of my reply is further proof of this.
  9. I believe what the representative from Rhodes meant to imply, is if there was a peaceful resolution and the cessation of hostilities did occur, what would be left to honor?
  10. The Minmatar Republic strongly condemns the actions of the Prussian Empire and calls urgently for the cessation of hostilities in Anchorage.
  11. Clearing his throat, PM Shakor leaned forward and spoke. "[i]Plainly, there is no explanation. Refugee and repatriation numbers flowing into the Minmatar Repubic have risen nearly 230% in the last year alone. There is simply not enough arable land and food to sustain our population and resettlement programs.[/i]" Removing a sheet of paper, displaying the intelligence briefing from Republic Military Intelligence, he continued to speak. "[i]This document will show what we believed to be an inactive and government plagued by anarchy. We were unaware of any ownership by the Kingdom of Cochin over the lands in question. Our motives were primarily fueled by a need for living space and desperation for arable land to feed and house our population.[/i]" Sanmatar Shakor waited for his hosts to reply.
  12. [img]http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/5429/newskf.png[/img] PATOR – Minmatar Customs officials have solved part of the mystery surrounding the 'Liberty' pills seized last week in the recent border raid. The nanobots each pill contained appear to have been designed to make their way to strategic parts of the body, including the lungs, where they instigate general hypoxia and eventually lead the subject to quietly expire from oxygen deprivation. The Republic Justice Department have since confirmed the 'Liberty' pill to be behind a mass suicide at Abudban. “[i]We found a similar package containing some extra pills, and autopsies then revealed all the people died in the same manner. We are now relatively certain of the how, we just still don't understand the why,[/i]” said Justice agent Lenz Kaaloaka. Republic Health and Safety officials have called for anyone with any knowledge of the pill or its manufacturers to come forward.
  13. As they traveled from the airport to the location of the meeting, the Minmatar delegation reviewed their notes on the upcoming deliberations. They knew that they would be hard pressed to come up with a logical explanations for the Republic's military operations in Storia. Rolling up to the building, they exited their cars and entered through the main entrance. Turning left in a rather fancy hallway, they entered what looked to be a conference room with the standards of the Cochin military and government on the walls. The minmatar delegation waited for the Cochin representatives to arrive.
  14. [b]Classified[/b] A military transport taxis and takes off from a runway in Matar, inside the Republic. Inside the aircraft is a delegation including Prime Minister Sanmatar Shakor and some of his top advisers. The role of the meeting is to discuss the future of the lands that lie to the west of the Minmatar Republic. Also on the docket, is a full explanation and negotiations on the repercussions of an attack nearly two weeks ago by Minmatar forces. The aircraft makes it's way southward, and lands at a city that is undisclosed to the public. Waiting just outside the plane, the Republican delegation awaits the arrival of their hosts from the Kingdom of Cochin.
  15. The Republic would like to further inquire as to the difference between the rhetoric of those who seek to remove regimes that support this alleged genocide, and those that purport to support it. Is it not merely the same bile and hatred, directed at other nations? You speak of ideologies, and national policies that when in conflict, spark indignation and outrage. But is it not you, who are guilty of the same exportation of idealistic rhetoric? If the Greater Nordic Empire is truly guilty of these crimes, than surely you would be willing to go to any lengths to solidify these allegations and open up multinational talks to resolve the crisis. Not by severing treaties and removing the recognition of nations who do not align with your own camp. If there is one thing we are certain of, is that the exportation of socialism, and other radical agendas is often done best under the guise of humanitarianism, We question not only your motives, but also the visceral reaction to the Empire in question.
  16. [b]Private to Kingdom of Cochin[/b] A delegation will be sent, including the Prime Minister, after the allotted time to meet with your representatives in hopes that a speedy and just reconciliation can be made on behalf of all Minmatar people and to the Kazakh people of Storia.
  17. [img]http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/5429/newskf.png[/img] [b]Military suffers humiliating defeat; Cochin responds to Republican aggression[/b] [u]Republic Transfer Station/Storian Border[/u] - Officials from the Minmatar Defense Forces released information tonight regarding a disastrous attempt to expand the borders of the Minmatar Republic some 50 miles west, into what is now being called a "Cochin Protectorate Zone" by both Republic and Cochin officials. Units from the 1st and 2nd regiments launched a fairly well coordinated attack against the Kingdom of Storia's eastern provinces, across a 100 mile front extending roughly fifty to sixty miles into Storian territory. Meeting no indigenous resistance, Republic forces attempted to stage a foothold in the region, only to be repelled by the threat of force from several Cochin mechanized units massing on the Cochin border. "[i]It was a well planned attack, and it failed through no fault of it's planners or the men and women who carried it out,[/i]" said a senior defense official, who spoke on a condition of anonymity. Officially, the government has yet to announce it's full explanation regarding the recent operations in Storia, though it is rumored that talks are being prepared between the Kingdom of Cochin and the Minmatar Republic.
  18. [b]Private Communications to Kingdom of Cochin[/b] With due respect and deepest regrets, the Prime Minister of the Minmatar Republic wishes to meet with an official from Cochin regarding urgent business. We request that the meeting be held in three days time, pending an investigation and preperation for a full explanation in regards to recent military operations in Storia. Yours Respectfully, [i] Deputy Secretary of State[/i] Department of Foreign Affairs
  19. [b]Classified[/b] One dozen of the recce troops disrobe and change into local civilian clothing, and discard their weapons aside from their combat knives, and sidearms and disperse into the population. The rest of the main army receives orders to retreat before sustaining any significant losses by a Cochin retaliation. Armored and infantry units retreat across the Republican/Storian border and back into friendly territory.
  20. [b]Classified[/b] We will consider your offer. Generally, we do not consort with revolutionary and radical governments, however given that you are extending an olive branch we will deliberate on this.
  21. [quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1292726954' post='2543508'] Selenarctos hopes the Minmatar Republic did not just invade Cochin. [/quote] [b]Department of Foreign Affairs[/b] [i] Due to the high volume of queries to our home offices in Matar, the DoFA is unable to process your query until the following business day. A government official will respond promptly sometime tomorrow. Thank you for your patience.[/i]
  22. OOC: I'm not Omniscient. I cannot tell where every post is, at all times. I'll shoot him a PM.
  23. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1292726765' post='2543471'] France's disgusting propaganda is further proof that this rogue regime has no place in the halls of civil international society. We hereby revoke recognition of the French Regime. Further the United Federation of the East restates its position that any attack made against the Greater Nordic Empire shall be taken as an act of aggression against the United Federation of the East. [/quote] The Minmatar Republic stands in firm support of our friends in the United Federation of the East, and likewise rebuke the blatant propagandist claims by the French government.
  24. [b]1900 MTZ (Minmatar Time Zone)[/b] Several hundred trucks, IFVs and other assorted ammunition, supply and logistical equipment were being moved in a hurry. Dust seemed to cloud the air even as night had fallen nearly two hours ago. The desert was a harsh, and barren landscape and it did not prove to be healthy to Sanmatar's health. He had personally drawn up the plans of this operation three months ago, under his father's watchful eye. When his father had passed away, it fell to him to see the expansion of the Republic come to fruition. Unfortunately, being a field commander was hard on his health. He coughed violently as several tanks drove by, kicking up a cloud of dirt and sand. Sanmatar and several of his aides walked to a nearby tent, where the Field Marshal of the Republic Defense Forces was waiting for a high official to greet them. His look of surprise was quite vivid as Sanmatar entered. "[i]Sir...I thought you were on a state visit?[/i]" the Marshal stammered, trying his best to recover. "[i]That would be my security double. No one outside the Republic has seen my face, since my father's death. It plays to our advantage as it is. We have to maintain the element of surprise, afterall. Is the military prepared?[/i]" Sanmatar asked, taking his seat and looking over a brief prepared earlier in the hour. It displayed the locations of several field units as well as artillery, supply and air defense batteries. "[i]We are fully ready and awaiting further instructions, sir.[/i]" The Marshal replied, also taking a seat. Clearly recovering from his own disadvantage of not expecting the head of state personally, the Marshal also took out his brief document and made some notes as he waited for Sanmatar to reply. "[i]Very well. Have the operation commence immediately. For security purposes, I will be at an undisclosed location, and I would like hourly updates on the progress of the operation from start to finish.[/i]" Rising, he shook the Marshal's hand, who acknowledged the order and rushed off to his aides to comply with the urgent request. Sanmatar entered a bulletproof limo and sped away to the east, off into the desert, presumably to a safe location. --- [b]1920 MTZ - Western Border of The Republic[/b] At precisely 1920, the barrage started. Dozens of 155mm artillery pieces fired into the night sky, and struck positions inside the Kingdom of Storia. The operation, dubbed "[i]Heimdall[/i]", was a coordinated strike to seize the western most lands inside Storia up to 50 miles to secure various strategic resources and desperately need land area for arable and habitation purposes. With the continued rising influx of Minmatar refugees, living space had become a premium commodity amongst a cash strapped government with little land to spare. That left only one option: conquest. The artillery barrage continued for several minutes, of nearly continuous fire. Afterward, the fire slowed to a steady stream of precise strikes at logistical, communications and supply depots. With the initial strikes hitting these, plus the pre positioned defensive clusters of Storian military units along the border, the vanguard force would hopefully achieve complete surprise and engage in force against a significantly weakened force. The first wave of about one thousand infantry and dozens of battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles poured over the border. A few of these groups moved into Storian territory in a coordinated move along a 200 mile front, aiming to push roughly 50 to 70 miles into Storian territory and establish a foothold. In the East, after months of silence, the Dragon had finally awoken...
  25. [size="5"][b]The Minmatar Defense Forces[/b][/size] [u][b]Ground Forces[/b][/u] [i]Roughly 15,500 infantrymen[/i] [i]Various support personnel[/i] [i]150 [url="http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/41176000/jpg/_41176060_300tank-ap.jpg"]T65[/url] MBTs[/i] [u][b]Air Forces[/b][/u] [i]Classified[/i] [u][b]Naval Forces[/b][/u] [i]Classified[/i] [u][b]Rocket Forces[/b][/u] [i]1 [url="http://www.scudwatch.org/images/scud001.jpg"]R-11[/url] SRBMs (conventional)[/i]
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