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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. Guatemala City was quite a spectacle-- and granted, that was coming from someone who'd grown up during the fall of the Holy American Empire, so Alex had anything but an impressive list of things to compare it to. But impressive nonetheless-- Tikal certainly seemed like it was going to more than validate its reputation for technological wonder, a conclusion the Executor had come to even before she was approached by what looked like a fucking robot of all things. [I]Am I on a diplomatic venture or did I just step into an Asimov novel?[/I] Alex mused as the robot--woman-- [I]that one[/I] approached. "Welcome to the Principality of Tikal, Diplomat Alex Valverde," she said, provoking a raised eyebrow from Alex. "Er-- thank you, but I'm not exactly a 'diplomat', per se." "My name is Xochitl Necalli," the woman continued, absolutely unfettered by Alex's words. "If you like, you can call me just 'Xo'. I have been assigned as your guard for today. Please follow me - I will escort you to your personal vehicle for the duration of your visit. As you will be visiting her Highness personally, Royal Guard may deem it necessary to escort you to her." ".. alright," Alex replied-- she woulda been lying if she said she wasn't a bit bemused by the woman and her... er, how d'you put it charitably? [I]Quirks?[/I] Alex frowned. [I]Actually, that sounds even more dickish. Maybe I should just leave it at 'a bit bemused'.[/I] Nevertheless, she followed Necalli, through the VTOL escort, down to a massive spire that Alex figured was probably the Tikal centre of government. [I]Fuckin' hell,[/I] the Executor mused with a mixture of awe and a hint of dubiety. [I]Even the Holy American Empire of yore wasn't this grandiose. Feel kinda like a fish outta water.[/I] A wry smile came to her lips-- Isabel woulda had a fuckin' seizure by now. But then, Alex figured she also probably woulda had a heart attack outta joy. If anybody was the sort to jump for joy at the prospect of livin' in a sci-fi novel... well, it was sure as hell gonna be the premier. Upon arrival, Alex gave a grunt of thanks to Necalli as she helped her out (and suppressed the urge to recoil in horror at the constant smile that graced the bizarre woman's face). From the entrance of the spire, some twelve or so women in rather gaudy apparel emerged-- according to Necalli, they were the Guard. [I]They're all female and dressed like red-gold peacocks,[/I] Alex observed as astutely as ever, before Necalli took her leave. "I will be waiting here for your return, Diplomat Valverde. Until then." "Not exactly a diplomat," Alex couldn't help but murmur under her breath, before raising her voice to thank Necalli once more and following the silent Guard into the interior of the spire. The Executor's stride was straightforward and confident, though she was a bit unnerved by the stark contrast between slightly disconcertingly friendly Necalli, and the clearly less than sociable Guard. But hey-- maybe they'd get her title right this time. Not that she was bitter about being called a diplomat-- shit, titles didn't mean jack shit to her, it was just... ... okay, maybe she was just a bit bitter about being called a diplomat.
  2. The compromise was rejected, given Paraguay was in no position to negotiate over its participation in an aggressive invasion of sovereign SAO territory, but the arrival of Secretary Scavo to mend relations with local administrations in the wake of strained relations was seen as a promising olive branch and an encouraging sign that perhaps it would not need to come down to further violence.
  3. Well, this should be interesting. Alex Valverde-- or 'Executor Valverde', though that was sure as hell something that'd take some gettin' used to-- could not claim to be entirely without apprehension. But then, this was her first diplomatic venture-- she supposed it was as natural to feel a vague sense of anxiety at such a point as it had been during her first battle, her initial foray into the military lifestyle that she had believed at the time would become the rest of her life. That kid she'd been would never have foreseen the turn of events that led her to this time and place, with this title and this authority, but she suspected the same could have been said for her aunt-- for Premier Vieira. Shit, it seemed like just a day ago she had been a mere colonel, the commander of what had then been the Paraense marines, generally expected by the public and by her colleagues to replace the aging General Francisco Vara as the director of defence. If anybody could have predicted that instead the Paraense civil government would have been completely overhauled, its senate replaced with a small, centralised Tribunal and Colonel Valverde placed at the helm of that body as the Executor of the Premier's will, the second figure on the newly formed power chain, then Alex wanted to meet that modern Tiresias. Maybe they could help her find her old Minor Threat tape-- she'd been looking for that shit for a good year now. That being said, it was certainly not an overwhelming sense of anxiety that Alex felt at that point-- merely a vague hint dogging at an otherwise naturally confident demeanour. The former marine was not one to be undone by apprehension at being hurled into an unfamiliar setting: though by no means the most exploratory of sorts (it'd taken years for her aunt to convince her to open her heart to the joys of some good death metal), she wasn't too thoroughly unsettled by new horizons. Who knows, she mused idly as the plane bearing her unto Guatemala City gradually sank from the clouds down toward the runway where she was destined to begin her first diplomatic venture. Could be good.
  4. ... diplomatically speaking, anyways. When the Republic of Para had become the Federal Hierarchy of Amazonia, the name and the system of governance were not the only things that changed-- hell, it wasn't even just that the Hierarchy began to take a more aggressive stance in South America itself, what with its intervention in Peru. Diplomatically, the horizons were widening. Where previously the Republic had been concerned solely with South America, Premier Vieira now felt it was more prudent to look elsewhere-- not too far elsewhere, they weren't about to start rubbing elbows with the Tianxians. Instead, she cast her judgment northwards-- to where lay Tikal. A notoriously advanced nation, its well known technological capacities surpassing the boundaries of the greatest nations of the planet, Tikal made a prime first venture in the Hierarchy's tentative outreaches to the world beyond South America. Furthermore, it would make a good first diplomatic move for the newly instated Executor Alex Valverde, who, having built a career on the military much as her aunt had, could have used the... er, 'practice', so to speak. Therefore, the Executor prepared a quick, to the point and respectful communique, expressing interest in opening diplomatic relations with Tikal, and sent it through the appropriate avenues to Tikal's leadership.
  5. The Federal Hierarchy of Amazonia calls upon the other nations of the South American Organisation to take action against Bolivia's recent [URL=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/118766-chasing-shadows/]invasion of Peru[/URL] with evident intent to annex the territory. This was not preceded by any attempt to take into account the interests of the populace, nor was there any communication with SAO personnel before this violent action was taken. This proves Bolivia to be a destabilising presence in South America-- akin to the former incarnation of Paraguay, which took much the same action and was quickly forced to abandon its imperialist venture.
  6. "That was not a request. Bolivia and Paraguay have twenty four hours to begin withdrawing their soldiers from sovereign SAO territory. Your unlawful excursion will no longer be tolerated. When Bolivian and Paraguayan forces have departed the territory, Federal forces will aid SAO personnel in re-establishing SAO control of Peru. It will not become a Bolivian territory." Classified Two further divisions of Federal Marines were prepared for combat, as well as the First and Second Air Forces and the Federal Navy in the event that aggressive action against Paraguay or Bolivia proved necessary. Military satellites began to focus in on the affected territory to map out key insurgent hold outs for targetting by drone campaigns, and Global Hawk UAVs launched from Federal stations for Peru-- these drones were to soar 60,000 feet over the ground, surveying the situation with high resolution synthetic aperture radar and long-range electro-optical/infrared sensors. Furthermore, the Federal Hierarchy made an announcement in which it called upon other SAO nations to take preventive action against Bolivia's annexation of the territory without evidence of any attempt to gauge the populace's own interests, and certainly without request to the SAO.
  7. Someday people will come to their senses and I will get more than one nomination ;_;
  8. The Federal Hierarchy of Amazonia has stood by and watched this senseless conflict rage on for far too long. The unlawful invasion of Bolivia into Peru-- sovereign territory of the SAO-- is not tolerable, and has led to the demise of seven thousand innocent civilians due to the handling of the conflict by Bolivia and Paraguay-- two nascent nations with a strong lack of experience in dealing with such issues. Bolivia and Paraguay will withdraw from the combat zone and instead allow a coalition of SAO nations to restore peace to Peru and bring these 'Cardinals' to justice. Classified In anticipation of the impending mlitary action, the Federal military was mobilised: the First Division of the Federal Marine Force, totalling twenty five thousand soldiers, was readied for action, as was transport to bear them across SAO territory to the warzone to put down the Cardinals' insurrection once and for all. ((About time I posted-- had to deal with some shit that nearly got me doomed to inactivity :v))
  9. Hey Vince, another request for the next map update-- could you please change the Republic of Para's name to the Federal Hierarchy of Amazonia? Reckon a name change is necessary seeing as it's no longer a republic and certainly no longer simply Para. Thanks a lot.
  10. Fervidor The inevitable had at last come to pass-- the Senate had ever been Premier Vieira's foe at every turn, opposing her in every respect and foiling her campaign for a swift, efficient, streamlined decision-making process. But now, that was to be no more-- Vieira had completely overturned the civil government, dissolving the Senate with a single word... and the people, absolute in their trust of her dedication, zealously loyal to the former war hero, the figure singly responsible for the creation of their independent nation, gave no protest. If anything, there was nothing but support amongst the populace, and the precious voice of dissent was all too often shouted down by the masses. After all, it was well known that the premier only ever acted in the interests of the nation she had struggled and sacrificed to create, and if eliminating the Senate as a means of creating a more efficient government system would result in a more competent leadership, who were they to complain? Replacing the Senate was the Tribune of Viziers, each appointed by the Premier and subject to promotion or removal by her own will-- a smaller, more centralised committee of regional officers with direct authority in carrying out the Premier's will over their respective territory. Overseeing the Tribune as the only other authority other than the Viziers and the Premier was the Executor-- a position to be filled by former general Alejandra Valverde. The Executor took orders directly from the Premier, issued them to the Tribune, and ensured their proper execution to the full extent of the Premier's will. Beneath the Tribune of Viziers remained, of course, the general framework of the civil government-- this too was being restructured in keeping with the new, more efficient system put in place. The lower echelons of the government were reorganised into the form of a strict hierarchy-- a rigid ladder consisting of increasing tiers of civil authority leading up to the Tribune itself, with subordinates beneath to be commanded and authorities above to take commands from. The immediate nature of the hierarchy, the direct essence of its business conduction, would ensure that orders from Premier Vieira would pass through Executor Valverde, to the respective regional governors of the Tribune, down through the hierarchy, and be carried out exactly as issued from the Premier's lips. This system was designed such that if any cog in the machine proved defective, or ceased to function properly, it could swiftly and easily be replaced by the next in line, necessitating little time wasted in elections and the possibility of an incompetent successor. With the dissolution of the Senate, of course, the nation was no longer a Republic, and with the acquisition of Venezuela, its primary bulk of territory was no longer centralised in Pará. This Alex Valverde addressed in her first speech as Executor, detailing to the masses of zealously supportive citizens all changes made to the government as described. "The age of the Republic of Pará is now drawing to a close," she announced with a bold smile masking the vague sense of uncertainty that dogged her even then. "We are now witness to the dawn of the day of the Federal Hierarchy of Amazonia."
  11. With the recent acquisition of Venezuela and Guyana, it was necessary to begin immediate measures to bring both these new territories 'up to speed', so to speak, in terms of civil and military infrastructure. Civil infrastructure development was, of course, more or less straightforward: one feels little compunction to expound in detail upon the transition of administrative duties, maintenance of highways, electric and water systems, etc, etc. Colonel Renan Veloso was assigned by the premier to oversee the conduction of her military reforms in the newly acquired territories, though he functioned in all truth as little more than a method of systematising Isabel's ability to apply her will to the more distant reaches of the Republic-- calling him an instrument would have been to lend him far more autonomy than he really possessed. Therefore, though the order to begin the facilitation of a large air base amidst the Maracaibo Lowlands emerged from his lips, it was well understood every decision he issued had long since been mulled over and made by the premier herself. Meanwhile, a wide-scale training programme was being initiated across the army, focusing in particular on the marines as the spearhead of the Paráense army: equipped with specialised tactical battle armour and Warrior-X Boomerang acoustic triangulation systems, the Paráense marines had adopted a doctrine of quick, tactical strikes, using to their significant advantage the integrated nature of the Paráense military. Each soldier was equipped with a Warrior-X Boomerang system which could zero in on the origin of a gunshot, triangulate range, elevation, and azimuth, and feed this information to all integrated forces in the region, and was linked up to a software/radio system built into the gear based on Enhanced Position Location Reporting System, a secure, jam resistant, computer controlled communications network that distributed near real-time tactical information, generally integrated into radio sets, and coordinated by a Network Control Station. Each soldier's armour was similarly tailored to provide an integrated, advanced, tactical combat advantage: the Tactical Battle Armour was embellished with a lightweight helmet with a computer and OLED display that provided various information from digital maps and troop locations down to their weapon-mounted video camera, which would also enable the soldier to see and fire around corners. As such, the new training programme was designed not only to aid marines in adjusting to this integrated combat experience and in using their technological advantages, but also, of course, it did not depend entirely on the new systems. After all, what use was a marine if they were worthless outside their armour? The training was to advance the army's ability to fight adversaries who utilised guerrilla tactics, as well as their ability to use guerrilla tactics against technologically superior opponents against whom the military's advanced integrated systems would not be such an advantage.
  12. This here is why I ain't no geography major. I'll have to reconsider the whole thing and possibly either edit or retcon depending on how the rest of the SAO reckons it. Thanks for recognising my derp, Eva. Would have saved me massively facepalming [I]after[/I] Vince updated with what I requested.
  13. I'm pretty sure I already possess Guyana and Suriname, but if there is indeed a buffer between Pará's current holdings and Venezuela, unless there is any protest, I ask that that also be added. After all, if there is such buffer territory, I'm fairly certain it would be negligible in area.
  14. Please mark Venezuela as part of Pará as per [URL=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/118162-new-south-american-organization-thread/?p=3175499]this post[/URL].
  15. With recent calls by representative parties in Venezuela for integration as a full state into the Republic of Pará, the South American Organisation held a referendum in which several options were offered to the people of Venezuela-- these options included sovereign independence, continued existence as a territory of the SAO, and, needless to say, integration into Pará. Ultimately, popular vote proved overwhelmingly in favour of the latter, and with SAO observers confirming the veracity of the polls' results, the shift from SAO territory to Paráense state was conducted, with both the SAO and Paráense working to implement a smooth and beneficial change for the people of Venezuela. ((Chairman was never on the map: they asked for the land and then went inactive, which would be the third time they've done that, so I decided to just absorb Venezuela myself. Approved by other members of the SAO.))
  16. The landscape of South America was changing. The Imperio Republica had expanded, a move which had caused Isabel some trepidation, given the expansion more or less jutted right into Paráense territory. Further south, Argentina had used its pursuit of Nordic Socialist elements to justify a wide-scale inflation that enabled it to absorb Chile, as well as a number of nearby islands, into its territory. Several new nations had come to fruition, one of whom shared a border with Pará itself. Meanwhile, she assumed some shit was happening in Uruguay, but then, you never really could know with Uruguay. The whole country coulda just up and died and nobody woulda figured it out for years. More to the point, however, with many of South America's older nations gobbling up more land, and nascent nations rising to alter the status quo, Isabel felt it was necessary for Pará itself to burgeon. It wasn't for any nationalistic or egotistical reason-- [I]hell no. It's never been about anything like that. It's purely... stability.[/I] South America had seen a largely peaceful status quo-- what better way to maintain the status quo than by ensuring more land was under the auspices of the continent's oldest and most stable nation? To prevent that land from falling into the hands of a newborn nation whose development was an unstable variable, to prevent territory from being absorbed by larger, more powerful nations whose stability could not be guaranteed? Isabel knew the only certain way she could guarantee the stability of South America was if she ensured at least much of it was not subject to that uncertainty. And in the interests of pursuing this aim, she had been discreetly but surely increasing the presence of Paráense peacekeepers, personnel, and administrators involved in volunteer work with the SAO in the territory of former Venezuela, for the sake of easing a future transition to Paráense authority, for the purpose of manufacturing a sense of alliance and siblinghood between Venezuela and Pará, with the end goal being that ultimately, it wouldn't even be necessary to deliberately and openly pursue the integration of Venezuela into the Republic. The people of Venezuela themselves would go to the South American Organisation and request that they be permitted to become a part of the Paráense Republic-- and Isabel, naturally, would oblige the wishes of the people, as she always had. [I]Admittedly a little Harkonnen-esque, but it's like they say-- you can't bring peace to a continent without a few devious, needlessly complicated plottings. At least, I think they say that.[/I] Well, it'd worked: gradually, voices speaking of the possibility of integration with the Republic began to appear within Venezuela, and they gained traction quickly, until it was no longer a possibility, but a general consensus amongst much of the populace that they wished to share the nationality of the volunteers who had given much to a territory that had endured much hardship in its times of independence. The days of the Tianxian invasion still hung heavy over the heads of Venezuelans, to say nothing of the subsequent collapse of their sovereign nation, and now they sought stability in the arms of the continent's most long-lived nation.
  17. "Given the recent speculation of smugglers in the SRCB, the Republic of Pará has seen it prudent to increase security on the border it shares with that nation until the issue can be properly analysed by all parties. Furthermore, I wish to make it clear that should there prove to be a significant smuggler presence in the SRCB, I urge the SRCB to deal with it quickly and internally before it becomes a continental problem." - Isabel Vieira, Premier
  18. The SAO had been monitoring Garcia's independence movement and had found it had come to largely represent the will of the people in the Venezuelan territory. Therefore, SAO director Alice dos Santos gave the organisation's approval of Garcia's request, and an election was conducted under the SAO's auspices. As projected due to the support of the independence movement prior to the elections, the people of Venezuela voted overwhelmingly in favour of independence with Esteban Garcia as their first head of state: the fairness and freedom of this election was guaranteed by SAO observers. With a successful transfer of power with the will of the people respected, and a guarantee that democratic institutions would be respected, many SAO personnel departed Venezuela, with a number remaining to ease the transition to independence, train the new administration in maintaining the infrastructure and institutions of Venezuela, or even lingering behind to seek citizenship in the newly independent Venezuela.
  19. Shamm-- Goddammit Shammy. Yawoo, Melech, Justinian.
  20. Meanwhile in the Republica do Para, much research was being done on that most marvellous of recent technological marvels of communication, the carrier pigeon.
  21. Not unexpectedly, Isabel was finding the 'ball' to be anything but the most eventful of affairs. The premier found herself for the most part wandering along, occasionally indulging in some of the little snack foods borne upon platters held aloft by servers in immaculate formal clothing that rivalled the most gaudy accoutrements of the attendees themselves. Many of them-- the attendees, as it were-- were lower level dignitaries and diplomats and therefore unrecognisable to Isabel. Thus, for the initial interval of the conclave, Isabel condemned herself to a bit of listless to-and-fro, content to bide her time and wait until a familiar face, perhaps, made itself known to her. It was not a long wait. Shortly thereafter, Isabel discerned, weaving through the crowd with another person whom Isabel did not recognise, the face of one Benito Chavez-- an Amazonian officer whom she recognised from the meeting in Treefort during the debacle with Paraguay. Etched into the hard lines of his countenance, Isabel perceived a hint of artifice-- the mien of someone doing a very good job of pretending they want to be there. A bare hint of a smirk touched at the thin lips of the old ex-soldier-- that was an expression all too familiar to her. The premier approached the major general as he gazed through the ballroom vigilantly. "I'm guessing you drew the short straw?" she said astutely by way of greeting with a shrewd smile.
  22. Isabel Vieira was not generally one for parties. Okay, granted, it was a ball, but really, what was a ball except for a particularly fancy party that also led to some pretty hilarious misunderstandings when referred to in the plural? Either way, large gatherings of people were not her forte-- never had been. At best, they tested her calm and implacable facade with the sort of cursed social anxiety that had dogged her all her life. At worst, they were wastes of time. And in any case, her own baseline figuring was that whether you called it a ball, a get-together, a banquet, or a goddamn pow-wow, it was probably more trouble than it was worth to attend. But if there was gonna be a convocation of South America's leaders, then a representative of the continent's most senior nation neglecting to be present was inexcusable. And of course, 'a representative' was always going to be the premier, as she was loathe to entrust the vital business of intercontinental relations to anyone but herself. Delegating? Also another thing she wasn't too fond of. The towering ex-marine entered the vastness of the ballroom and immediately felt something like a sensation of dizziness at the sheer scale of it. 'Like a fish outta water' would have been all too appropriate a metaphor for the old soldier-turned-baffled-head-of-state who found herself almost daunted by the spectacle. [I]How very grandiose,[/I] she mused mordantly, reminded in a way of the incredibly pomp-and-circumstance functions often held back in the old Holy American Empire. It was all very majestic, very ornate-- a little garish, if she had to be entirely honest with herself, but what fun would life have been if all things were simply practical? Would sure as hell have been a lot more efficient, sure, but it wouldn't have been exciting worth a shit. Realising she was rambling purely for the sake of keeping up a facade of calm in an uncertain setting, Isabel ran a hand through the short black bristles of her hair as if doing so would brush away the unease, an old habit, and then shoved her hands into the pockets of her trousers, heterochromatic eyes-- one a shade of forest green, the other a mottled brown-- scanning over the ballroom. Delegates from various nations, officials of the Imperio Republica itself, swarming amidst the thickets of dancing attendees whose picture perfect tuxedos and comically spectacular dresses made the premier feel very comfortably under-dressed. All co-existing on the dance floor that Isabel was fairly certain she was gonna avoid like the plague if she didn't wanna start an international incident through the sheer hilarity of her attempting to dance.
  23. In my day, we had to post both ways uphill in the snow [I]and[/I] the heat! Not even gonna mention the hail.
  24. Classified With the expansion of Pará's satellite network, anti-satellite measures were also receiving focus. The missile corps had begun producing long-range kinetic kill ASMs capable of reducing satellites in medium earth orbit to shreds, which were to be used to destroy enemy capabilities to use assets in space for intelligence operations in the event of military conflict. In addition to these anti-satellite defences, the military had begun to deploy its network of specialised satellites. These satellites utilised lasers, infrared, and synthetic aperture radar functions to perform a variety of operations including NAASW (Non-Acoustic Anti-Submarine Warfare), ICBM launch detection, satellite tracking, MASINT, SIGINT, and IMINT. Recent expansions to the Paráense Air Force had also recently been conducted under the auspices of the premier herself, noting the absolute vitality of an effective, modern air force in controlling the battlefield. For this purpose, the F-35's phasing had been conducted at a rapid pace, not only supplanting the F22 but also augmenting the diminished ranks of the older Raptor.
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